I Will

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I was listening to music on YouTube, and I immediately wanted to write a one shot about this song XD
(Don't play song yet)
(Original Colors)

~Keith's POV~

  I was sitting on my bed when Lance, my boyfriend of one year, poked his head around the corner. He looked panicked. Desperate.
  "Keith..?" He asked quietly.
  "Mhm? Is something wrong, Babe?" I asked with a concerned voice. He walked up to me and sat on my bed. His back was facing me, but I could still tell he was frowning.
  "I'm having a bad day.. You know, with the whole.. thoughts thing.. Y-You said to come to you next time something like this happened, you said that I shouldn't.. cut.. but I-I couldn't help myself.." He said. His voice was filled with sadness, regret, and guilt. 
  I turned him to face me, "Are you okay?!" I asked, gently grabbing his arm. Instinctively, I went into my protective mode.
  "N-No.." He whispered, looking down. Glistening tears started to fall from his ocean blue eyes.
  I put my hand under his chin and lifted his face. I wiped his fallen tears and rested both my hands on his cheeks, "Hey, hey, what's wrong?"
  He tried to cover his eyes with his hands, but I stopped him before he could, "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to cut! It's just.. I felt like I was drowning in an ocean of thoughts; like the only way to breathe again was to listen to them.. I'm sorry!" He cried loudly.
  "I wish you would have come to me, but you don't need to apologize, Lance."
  "I'm so stupid, dang it! You should just get a different, better boyfriend; I'm a worthless one.." He exclaimed. His voice started strong, but it quickly faded as more tears streamed down his face.
  "No, no, you're not stupid! You aren't a bad boyfriend! Lance, you're amazing, beautiful, kind.." I was about to continue, but he buried his face into my chest before I could. Immediately, I started rubbing circles into his back.
  "Shhh.. it's okay.." I cooed in his ear.
  Whenever something like this happens, Lance always asks me to sing a song for him. It's gotten to the point where he doesn't even need to ask, it's like a routine to sing to him. His mother always sang, played instruments, or read to him when he was upset, or any of his other siblings, so it still comforts him when someone does anything in that sort.
  Out of habit, I started to sing quietly to him. My arms were wrapped protectively around him as I sang.

Play song! (I'm too lazy to type out the lyrics today XD)

After I finished singing, Lance looked up at me, tears still streaming down his face.
"I love you, Lance.. don't forget that."
"I-I love you too, Keith.." He whispered back. My grip on him tightened.
"Let's go clean your face up, okay? I know you hate it when the others suspect anything."
He nodded and got up. I grabbed his hand and walked into the bathroom that was connected to my room. He turned on the weird space sink, bent down, and slowly cleaned his face. Afterwards, he wiped his face on a washcloth I got from under the sink and turned to me.
"Thank you.." He said quietly, his voice hoarse from crying.
"No problem... Can I see how bad you cut?" I hesitantly asked.
He nodded slowly and lifted his jacket sleeve, his long sleeve, and unwrapped bloody bandages. Dozens upon dozens of white lines went up his wrist, forearm, and some even on his hand. But about 10 new red lines stood out. They looked pretty deep.
"Lance.." I said sadly before continuing, "h-how did you even get a razor? I thought I threw all of them away.."
I looked up to see tears welling up in his beautiful, blue eyes, "I snuck into the kitchen late at night and stole a knife.." He said quietly.
I tightly wrapped my arms around his neck, "Please sleep with me tonight.. I want to make sure you're okay," I asked.
He hesitantly nodded, wiped the tears from his eyes, and chuckled, "I just cleaned my face, and here I am, almost crying again.."
"It's okay to cry, Lance.." I said.
"I-I know.. I just don't like crying."
I unwrapped my arms, "What do you want to do?" I asked him.
"Cuddle.." He whispered, his cheeks flushing.
I smiled, "Let's go cuddle then!"

That was a bad ending. Sorry XD I hope you enjoyed it anyway?
Word Count: 774

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