I Wouldn't Mind

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I'm trying to learn this song on my ukulele (I play the ukulele :3) so I have it stuck in my head. Last night I couldn't sleep so I was thinking of one shot ideas, and this came to my head :3 Modern AU! I DON'T OWN THIS SONG!! (It's down there XD) (This is gonna be pretty bad XD)

~Lance's POV~

  Today is Keith's and I big day. Today is our wedding! I've never been so nervous in my life, but I've also never been so excited. Keith and I wanted to write our own vows, and I technically didn't, but I hope he likes this? I'm gonna sing a song by He is We called I wouldn't mind.
  The ceremony starts in five minutes. Keith is the one standing where a groom would stand, so I'm walking down the aisle; in a tux, of corse.
  The piano started, so everyone started walking down. Shiro is Keith's best man, Hunk is my best man, Pidge is the flower girl, Coran is the pastor, and Allura is both our maids of honor.
  First was Pidge. She walked down the aisle, throwing flowers, and smiling. Then was Hunk and Shiro. Once they got to the main part, they parted ways. Shiro stood a little away from Keith and Hunk stood a little away from where I would stand. Then Allura walked down. She stood next to Shiro. Finally, it was my turn.
  Mama grabbed my hand, "Ready?" She asked in a soft voice. My heart was going insane, I felt like I was going to be sick from nerves, but yet I was excited. I nodded confidently, so we started walking down the aisle; Mama had her arm wrapped around my elbow.
  As soon as I started walking, I noticed Keith. He looked fantastic; I'm surprised I didn't start blushing. He and I were looking into each other's eyes the entire time I was walking. I honestly forgot everyone else was there; it felt like just Keith and I.
  Coran was already up there when I arrived, so he went ahead and started.
  He said the normal stuff pastors say at weddings, so I wasn't really absorbing the words. All I could focus on was Keith. His violet eyes were teary, his pale cheeks had a pink tint to them, and he was smiling; I've honestly never seen him so happy. He was wearing a black tux with a red rose in the little pocket (idk what it's called XD).
  "You may say your vows now," Coran said.
  I nodded and raised a single finger, "Okay, so you know how you said we were going to write our vows? I didn't exactly write them myself. I'm gonna sing a song!" I said excitedly. Keith nodded, his cheeks turning even redder.
  "So that's why there's a guitar in the corner," Keith chuckled. I smiled widely and walked over to the guitar, picking it up, then I walked back over to Keith. Hunk already knew what I was going to do, so he put a stool out for me. I said thanks, sat down, cleared my throat, and started to sing:


  At one point I started crying while singing. Keith and I were looking into each other's eyes the entire time, so I noticed when he started to cry a little too.
  After I finished singing the song, I put the guitar back, moved the stool, and went back up to Keith.
  "Okay, I lied. I did write some of my own vows," I chuckled. The crowd did a light laugh, probably to be nice.
  I wiped Keith's tears, grabbed his hands, and looked into his eyes, "Keith Kogane, my soon to be husband.. how crazy is that? Before we met, I had my heart broken countless times by boys and girls alike. Lovers, family members, friends, most of them broke my heart. Most of them left me. I was a flirt. Everyone I saw, I flirted with, and I never told anyone why. I wanted to find someone who would actually love me. Someone who would stay with me. Someone who could put up with me. At first, we didn't get along. I always said you were my rival. Do you know why I said that?" I asked, and he shook his head, still crying a bit. I stopped to wipe his tears before continuing, not even bothering to do anything with my fallen tears, "I was so, so in love with you. It was my defense mechanism. I wanted someone to love, but I was scared of them leaving me again. So, when I finally found you, the person I love move than anything in this entire world, I tried to push you away. My heart couldn't take another heartbreak. My heart was sick of aching all the time. But overtime, I couldn't take pushing you away anymore. I stopped being so.. annoying. I stopped flirting. Desperately, I hoped you would notice I changed. And you did. We started to get along. I asked you on our first date 7 years ago. You agreed. It honestly was a pretty bad date on my part; all I did was set up was a picnic. But you loved it. A couple dates later, I asked you to be my boyfriend. You said yes, and I'm so glad you did.. yes, we have had our bumps, our fights, but everyone does. I will never, ever stop loving you, Keith Kogane. I promise I will always be there for you; when you feel hopeless, when you're sick, when you just want a break from everything, I will never leave you. I'd be insane to even think about leaving you. I can't live without you. You mean.. everything.. to me.. plus, don't you think Lance Kogane has a nice ring to it?" He chuckled and nodded. I wiped his tears once more before finishing, "I love you, and I will always love you."
  Everyone clapped. Keith hugged wrapped his arms around my neck, still staring into my eyes.
  "Well my vows are pretty bad compared to yours," Keith chuckled. I kissed his cheek and whispered into his ear.
"I'm sure your vows are amazing, Love."
  He blushed, cleared his throat, and started with his arms still wrapped around my neck, "Lance McClain, I love you more than anything in this world. I didn't have the best childhood, as you know, so I didn't really ever believe in love. But then I met you. You with you beautiful, blue eyes. Yes, we never did get along too well. We were in high school, though, can you blame us for acting like idiots?" He chuckled. He removed one hand from around my neck and wiped my tears, leaving his hand on my cheek, "I was always a jerk to everyone. Nobody was ever kind to be, so I thought why should I be nice to them? You know how you said we were 'rivals?'" He asked, and I nodded, "I always loved that. I have no idea why, but I did. Secretly, I was jealous of you. But then you started to change, and it kind of scared me. I thought I did something. However, then you asked me out. I didn't realize I had feelings for you before that day. I didn't realize the feeling in my stomach whenever I saw you was love, as cheesy as that sounds. Lance, I love you more than anything in this world, and nothing will ever change that. We were dating for 7 years before I finally proposed. When I did, however, I was so, so nervous. I thought you were gonna laugh in my face when I did. But, to my surprise, you started to cry. I thought you were so revolted that you started to cry, but they were tears of happiness. You said yes a million times while hugging me. You've made me the happiest man alive, and I couldn't live without you," Keith finished. We were both crying as the crowd cheered.
  "You may now kiss the groom," Coran said happily.
  Keith and I gladly kissed. It was a slow, long, but loving kiss. The crowd was cheering even more. When we finally pulled apart, we sat our forehead against each other's.
  "I love you.." we whispered in unison, making us both laugh.
  "I wouldn't mind this.. at all.." I sang quietly.

Ehh. Idk how I feel about that. It's too fluffy in my opinion XD whatever
Word Count: 1430

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