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This is an AU where Keith is a YouTuber. Lance and Keith are in a long distance relationship, so Keith decides to surprise him! (Klance) (Maybe a little cussing? I dunno.)

~3rd Person~

Keith was sitting in an airport, on the ground, talking to a small, black camera.
"Hey guys!" He started, waving slightly, "So, if you don't know, my boyfriend, Lance, and I are currently in a long distance relationship. I live in Texas, and he lives in Arizona for school- he's majoring in Astrology at college. Well, I haven't seen Lance in.. almost 4 months. We text, call, and face time everyday, but it's just not the same. Currently, he's doing finals, and, in celebration, we planned to see each other next week, after the finals are over. But I decided to fly in early! He has no idea that I'm coming early; only his roommate, Hunk, knows. Hunk is, actually, helping me surprise him! I'm about to board the plane, so I'll update you guys later!"
Keith turned the camera off, got up, wiped his pants, grabbed his bags, and walked through the gate to enter the plane.

|\/\/|Time Skip|\/\/|

Keith was standing in a dorm, setting up his camera. A big guy, Hunk, was next to him.
"Lance should be back in about 10 minutes, Keith," Hunk said, hiding Keith's luggage in the corner, behind a couple of plants. It looked suspicious, but you couldn't see the luggage, at least.
"Okay!" Keith replied, turning on the camera. The camera was behind the TV, slightly poking out.
"I hid the camera. Hopefully Lance doesn't see it," Keith chuckled, turning to Hunk, "This is Hunk, Lance's best friend and roommate. He helped me come up with a plan: Hunk greets Lance when he comes home. They talk for a little bit, and then Hunk says he has to get something from his room. The something is me," Keith chuckled again, "And then I surprise Lance!"
"Okay, go hide in my room," Hunk said, looking at his watch, "He usually says he'll get home at a certain time, but he always comes about 5 minutes early."
Keith smiled, "I'm really nervous," He chuckled, running into a room.
Hunk chuckled, "They're adorable together."

A couple minutes later, Lance walked in. He looked distraught. Tired.
"Hey, Buddy! Welcome home!" Hunk exclaimed.
"Hey, Hunk.." Lance replied, running a hand through his hair, setting his backpack on the floor.
"Is something bothering you?" Hunk asked, concerned.
Tears formed in Lance's eyes, "I miss him, Hunk.. I know I'm seeing him next week, but I don't want to have to wait another week. My heart aches. I want to hug him, kiss him, cuddle, see his beautiful face.. I want him to tell me everything's fine, run his fingers through my hair.. I miss him so damn much.."
Hunk got up from the couch, walked over to Lance, and gave him a hug, "You'll see him soon."
Lance sighed and ran his fingers through his hair again, a tear rolling down his cheek. He chuckled, wiping the tear.
"Sorry. I'm just stressed. Finals suck.." He apologized quietly.
Hunk smiled, patting him on the back, "Yeah. At least you only have 2 more, right?"
"3, but yeah."
Hunk smiled, "Hey, I'm gonna go get something from my room. Be right back!" Hunk exclaimed, running down the hall. Lance cocked his head in confusion.
A minute later, Hunk walked back out, Keith hiding behind his back.
"Laaaance?" Hunk sang, "I have a surprise!"
"Hm? Why? Oh god, is today something important? What day is it?!"
Hunk chuckled, "No, nothing is happening today.."
Lance cocked his head in confusion. Keith smiled, jumped out from behind, and held out his arms.
"Surprise!" Keith yelled.
Lance screamed, covering his mouth with one hand. Tears started to fall down his cheeks, one by one, before an onslaught of tears glided down his cheeks. Lance ran forward and jumped on Keith, wrapping his legs around Keith's waist, his arms wrapped tightly around Keith's neck. Keith laughed, wrapping his arms around Lance's back.
  "Hey, Babe," Keith whispered, hugging his boyfriend tightly.
  "Hi," Lance replied, laughing and crying at the same time.
"How're you?" Keith asked, chuckling.
"Better now that you're here.." Lance replied, nuzzling his head into Keith's neck.
  "Jesus, you're so sappy," Keith chuckled, his cheeks tinted light pink.
  "How come you didn't tell me you were coming early?" Lance asked, still hugging him.
  "You know last time we saw each other and we were watching YouTube videos of boyfriends surprising their boyfriends?" Keith asked; Lance nodded.
  "Well, I doubt you remember this, you said you wanted that to happen to you one day. So I decided to make your wish a reality.." Keith finished, his cheeks flushed. Hunk smiled at them, winked at the camera, and walked into a different room.
  "Awww! Baaaabe," Lance squealed, squeezing Keith tighter, "That's so sweet.." Keith started walking around the room, smiling.
  "I missed you.." Lance whispered, lifting his head. He had a huge smile, tears of happiness were still streaming down his face.
  "I missed you too.." Keith responded.
  Lance chuckled, put both of his hands on Keith's cheeks, and kissed him. It was a short kiss; both of them were smiling, so it was hard to keep it going.
After they pulled apart, Keith put Lance down, after protesting from Lance's part. Instead, Lance wrapped his arms around Keith's neck, resting his head on Keith's shoulder. Keith put his hands on Lance's hips.
  "How's school?" Keith asked.
  "Stressful. How's everything in Texas?"
  "Nothing special," Keith chuckled, "After your finals, you're graduating, right?"
  Lance nodded.
  "We should move in together.." Keith suggested.
  Lance's head shot up, his eyes wide, "Really?" He asked, his voice filled with hope. Keith chuckled again.
  "Yeah. We could live in Texas since I already have my own place. Also, only you and Hunk live here in Arizona, so Hunk could move in with Shay, since they're dating. We would all be together again. Like in high school."
  "I'm assuming you already asked Shay about this since you're suggesting it?" Lance asked, bouncing on his toes from excitement.
"And you probably already told Hunk since you were alone with him?"
Keith chuckled, "Yup."
"I would like that then.." Lance said quietly, his cheeks painted red.
  Keith smiled and pecked Lance's lips, "I love you."
  "I love you too," Lance responded, putting his head back on his boyfriend's shoulder.

Ehhh. I hope you liked that?
Word Count: 1089

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