Tough Love

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  This is gonna be another Klance one. I should probably just change the title of the book to Klance one-shots XD

~3rd Person~

  Keith and Lance have been dating for awhile. Most couples don't insult each other to indicate they love each other, but Keith and Lance sure do! Everyday during every meal, Keith and Lance sit next to each other and hold hands while saying things like, "I hate your perfect eyes" or "I love your stupid smile" and the other one just says, "I love you, too." Back. Every. Single. Dang. Time. Pidge will fangirl with Allura.
  Keith was walking to dinner alone since Lance was recently injured during training, and the paladin was worried sick. He was bitting his nails and mumbling things no one could understand. Keith sat down and didn't really eat anything, so Shiro put his hand on Keith's shoulder, "Keith, Lance will be fine. You have to eat."
  Keith replies with, "But how am I supposed to eat without saying everything I love about him before hand?" with a worried face. Allura and Pidge squealed, and Keith felt someone hug him from behind.
  "I love your stupid mullet. Your beautiful eyes kill me. Your stupid laugh makes me laugh and it's music to my stupid ears. Now eat before you starve," Lance chuckles before sitting down next to Keith with two bowls of food goo.
  Keith smiles, "I love you, too, Lance." And he starts to eat. The rest of the team smiles at the adorable couple eating and holding hands.
  "How do you feel? Did Coran say anything about your injuries?" Keith asked.
  "It wasn't bad, Keith. I just got skimmed with a bullet," Lance responds and smiles at how concerned his boyfriend is.
  "That's a big deal! What if it hit you?" Keith asks and sticks out his tongue.
  "Theeeeen I would say it's a big deal. " Lance replies while stretching out the 'then.'
  Keith just simply smiles at his boyfriend and continues eating his food.

'  Keith just simply smiles at his boyfriend and continues eating his food

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Sorry this is such a short chapter. Keith doesn't really act how I think he would in the show, but I hope you found this adorably cheesy like I did XD this is not my art! I honestly don't know who made it, it just says sorry!
Words: 386

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