Punch (Sorry for the crappy title XD)

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In reading I'm currently reading, "The Outsiders," by S.E. Hinton (I think that's her last name?). This one-shot is inspired by the end of chapter 3. Btw, I'm not done reading it, so please don't spoil anything!! I hope you like this! (Original colors) |:3

~Lance's POV~

  Team Voltron and I just got back from a mission, and, of corse, I screwed up. I was supposed to be covering Pidge while she was collecting data, but I saw a little girl with pink, light skin and lilac hair crying. Me being me, I went to help her. I ended up helping her, and even learning her name, which was Maya, but Pidge got caught because I wasn't there. I ruined the entire mission. Now, Shiro was yelling at me. For the 5 time this week. It's only Tuesday.
  "Lance, you had one job. ONE JOB! Could you not even do that right?! Huh?? And don't you dare respond with, 'I saw someone who needed help.' You say that every time. I don't CARE if somebody needs help. That data could have helped us with defeating the Galra, but you just had to screw it up!" He screamed at me. The entire team was watching us with pity in their eyes. Even Keith, who was leaning against a wall.
  "I-I'm sorry! This little girl-"
  "THERE YOU GO AGAIN! 'Oh, I HAD to save a little girl! She has her entire life ahead of her, I had to save her!' Lance, Pidge is more important then some alien girl!"
  Hunk suddenly stepped in, "Shiro, he did a good thing.."
  "And there YOU go! 'Oh Lance is like my brother, I have to protect him from anything bad!' Hunk, he needs to learn a lesson! And, to be honest, I'M SICK OF YOU STICKING UP FOR HIM!"
  That made me snap, "Don't yell at him!" Then, I felt something slam into my right cheekbone. And then I was on floor. The floor was so cold. Oh, and of corse, I felt pain all over the right side of my face.
  'Did Shiro just.. punch me..?'
  I opened my eyes, since I closed them on impact, and sat up. Tears started forming in my eyes.
  Hunk was being held back by Pidge, who had shock written all over her face. Hunk was furious. You could practically see the steam coming out of his ears. Keith was suddenly next to me, kneeling on the ground. Shiro was staring at his hand, which was now turning red, in shock. He then looked up at me.
  "Lance.. I'm so.. so sorry.." he spoke sadly.
  "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HIM!!" Hunk was yelling. Keith got up and tried to stop Hunk from running at Shiro from the front. It was now just Shiro and I.
  Shiro started to walk towards me, but I just scooted back, with tears threatening to fall, "Don't come closer.." I said with a wavering voice.
  "Lance, I'm so sorry!" Shiro yelled, still trying to step forward.
  "Get away.."
  He continued to step towards me. He crouched down right in front of my face.
  "G-GET AWAY FROM ME!!" I screamed, completely terrified. Shiro was now close to tears. I was already crying. Pidge and Keith were trying harder than ever to keep Hunk back, who was still screaming at Shiro.
  "Lance.." he said and held out his hand. I suddenly jumped up and ran out of the room. Tears were streaming down my face faster now.
  'I need to find Coran..'
  I ran into the medical bay and saw Coran cleaning pods while humming. He stopped when he heard me burst in. He turned around at saw my crying with a swelled cheek.
  "My boy! What happened?" Coran yelled, jumping up.
  "S-Shiro..." I mumbled.
  "What about Shiro, my boy?" He asked with a hand on my shoulder.
  "He p-punched me.. I saw a little girl on the planet, crying, so I had to save her. I did, but it cost us the mission.. he was so mad, Coran.. I didn't think he would ever punch me, though!" I cried. Coran looked furious. Then, someone else ran into the room. Shiro.
  "Lance! I'm so sorry!"
  I squealed and ran behind Coran. Then I realized I was using Coran as a human shield, so I stepped slightly besides him but still behind him.
  A moment later, Hunk came running into the room screaming, "SHIRO I WILL END YOU!!" Which terrified everyone, especially Shiro, since Hunk was always the happy teddy bear. Keith followed Hunk and tried to grab his arm just before He launched onto Shiro. Now, Hunk was on top of Shiro punching him with Keith trying to push him off. I screamed and ran to Hunk, also trying to push him off.
  "Hunk, no!!" I screamed, but he was too enraged to hear me. Allura and Pidge came in. Then they screamed. Then Coran was trying to get Hunk off of Shiro too.
  'I caused all this.. Shiro punched me, but now he's getting the crap beat up out of him.'
  "HUNK, ENOUGH!!" I yelled as loud as I could. Tears were still streaming down my face, but not because I was scared. Because I felt so.. so.. guilty. Hunk stopped and looked up and me. Then Shiro. Then his hands. He jumped up and walked forwards.
  "Lance, I'm sorry," he spoke, seeming terrified of himself.
  "Buddy, apologize to Shiro, not me," I replied in a soft, but firm, voice. He nodded and walked over to Shiro, and helped him up. Shiro's face was covered in his own blood, most likely from his nose, and bruises were already starting to form. He smiled and Hunk and patted his back.
  "You can pack a punch, dude.." He laughed awkwardly.
  "I'm sorry.. this is all my fault," I said, looking down. I was still crying, but I actually wiped my tears with my sleeve now.
  'Lance, it's not your fault. I was over-reacting. Everyone here knows you see a little kid in need, you help them. It's just who you are. I apologize, Lance," Shiro responded. I looked up at Shiro and smiled.
  "Let's go fix you up, okay?"
  Shiro nodded, and we started to wrap his face.
'That was.. interesting..'

Idk what that was XD sorry, it was pretty bad. I hope you liked it though! I liked writing it! Byee
Word Count: 1075

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