If I Was Stronger..

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This is based on one of the first chapters I wrote in this book. The original chapter is called 'Tired.' (Original colors)

~Lance's POV~

  I sluggishly walked into the dinning hall to be greeted with the annoyed faces of my teammates, for I'm severely late.
  "Why are you so late Lance?" Allura asked with her hands on her hips.
  "Didn't sleep that well.." I answered with an extremely tired voice, "Sorry, Princess, it won't happen again." I went to sit down, but Hunk stopped my by lightly grabbing my shoulder.
  "Do you need to talk about it, Bud?" He asked me, his voice filled with concern.
  "I'll tell you in a sec, 'kay?"
  Hunk nodded, so I grabbed a plate of space goo and sat down with the team. I picked up my spoon to start eating, but Hunk cleared his throat.
  "Why couldn't you sleep?" He asked me.
  I put my spoon down, sighed, and responded, "Nightmares about.. them." Everybody except Hunk looked confused.
  "Buddy, they can't hurt you anymore," Hunk said softly while walking up to me.
  "I know, but I shouldn't have let them hurt me in the first place. I sure shouldn't have let them hurt my siblings!" I started to get upset by this point, so I stood up quickly and started pacing around the room, "If only I was stronger I could have protected them! If only I was stronger Arianna wouldn't be dead! It's all my fault, Hunk! I wasn't strong enough to protect my little sister from those monsters! The memory of her body haunts my dreams! Why couldn't I have died instead of her?! She had so much potential, but it was all taken away from her! She was 7, Hunk.. 7! Dang it! And now my entire family is scarred mentally! If I was stronger they would be fine!" I was tugging my hair, pacing the room, and crying. Since I was so tired I let my guard down, but I usually wouldn't have done this.
  "Lance, it isn't your fault.." Hunk said sadly after a minute.
  "But it is, Hunk! It's all my fault! I'm the one who brought them into our lives!"
  "You didn't mean to, Lance! You didn't know!" Hunk yelled desperately.
  "There were signs! If only I was smarter I would have figured out how messed up they were!"
  Keith suddenly asked, "Uh.. what's happening?"
  "It's nothing!" I snapped.
  "Obviously it's something. If it wasn't you wouldn't be so upset," Keith responded in a harsh voice.
  "Keith, now isn't the time.." Hunk said in a nervous voice.
  I stopped pacing the room, but I was still pulling my hair. My scalp was in extreme pain, but I didn't care.
  "Buddy, please stop pulling your hair," Hunk begged, stepping forward, and moving my hands. Hunk then engulfed me in a hug. He rubbed circles into my back, calming me down. But I still cried.
  I sobbed into Hunk's shoulder while whispering, "It's all my fault, Hunk.." over and over again. My knees started to loose strength, and Hunk noticed, so he started to slowly sit us down on the floor.
  "Shhh.. Buddy, it's okay.. it's not your fault," Hunk kept whispering into my ear. The rest of my teammates got up and started to make their ways towards Hunk and I, but Hunk shook his head and said, "Just give him a minute, guys.."
  After about 10 minutes, I finally started to calm down. By the time I finally picked up my head I was only sniffling, but I was still extremely upset.
  "You okay, Bud?" Hunk asked me, concern laced into his voice. I weakly nodded.
  "Sorry.." I said after a minute of silence.
  "Why are you sorry? This is normal, Bud," Hunk asked.
  I weakly laughed, "That doesn't mean I can just flip out and start sobbing into your shirt.." I said and started to get up.
  Hunk grabbed my arm, "That probably took up a lot of your energy, just sit down for a minute?" Hunk asked me. I nodded and sat back down, putting my face into my hands.
  "What happened?" Shiro asked.
  "I had a mental breakdown."
  "Why?" Pidge asked with concern in her voice.
  "Because I bottle up all of my emotions."
  "Are you okay?" Allura asked.
  "I guess.."
  "What were you talking about..?" Keith asked slowly after a minute.
  I sighed, "I guess I have to explain everything now.. well.. When I was in high school, before the Garrison, I met these kids. They were seniors and I was a freshmen, but they hung out with me. In high school I was bullied, so they were my only friends. I knew I shouldn't have trusted them, they were the bad kids who were always in trouble with the law, but yet I still let them see my family. It started off fine, but over time my 'friends'-" I said with air quotations- "started to hurt my siblings and I when my parents were on business trips. They would.. touch.. my little sisters.. They would beat my little brothers.. They did both to me.. One of the guys was mad at my little sister, Arianna, one day though. She didn't want to.. do stuff with him, so he.. he killed her.. right in front of me.. one of my little brothers called the cops, and my parents came home from a business trip to see one of their daughters dead, all of their boys beat, and the girls crying.. I shouldn't.. it's all my fault.." I said, starting to cry again. My face was still in my hands, so I couldn't see my team's reaction.
  "Oh, Lance.." Keith said sadly.
  "Why didn't you tell us?" Shiro asked.
  "I don't like remembering.."
  I felt arms wrap around me. Then another pair. Then, soon I felt my entire team, including Coran, who just walked in, hugging me.
  "If only I was stronger.." I mumbled, but Keith heard me.
  "Lance, it's not your fault. You're extremely strong, and I'm sorry we don't treat you like it.."
  I didn't believe him, but I nodded anyway.
  "Let's get you to bed, okay Buddy?" Hunk asked. I nodded again, stood up, still covering my face, and walked to my room without another word.

Ehhh.. was it good? I don't think it was XD anyway, I hope you liked it! Sorry, that took a dark turn XD
Word Count: 1072

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