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Uhh idk what this is XD (Original Colors)

~Lance's POV~

"Paladins! Come to the training room! I have a new bonding exercise," Allura said on the intercom. I groggily got out of bed, put some quick makeup under my eyes, changed into my everyday clothes, and walked to the training room. When I got there, everyone was already arrived, like always. They stared at me, but I just ignored the annoyed flares and leaned against the walls.
"Lance, please, hurry up next time," Allura said. She knows about my depression, she saw me having a panic attack once, so she doesn't treat me harshly anymore. Honestly, it's kind of nice that she knows. If I have problems, I can go to her. But I won't tell anyone else.
The team, including Hunk, scoffed at me before Allura continued, "Today, we're doing a bonding exercise, as you already know! This is a very important one, just so you know. With this exercise we will be able to hear each other's thoughts through out the day," She stopped to look at me. I was panicking. My hands were shaking, my breathing was getting heavier, and I could feel myself pale, "Lance," she continued, "Are you okay?"
Everyone looked at me as I nodded, "Peachy, Princess."
She nodded, totally not believing me, and continued, "Coran is putting it into effect right now. You'll also be able to hear Coran and I's thoughts as well! If you do something to someone, you will hear their thoughts. For example: if Shiro compliments Pidge, we will hear what she thinks. If it's positive, we'll hear it; if it's negative, we'll hear it. Understood? Good! Coran, you may put it into effect now!"
A moment after Allura finished, my teammates thoughts came rushing to my head.
"This is stupid! I don't care what other people think!" Keith thought.
"Lance better not be thinking about girls all day," Shiro thought.
That one hurt.. I thought, Gosh dang it, I don't even like girls like that! Why did I even make up that fake mask? Why couldn't I have just made myself the quiet, shy guy? At least that would make everyone happy!
After I thought that, I heard gasps coming from my team. Crap..
"Wow, even in his thoughts he only wants attention!" Pidge thought.
"What?!" Allura's thought boomed.
"Are you guys not going to acknowledge Lance's thought?!" She yelled.
"Uh, no. It's fake. Obviously," Pidge replied.
I could tell Allura was getting mad, so I walked up to her and put a hand on her shoulder.
"It's fine," I whispered with a fake smile.
It's not fine..
"Lance.. are you sure?" She whispered back in a worried voice.
"Your thoughts are saying otherwise, Lance.." She whispered, still worried.
"I don't know what you're talking about, 'Lura.."
I can't be even more of a burden. I'm already annoying. Nobody would care anyway. Why would they care about me? Useless. Worthless.
I heard more gasps.
Dang it, this whole thought thing is annoying!
"Lance, I did this bonding exercise specifically for you. You've been coming to me more often about.. that.. and I want you to tell everyone else. You need help, Lance," Allura whispered in a sad voice.
"No I don't. I'm fine!"
Yes I do. I'm not fine.
"Okay, we cant hear you guys. Lance's thoughts are very confusing!" Keith yelled.
"It's nothing!" I yelled.
They can't know!
"We can't know what?" Hunk asked.
"Nothing!" I exclaimed a little to quickly.
Everybody raised an eyebrow.
"He's being suspicious.." Hunk thought.
"You sure, Lance?" Shiro asked before think, "I really don't care. I just have to be the supportive leader."
I gasped without meaning to. Shiro looked guilty, and everyone else was staring at him in shock.
Why are you so surprised, Lance? Nobody cares about you. Why would they? Annoying. Worthless. Useless.
More gasps followed my thoughts, "What?!" Pidge yelled.
I fake smiled, "Hm?"
"Mask?! Lance, what are you thinking about?!" Keith yelled before thinking, "What the heck is going on? Lance is so happy all the time, so why is he think about that?!"
I chuckled, "Sorry to disappoint."
I'm not happy. I'm not confident. I'm not the flirt I've made myself out to be. I don't even like girls romantically. OH MY GOD THE THOUGHTS THING, DANG IT! COME ON LANCE, YOU HAD ONE JOB!
"..What..?" Keith asked slowly. He started walking towards Allura and I.
Dang it, can we just, like, turn off the whole thoughts thing?
"Coran, can you please turn off the machine? Thank you!" Allura yelled. I smiled quickly at her.
"No! Lance, what do you mean?" Keith asked in a panicked voice.
I chuckled awkwardly, "W-What?" I asked while scratching my neck.
"Lance, you know what I mean!" Keith yelled. He was standing in front of me now. He looked worried.
I sighed, "I'm.. depressed.." I mumbled. I was hoping Keith wouldn't hear me, but he did. He gasped. Geez, today has a lot of gasps.
"You're depressed?! How come you didn't tell us?!" He yelled.
  "It's not your problem. It's mine," I responded.
  "Lance.. it is our problem!" Keith yelled again.
  "Why? You guys don't care! Pidge only thinks I want attention, Shiro doesn't care, you're my rival, and Hunk obviously hates me now! So why is it your problem?!" I yelled back. Tears started building up in my eyes and I felt my cheeks flush, but I refuse to cry. I can't cry in front of them.
  "I don't think about you as a rival, Lance! I care! I can't speak for everyone else, but I can speak for myself. And I care about you!" He yelled back.
  Allura could tell I didn't believe him. She put a hand on my shoulder, "Lance, it's fine.. Keith cares. I care. At least let Keith and I help you. Please.."
  I shook her hand off. She looked at me with a hurt look, "STOP LYING TO ME! NOBODY CARES! Just leave me alone!!" I yelled before running out of the room. After I left the room, I finally let my tears fall. A storm of tears blurred my vision, but I continued running to my room. I just want to be alone! 
  "LANCE!!" I heard Keith yell behind me, "WE HAVE TO FIND HIM!" I then heard 6 pairs of feet start to storm across the tiled floor. I guess Coran is looking too.
  After about another minute of running I made it to my room. But Keith was standing outside of it already. He predicted this would be the first place I'd come.
  "Leave me alone!" I yelled, desperately, and failing, trying to wipe my fallen tears.
  "Lance, please! We care! I care!" He yelled. He started walking towards me, so I turned on my heel. I was about to start running, but Hunk was standing in front of me with a pained face. I turned, only to be faced with Allura's sympathetic face. Once again, I turned only to be faced with a wall. They surrounded me.
  "Leave me alone! I don't need help, and I don't want it! You guys can stop pretending to care!" I yelled. I was still trying to wipe my tears, but they were falling at a rapid pace. Eventually, I gave up and just glared at my teammates. Keith tried to walk closer to me, and so did the rest of them. They were surrounding me.
  "Lance.. we do care. I'm sorry if it seems that I hate you, I really don't," Hunk said desperately.
  "I don't think you only want attention, Lance. I'm sorry," Pidge tried.
  "Lance, I do care. You remind me of my late brother so, so much.. I hate to see you in pain," Allura said sadly.
  "Lance, I care.. In fact, I.. I'm in love with you. Please, let us help you, Lance!" Keith cried.
  He can't love me. Why would he love me? I sat on the floor and put my head in between my knees, "No.. No, why would you love me? Why would you love someone like me?" I cried into my knees. I felt 3 pair of arms wrap around me. Keith whispered something into my ear.
  "You matter to me.. I care.."

Eh? Idk. Was it good? I hope you like this! Lance does seem kind of dramatic in this; a little too dramatic. Sorry if that annoyed you!
Word Count: 1430

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