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This is kinda like Langst I guess? Idk what it would be classified as. Hope you enjoy!! Btw, this is gonna be the original colors (Lance blue, Keith red, Shiro black, Hunk yellow, and Pidge green)!

~3rd Person~

Team Voltron was fighting the Galra, and, to frank, they were failing miserably. Lance wasn't focused, for he didn't sleep much the previous night. Keith was sore from the excessive amount of training he does. Pidge's eyes hurt since she was on her laptop the entire night. Shiro kept having flashbacks. Hunk mostly fine, but he was still a little worried about Lance.

~Lance's POV~

  I'm exhausted. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. I haven't really slept a good full 8 hours in months. I'm sure your wondering, why is the amazing, handsome Lance not getting a lot of sleep? Well, my friend, I keep having nightmares about my past. Keith always says I had such a good life since I have a big family, but my "big, perfect family" is far from perfect. Sure, I have a huge family, but my parents and siblings would verbally and physically abuse me. My confidence is fake, a mask. I would often be called vulgar names by my parents. My siblings would call me stupid, useless, worthless, etc. I was still nice to them, though.
  Anyway, last night I had another nightmare about one of the times my dad beat me. I woke up crying, sweating, and shaking at 3:00 am, and I couldn't fall back asleep. I just kinda walked around the castle. To make matters worse, the Galra attacked early this morning. We're currently fighting on the ground without our lions, so it's pretty difficult.

~3rd Person~

  Lance was fighting some Galra soldiers when he noticed one of them was about to attack Keith. Lance has had a crush on Keith for a long time, so he quickly pushed Keith out of the way, resulting in Lance getting stabbed in the arm. Lance didn't noticed, for he was high on adrenaline, and Keith also didn't notice his friend's wound. The team continued to fight the Galra for about an hour before Lance noticed his wound.
  "Uh guys," Lance started, "I have a small injury." He tried to make it seem like it wasn't that bad because he didn't want to worry his friends.
  "You'll be fine, Lance! Just keep fighting," Shiro replied. Lance sighed before fighting again; he really didn't want to start an argument or worry his friends.

~~After the Galra fleet was defeated. Lance's POV~~

  We just defeated the Galra, and I'm still bleeding pretty badly. I tried to tell the team again, "Hey guys, I-"
  "Not now Lance! Pidge got shot in the leg," Shiro interrupted before rushing off to the healing pods with the rest of the team, including Coran and Allura.
  "Oh uh... okay," I sighed before walking into my room. I have bandages anyway. Since I was already bleeding for awhile, I quickly and tightly wrapped my arm. Then the alarm went off for dinner, so I got up and ran to the dining hall. I completely forgot my jacket since I didn't want to be yelled at. 
  When I got into the dinning hall, Keith saw the bandage on my arm.
  "Hey Lance, what's up with the bandage?" He asked me with a raised eyebrow.
  "Oh uh about that. It's kind of a funny story, actually. So, you know how earlier I pushed you out of the way so you wouldn't get stabbed? Well the Galra soldier stabbed my arm," I lifted my arm before continuing, "when I tried to tell you guys you kinda just... pushed me off." I finished with a little disappointment in my voice.
  "You said it was just a little wound, so I didn't think you got stabbed, Lance," Shiro growled angrily while glaring at me. Geez, what's up with him?
  "It's not a big deal. What's your deal, anyway?" I asked him.
  Shiro rubbed his temples with both hands before replying, "Sorry. I'm just tired and I keep having flashbacks."
  "Oh, it's fine. Don't worry about it, Shiro," I responded while smiling. I'm not gonna mention I'm exhausted. What good would that do? Nothing.
  I sat down and ate quietly. The atmosphere was kind of awkward, but whatever.
  "Hey Buddy, did you get enough sleep last night? You only act like this when you're tired," Hunk asked me. Well geez, he sure does know my habits.
  I looked up, "Yeah, don't worry about me. Nothing could get the amazing Lance down!" I looked at Hunk with the I wanna talk later eyes. He nodded before continuing his food.
  After we all finished dinner, Hunk walked up to me and put a hand on my shoulder, "What happened?"
  I sighed while rubbing my temples like Shiro did, "I had more nightmares about... them," I stated sadly.
  "Buddy, they can't hurt you anymore. They're in jail, you're in space, and I sure as heck won't let you near them ever again," Hunk said with a  tint of anger in his voice.
  "I know, I know.. but what if when we do get back to Earth they're all out of jail? What if they hunt me down? What would I do? I'm not actually this confident. I couldn't do anything if they faced me in real life. In my dreams I make up what I would say if I see them, but in reality I would just stand there and take it, like how it was before.."
  "Well we can worry about that when the time comes, okay Buddy?" Hunk asked while taking his hand off my shoulder. I nodded before he added something else, "Your 'family' won't hurt you again as long as you have us." Then he walked out. I sat down and put my head in between my knees.
  I sat in that weird position for about 5 minutes, but then I heard someone moving. I shot my head up, and I saw Keith starring at me. He was in front of me, which is weird since the entrance is behind me. I would have heard him if he just walked in. Wait.. did he hear my conversations with Hunk?!
  "Oh hey Mullet. What's up?" I asked him.
  "What were you taking about with Hunk? ... who hurt you?" He asked me slowly.
  "Oh, you heard that? Well.. actually, I might as well tell you all as one big group. When does Pidge get out of the healing pod?"
  "She's supposed to get out in about 5 minutes. That's why I came in here, but you were talking to Hunk so I kept quiet."
  "Okay. Thanks, Mullet." I said with my fake smirk before running off to the healing pods.
  When Pidge finally fell out of the pod, Hunk caught her.
  "Hey! How ya' feeling?" He asked her while setting her up straight.
  "I'm good!" She said, full of energy.
  "Lance said he would tell us all something after you got out, Pidge," Keith said with crossed arms. I glared at him before looking down.
  "Buddy, are you sure? You don't have to tell everyone if you're not ready." Hunk spoke softly, like I was an injured puppy.
  I looked back up and smiled sadly before respond to him, "Yeah, I'm sure. Everyone should know anyway," I said, taking a deep breath, and continuing, "You guys know how I have a big family, and how Keith always said I had the perfect childhood? Well I.. didn't. I do have a big family, but they would verbally and physically abuse me. Sometimes they beat me. I haven't been able to sleep well for months 'cause I keep having nightmares about my dad hitting me.." I finished before looking down. I'm ashamed of myself. If I was stronger I could have fought back. Maybe they wouldn't have done all that if I was stronger.
  "What.. would they call you?" Shiro asked cautiously.
  "Worthless, useless, stupid, fat, weak, un-loveable, annoying, disappointment, screw-up, and some more that I can't think of off the top of my head," I said quietly while fidgeting my thumbs, "I'm not really the confident flirt I act like. I always acted like nothing they said affected me so they wouldn't get the satisfaction of hurting me, and it just.. stuck with me I guess." I finished. I looked up and I saw them looking at me with pity. I'm glad they care, but I don't need pity..
  "Guys, I'm fine. I just don't get a lot of sleep sometimes. It's not a big deal," I added before trying to walk to my room, but, of corse, someone had to stop me. I turned around to see Keith holding my shoulder.
  "Are you sure you're okay, Lance?" He asked me.
  "Yeah. I'm just... tired."

Woo. Again, idk if that is Langst. I hope you liked it! Sorry if it's weird, I wrote this with a really high blood sugar, so I can't really focus XD
Word count: 1,514

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