Car Accident

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(Modern AU)

~Lance's POV~

  "Babe, I'm gonna go get groceries. Do you need anything?" I asked my boyfriend, Keith.
  "Nope! Be careful while you drive though. It's about to storm."
  "Okay! Bye, Babe, I love you!" I called out before getting my keys, walking out the door, and getting in the car. I started to drive to Target, and it started to rain a little.
'Better hurry..'
  I finally got to Target after 10 minutes, and the rain was getting pretty bad. After I parked the car, I hurried inside the store. I got the basic necessities, paid, and left the store in 15 minutes.
  As I was putting the groceries into the car, I saw a bright light about a mile away, followed by a huge roar of thunder. It started to rain harder. I got in the car and started to drive home.
  While I was driving, I could hardly see 10 feet in front of me. I was in front of a light, and it was green, so I continued driving. But then, I suddenly saw a bright light coming right towards the drivers door. Towards me. Right before the car collided with me, I thought one thing: 'I hope Keith won't worry his head off..'
  Then, pain erupted throughout my entire body...

~Keith's POV~

  Lance should have been home by now. The storm is getting worse. Is he okay?
  I was about to text him when I received a phone call.
  "Hello?" I asked.
  "Is this.. Keith Kogane, Lance McClain's boyfriend?" A deep, unfamiliar voice asked me.
  "Yes. Is everything okay? Who are you?"
  "I'm Officer Allan. Keith, I'm sorry to say this, but your boyfriend was just in a serious car accident. He was driving through a green light when another car rammed into the drivers side door. He's mostly okay right now."
  I was having trouble processing that information, but once I did, I immediately asked, "W-Which hospital is he in?! Is he okay?!" I panicked. I was already grabbing the keys to my car and running out the door.
  "He's at Saint Paul's, and yes, he should be fine." (I just made up a random name XD)
  "Okay. Thank you, I'll be there in a minute."
  I started driving to the hospital.
'Dang it, why are other people so stupid?! I knew a storm was coming, I shouldn't have let him go!'
  After half an hour, I made it to the hospital. I immediately turned off my car, ran inside, and went to the front desk.
  "I'm here for Lance McClain," I said breathlessly.
  "He's currently not awake, so I'm afraid only family members are allowed back," the lady at the front desk told me without looking up.
  "I'm his boyfriend! I'm basically his family!" I yelled.
  "Fine.." She doesn't sound like she likes her job very much, "He's in room 427. It's on floor 4"
  "Thank you!" I yelled, running down the hall to the elevators. Once an elevator open, I ran in, pressed floor 4, and waited. The doors opened and I started running around the halls, looking for his room.
  I spotted it after a minute and stopped running. Quietly, I opened the door, making sure not to wake him. I guess he was already awake though.
  "Keith?" Lance asked, his voice filled with pain. I looked over at him and felt my heart shatter. He had a bandage wrapping around his head, a deep gash on his right cheek, a pretty bad scrape above his left eyebrow, his left arm was in a cast, his right leg was in a cast propped up on a pillow, and I saw some bandages poke up on his stomach.
  I ran to his bed, "Lance! Are you okay?!"
  "Mostly.. I have a broken leg and arm, along with scratches here and there."
  Tears welled up in my eyes, "I knew there was a storm, so why the heck did I let you go?!" I questioned myself while pacing the room.
  "Keith.." Lance said sadly.
  I turned to him, "I'm sorry!" I exclaimed, tears finally running down my cheeks. Lance looked mortified; he's never seen me cry.
  Lance grabbed my sleeve with his okay arm, "I want a hug.." He said, sounding embarrassed.
  I chuckled, leaned down, and carefully wrapped my arms around his waist. My arms weren't that tight, for I was desperately trying not to hurt him. He put his right arm around my neck, since his left one was in a cast, and buried his face into the crook of my neck. After a moment, I felt tears fall down his cheeks onto my skin. I wanted to tighten my arms, but I didn't want to hurt him, so I simply asked, "Babe.. what's wrong? Does something hurt?" I asked with concern laced into my voice.
  "I'm sorry.. I wasn't being careful.. I made you worry.." He cried.
  I tightened my arms, causing him to hiss in pain. I let go of him in fear of hurting him more, grabbed his face between my hands, and wiped the tears falling down his cheeks.
  "This isn't your fault.. whoever hit you is to blame. And it's my job to worry about you. I always am worrying and always will worry. Please, don't cry.."
  Lance wrapped his right arm around my neck again and nodded. I held back tears as I hesitantly wrapped my arms back around his waist. After a moment, I finally spoke.
  "The most important thing is that you're okay.. geez, Lance, I don't know what I would do if anything worse happened to you.. I love you."
  "I love you, too," He whispered into my neck.

OoO look at that! A kinda short chapter XD I hope you liked this! I spent a couple weeks on this chapter, for I couldn't decide how I wanted to write it, but I really wanted to. I went through 8 copies before I finally finished this one XD
Word Count: 1001

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