Don't Leave, Please!

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Modern AU (This doesn't really make a lot of sense)

~Lance's POV~

My boyfriend, Keith, and I are fighting. Again. Recently, we've been fighting a lot. I don't understand why! We've been dating for 6 years, but lately he's just been starting up arguments and fights a lot! Did I do something wrong? Does he not love me anymore? I mean, I don't blame him for getting sick of me, but I still want answers!
"Lance, I'm so sick of your crap! You're so annoying!" Keith yelled. Every time we fight I cry, so I've been crying a lot recently.
"What do I do that's so annoying?!" I yelled back with tears falling from my eyes.
"You're always clinging to me! Always begging to cuddle, or whatever! It's annoying, Lance!" He yelled back.
"Then you could have told me that without yelling, Keith! I'm sorry I'm so annoying, but I didn't know that bothered you! I'm not telepathic," I responded. I was no longer yelling at him; my throat was getting soar from crying and yelling at the same time.
Keith frustratedly started to mess with his hair. Suddenly, he turned around and grabbed his keys and wallet. He started to walk to the door.
My stomach dropped, "Where are you going?!" I cried in fear. Sure, we've been fighting a lot, but I still love him!
"I'm leaving!" He yelled.
"Because I'm sick of this, dang it! Just give me a night, Lance!" He yelled. Each time he spoke he got louder and louder. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if our entire neighborhood heard us.
"Wait! Don't leave, please!" I cried out.
He didn't respond; he opened the door to our small little house, walked out, and slammed the door. After staring at the door for a couple minutes, I fell to my knees.
The sound of agonizing sobs filled the now quiet house. He left me. He left me. He left me.. After a few moments, I quickly got to my feet. I started staggering to the door; maybe he didn't leave yet? I made it to the door and swung it open. Still staggering, I walked outside the house. I looked around, but I saw nothing. He really did leave..
More sobs forced their way out of my mouth, filling the, once again, quiet atmosphere. I fell to my knees, again, and sobbed into my hands.
He left me.. he left me.. he left me.. I wasn't good enough for him..
I have no idea how long I sat there, sobbing, but I eventually heard a rustle in the bushes. My gaze shot towards the bush, in hopes of seeing Keith, but it wasn't him. It was a stray cat. The cat had light, dusty grey fur and vibrant, big, blue eyes that held fear. You could see the poor thing's ribs, but it looked like the cat frequently groomed itself. I noticed that the cat was a female.
  I wiped my fallen tears on my shirt sleeve before holding out my hand. Sure, I was still sobbing, but seeing a cat kind of raised my mood. The cat hesitantly stepped forward. She stretched her neck to sniff my hand. After she sniffed my hand for a couple seconds, she nuzzled her head into my open hand. Her fur was as soft as silk. Just petting her calmed me down quite a bit.
  "H-Hey girl.." I said in a shaky voice.  She meowed in response, making me smile.
  "Do.. y-you not have an owner?" I asked the cat. She nuzzled her head into my hand once more.
  "I-I guess not.." I said to myself. I slowly moved my hand down the cat's body, down her tail, and I then held my hand back next to her head. She meowed once again. I hesitantly reached my other hand out in attempts to pick her up. After a minute of me slowly moving, I was trying not to scare her, she just got in my hands herself. She was so tiny; it was kind of worrying!
  I slowly stood back up; after crying this much I doubted I had enough strength to quickly stand. After I stood up, I walked into the house with the cat in my arms. She was nuzzling her head into my chest, using my body warmth to her advantage. It was pretty chilly outside, so she must have been freezing.
  I walked over to the cabinets that held my bowls; I grabbed a bowl, walked over to the fridge, and filled the bowl with room temperature water. I've read online that milk isn't good for milk, so since it was so cold I decided to get room temperature water in hopes of warming her up a little bit. I put the bowl on the floor, then the cat. She immediately started drinking the water. After she drank about 1/4 of it, she raised her head and meowed happily. I smiled and kneeled down next to her.
  I began to pet her. The sadness of Keith leaving arose, so I felt another wave of tears coming.
  I chuckled in spite of myself, "Why did he leave..?" I asked myself. The cat looked at me with worry and sadness in her eyes. She nuzzled her head into my hand again.
  Warm, salty tears started to fall freely from my eyes. What did I do? He never told me that he hated how clingy I am... I mean, I know I'm clingy; I'm scared of people leaving me, so I just stick next to them, but it hurts to know that Keith finds that annoying. I love him more than anything in this world, heck, universe, but all I do is annoy him.. He deserves better than me.. But I still desperately want him to come back.
  I was pulled away from my thoughts by the cat meowing. I smiled sadly at her while petting her soft, beautiful fur. At least she likes me.. The cat climbed into my lap, walked around in a circle, like a dog, and laid down. I continued to pet her, and, before long, her big, bright, blue eyes were closing in exhaustion.
  Tears continued to stream down my face. Will he come back? I doubt it. Why would he? He would just be faced with an annoying, clingy, boyfriend. The more I thought about it, the more upset I became. I felt sobs rack through my body. I'm sure I'm annoying the cat now, too..
  While I was crying, I noticed I started to feel drained. Very carefully, I laid down on the floor  and moved the cat to where I was hugging her. Before long, I felt my eyes start to drop. Tears were still streaming down my cheeks at a fast pace, but I managed to fall asleep on the cold, hard floor..

  When I awoke the next morning, I noticed I was no longer on a cold, hard floor. Instead, I was laying on a soft, squishy, warm mattress. How the heck did I get into Keith and I's bed? After a minute of thinking, a thought dawned on me. Maybe he's back? But then I noticed nobody was in bed next to me. Is he back? I felt tears build up in my closed eyes.
  I slowly raised a hand to my eyes. They were crusted over with dried tears, but I still managed to rub them. Then, I realized I wasn't holding the cat. I slowly opened my eyes, and the tears fell. Great, now I'm crying again. Only this time I don't have a cat to comfort me. My body started to shake, and I buried my head into my pillow. Soon enough, I found myself sobbing into the pillow.
  As I was sobbing, I heard the bedroom door creek open. Shortly after, I heard the door open all the way and somebody started walking towards the bed quickly.
  "Lance..?" I heard somebody ask softly. The voice sounded like Keith.. but why would he come back to me, his annoying boyfriend?
  I felt somebody put a hand on my back softly but I flinched, "Lance..?" They asked again. It was definitely Keith, "Lance, I'm so.. so sorry.. I shouldn't have started yelling. I sure as heck shouldn't have left. I'm so, so sorry.." Keith said in a sad, worried voice. His hand was still on my back, but I felt it move down to my waist and wrap around it, along with his other hand. He started to tightly hug my waist as I sobbed into my pillow.
  I discretely heard little footsteps, they sounded exactly like paws, enter the room, followed by a worried meow.
  "Lance... please say something.." Keith said after a minute of him hugging my waist and me sobbing into my pillow. He sounded so, so sad.
  "W-Where d-di-id y-you sle-eep?" I asked in a quiet, shaky, unstable voice. My voice cracked and I stumbled over every word, but I still managed to form a sentence.
  "On the couch.. Lance, are you okay?" Keith responded before asking.  
  I didn't answer him, I simply asked him another question, "H-How di-id I g-get i-n bed?"
  He sighed before answering, "I came back after about 3 hours. When I walked into the house, I didn't see you, so I walked around. When I finally did, you were curled up in a ball on the floor, crying while sleeping, and hugging a stray cat. I picked up the bowl of water next to you before picking you up and carrying you to the bed. I didn't let the cat get in the bed, so she slept next to me on the couch. Now, are you okay?" He responded before asking again.
  I shook my head and started sobbing into the pillow more. I'm annoying, clingy. Why would he want me as a boyfriend? He'll break up with me.
  "What's wrong?" He asked in a worried voice.
  I couldn't answer him, my vocal chords wouldn't cooperate. He, very gently, turned me around to face him. His face was over flowing with worry, concern, sadness, and guilt all at the same time. He wiped my tears, kissed my cheek, and hugged me again.
  "I'm so, so sorry.. You aren't annoying, nor are you clingy.. I don't even know why I started that; you're an amazing boyfriend. I love your hugs and when you want to cuddle.. I'm so, so sorry.. I love you.." Keith said, his voice matching his facial expression.
  "I-I love y-y-you t-too.." I said as I buried my face into his chest. My tears were slowing down, but I still had an extremely shaky voice. After a minute, I heard a meow. I raised my head and patted the bed, telling the cat to get on the bed. I scooted over, and Keith got in next to me. The cat jumped on the bed and laid on my feet.
  Keith put the blanket over both of us before hugging my waist tightly again. I put my head against his chest. After a minute of comfortable silence, only being interrupted by my hiccups, I spoke up.
  "W-What are we gonna do with the cat?" I asked.
  Keith took a minute to respond, "I'm assuming you want to keep her?"
  I nodded my head against his chest.
  He sighed, "We have to bring her to the vet to check her for a chip. If she doesn't have an owner, we can keep her."
  I raised my head and looked at him in the eyes excitedly, "Really?!"
  He chuckled, "Yes, really. What do you want to name her?"
  "Hm.. Blue! Because of her blue eyes," I responded.
  Keith nodded, so I put my head back against his chest. We sat in a comfortable silence for awhile again. I felt myself start to doze off, but right before I fell into a deep slumber, Keith said something.
  "Lance, I love you. I love you more than anything in this universe. Please.. don't forget that.."
  I smiled sleepily, "I love you more than anything, too.. You better not forget that either.."
  He chuckled again, "Got it. Now go to sleep; you sound exhausted, Babe," He said. He kissed the top of my head, my cheek, and he tighten his grip around my waist. I nodded sleepily and fell into a deep slumber; this time, however, I had a huge smile.

That was bad. Like, really bad. XD Sorry!! OMG, guys! Voltron season 6 is confirmed to be released on June 15th! That's so soon! I'm so excited! I really hope Keith comes back with his mom :3 Anyway, byee!
Word Count: 2134

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