It's Just a Prank!

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Recently I've been obsessed with watching prank videos, so I'm gonna make a prank AU! Klance is life

~3rd Person~

"Hey guys, Keith here," Keith starts quietly talking to a camera, "today I have decided to do a prank on my boyfriend, Lance. Lance and I have been dating for 4 1/2 years. Today, I'm going to be doing a break-up prank on him! Lance is super sensitive, so I really really hope he won't start crying. I hate to see him cry.. Anyway, let's do this!" Keith finishes.
Keith puts the small black camera where he usually sets it, which is always sitting up on his tripod on his desk facing the couples bed. He then sits on the bed and calls for Lance.
"Hey, Babe, can you come in our room for a sec? I wanna talk to you about something important!" Keith yells. A moment later, Lance is in the room sitting on their bed.
"What is it? Is something wrong, Babe?" Lance asks while sitting his hand on Keith's knee.
Keith gulps before continuing, "So recently I've been thinking... about us," he pauses, "and.. I think we should.. oh god how do I put this? I think we should break up.." Lance immediately removes his hand from Keith's knee and covers his eyes with both of his hands. Keith hears Lance crying.
"Why..? I know I'm a terrible boyfriend. I'm annoying. You always have to deal with my panic attacks, anxiety, and depression, but you always said you don't mind. You.. you said you loved me," Lance stated shakily, occasionally hiccuping. It physically hurt Keith to see Lance like this, but he decided to continue.
"I.. don't know.. I just don't like where our relationship is going I guess?" Keith said, but it sounded more like a question.
Lance still had his hands over his eyes, and he was still looking down. After a minute he asked, "Will.. will you be happier without me? Does this relationship not make you happy? Do I not make you happy?"
Keith gulped and replied, "I'm not happy with you."
Lance looked up and smiled at Keith sadly with tears streaming down his face, "Then.. I respect your decision. I don't want to force this relationship on you. I want you to be happy more then anything in this world, even if that means we aren't together. Even if that means.. I'm suffering."
Keith burst out into tears and hugged Lance tightly, "Babe I'm so so so sorry! It was a prank for my channel. Oh my God, I'm sorry!! Please forgive me, I'm a terrible person!"
Lance looked around the room, still crying hysterically, and spotted the camera. A little green light was on, which means it's recording. Lance put his head in the crook of Keith's neck and started sobbing, "Don't scare me like that ever again. I thought you were gonna leave me! I thought you didn't like me anymore. Oh my God, you have no idea how scared that made me," Lance cried while holding on to Keith's shirt for dear life.
Keith was rocking them both back and forth whispering in Lance's ear, "Shhhhh... it's okay. I won't leave you. I love you so much, dang it.. I'm so sorry..."
Lance was still sobbing and crying hysterically into Keith's shirt, but managed to reply with, "I love you, too," But then Lance started to feel his throat close up, his vision blur, and the feeling of panic, despair, and anxiety crash down on him. He clutched onto Keith's shirt even tighter and started hyperventilating.
Keith immediately started rubbing circles into Lance's back and started saying, "Lance, count with me, okay? 1...2...3...4...5..." Lance was shakily saying the numbers into the crook of Keith's neck, "Good job, Lance... 6...7...8...9...10... now let's say them backwards.. 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1..."
Lance started to calm down after repeating the process with Keith 7 times, "I'm sorry, Keith, I soaked your shirt.." Keith laughed and kissed the top of Lance's head.
"I'm so sorry, I'll never prank you like that again!"
"You better not, I don't think I could handle it!" Lance replied and finally lifted his head. He had red blotches all over his face, his eyes were bloodshot, and he had a few tears still running down his face. Keith wiped his tears and put his forehead against Lance's, "I love you so so much, Lance.."
"I love you, too," Lance replied while smiling, "but you'd better turn off the camera before you waste all the battery," he laughed. Keith hurried up and faced it towards his face.
"And that was that. I feel so mean," Keith paused and turned to Lance, "I'm sorry, I love you!" He yelled before turning back to the camera, "please like this video! Bye guys, see ya next time!" Keith closed up and turned back to Lance. He then jumped on the bed and hugged Lance again. Lance chuckled and wrapped his arms around Keith tightly, as if he was scared he would disappear into thin air or leave.
"If you ever prank me like that again.. oh geez. That was a pretty bad panic attack. Thank you for calming me down, Babe," Lance said after a minute of the couple hugging.
"I will never, ever prank you like that again. I'm sorry, I'm the reason you had the panic attack. I love you so ducking much, Babe," Keith responded.
"Buy me dinner and all will be forgiven," Lance said jokingly.
"What would you like, my love?" Keith asked.
"Hmmm.. I don't care. Surprise me!"
Keith jumped up and screamed, "OLIVE GARDEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!"
Lance laughed, got up, and intertwined his hand with Keith's, "Let's go get Olive Garden, then."

WOOOOOO I hope you liked that. I think it was super cute :3 sorry for any mistakes! I really liked writing this fluffy chapter! Anyway, Byeee!
Word Count: 1000

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