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So I wanted to make something where Lance was captured by the Galra, but I don't know what to do for torture; therefore, I've decided to do an aftermath of him being captured. If that makes sense. Hope you enjoy!!


  Lance was captured by the Galra for 2 weeks and 6 days. When team Voltron finally found him, he was broken physically and mentally. Whenever someone tried to touch him, he flinched. He had PTSD now, and would often wake up in the middle of the night screaming, thus causing the other paladins to wake up. He didn't make jokes for awhile, and the team appreciated that. Lance soon started to make jokes again to try and lift up his mood, and, for awhile, no one cared. Then it went back to normal: the glares, scoffs, scoldings, etc. This hurt Lance a lot, but he didn't show anyone. Now, on with the story...

~Lance's POV~

  I was rescued from the Galra about a month ago, and I've finally started to act like my old self. I still have nightmares, flashbacks out of no where, and people touching me still scares me, but I think I've come along way. I started telling jokes again, but no one cared.
  Then, Keith started yelling at me again after I told jokes. After Keith started yelling, everyone except Coran and Hunk would yell at me. It's like they were scared of breaking me before Keith yelled at me.
  Name calling started up again. Being called worthless by Keith, disappointment by Pidge, screw-up by Allura, and useless by Shiro. I put up a mask, and I act like it doesn't bother me, but it does. The Galra called me names, and now it just... scares (?) me more I guess.
  One day, however, I broke after the name calling. During training I didn't hit a bot, and Shiro, Allura, Keith, and Pidge started yelling at me. It was just one bot. It's not that big a deal! But noooooo. They had to call me names, put me down, make me feel worthless. I couldn't take it anymore.
  "Lance, stop being so usele-" I cut Shiro off.
  "You know what? I'm SICK of all this! I've always been loyal to you. I faced physical and mental torture for weeks to protect you guys, and you just insult me on being worthless, useless, screw-up, and a disappointment," at this point my voice was laced with venom and hatred, "but I don't see any of you guys doing that! I don't see you having nightmares and flashbacks of TORTURE! If I was such a 'screw-up' I would have broke and told them where you were. If I was a 'disappointment' you would all be DEAD! If I was 'worthless' or 'useless' you guys would be begging for mercy at the feet of the Galra. So don't you DARE think about calling me those things ever again! I always joke to try and lift your moods. Try to life MY moods, because my stupid jokes help me feel better. But nooooooo! You all, except Hunk and Coran, think I'm so worthless, useless, and stupid, and, to be honest, IM STARTING TO BELIEVE YOU. HAPPY?! WAS THAT YOUR GOAL?? TO BREAK ME EVEN MORE?" I paused, waiting for an answer, "oh now look at you! You can't even RESPOND! How cute," I finished. By the end of my 'speech' my face was red from anger, I was panting, and everyone was staring at me in awe. I didn't wait for them to say anything.
  I turned around and walked straight out that dang door without looking back.

That was pretty bad. Sorry XD it's late and I can't sleep, so I wanted to try and make something.
Word Count: 633

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