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Idk what to write for a before chapter thing. I hope you like this though XD (original colors) ((Lance is blue, Keith is red, Hunk is yellow, Pidge is green, and Shiro is black))

~Lance's POV~

  I walked into the dinning hall right after everyone else. I couldn't sleep last night, yet again. Before coming here, I put makeup under  my eyes to cover my heavy, purple bags. I sat down and everyone was just staring at me.
  "Hey guys.." I said in a tired voice. I haven't slept a wink in 3 days, I'm exhausted.
  "Uh.. Lance, Buddy.. how much sleep did you get last night?" Hunk asked me.
  "I dunno. I don't track my sleep, do you?"
  "No..?" Hunk responded confused.
  After that I just sat there. I'm fat. I need to loose weight.
  "Aren't you going to eat Hunk's delicious space goo?" Pidge asked.
  "Sorry, Hunk. I'm not hungry today."
  "Oh no, it's fine! Just make sure to eat an extra big lunch," Hunk responded.
  "Welp. I'm gonna get some extra training in." I spoke after a minute. I got up and started walking out of the dinning hall before Hunk asked me a question.
  "Hey, Buddy... you'll tell me if something is wrong, right..?"
  "...sure.." I responded hesitantly before hurrying out the door. In all reality, my depression is worse than ever, so is my insomnia, anxiety, and panic attacks. But I can't be a burden, so nobody will find out. Right..?
  After training for awhile, the rest of the team came in smiling and laughing, even Keith.
  "What's so funny..?"
  "Oh? Nothing. You wouldn't understand," Keith responded. I nodded, a little upset, and continued training.
  "Okay Paladins!" Allura suddenly yelled in her English accent, "Today we're doing a training exercise! We'll get the mental state of each paladin. For example, Lance will probably be in a good mental state. Let's get started!"
  I started shaking slightly. No no no, not right now. I can't have a panic attack in front of everyone else.
  "M-May I be excused for a moment?" I asked. Dang it, I stuttered.
  "Hm? No, Lance, you may not. We won't start late because of you," Allura spoke harshly while getting the machine ready.
  By this point I was starting to breath heavily, "No seriously, I really need to be excused!"
  "I said no, Lance!" She exclaimed and faced me. She saw that I was breathing heavily, shaking, and a lighter color than I normally am, "Why do you need to leave anyway? What's wrong?" Allura asked, clearly annoyed.
  "Yeah, I'm sure it's not important," Keith added.
  "Panic.. attack.." I said slowly, having trouble because of my hyperventilating.
  "That's not funny, Lance! Don't make fun of panic attacks!" Shiro yelled.
  "I'm.. not! Not sure.. 'bout you.. but I can't.. make myself go.. pale and shaky," I stated slowly again.
  Hunk rushed forward and tried to put a hand on my back, but I shot away from it.
  "Shoot! Sorry, I forgot you don't like to be touched during that, Lance," Hunk said, his voice laced with worry.
  "Wait.. this is real?" Keith asked.
  "Buddy.. is your insomnia, anxiety, panic attacks, or depression," as he said those, the team became pale, "getting worse?"
  I nodded.
  "One of them?"
  I shook my head.
  "..all of them are getting worse?"
  I nodded.
  Hunk gasped, "Okay, Buddy. Breath. In... out... in... out..." he repeated. I tried to regulate my breathing, but I was failing miserably. I dropped to the floor and started banging my fists against the cold, hard floor while crying.
  "Why me?!" I cried while banging my fists. Hunk rushed forward and grabbed my wrists, completely forgetting I hate people touching me during one of my attacks. I screamed and yanked my wrists away, covering my face and repeating, "I'm sorry... don't hurt me.."
  At this point, my team was in tears.
  "Lance, I'm sorry! I won't hurt you, I promise!"
  I suddenly had a flashback..
  I was standing in my kitchen in Cuba, crying. My father was looking over me screaming.
  "You worthless brat!"
  With each insult, he would hit me. Over and over again.
  "Papa, I'm sorry. Don't hurt me, please!" I screamed back in Spanish (Sorry idk any Spanish)
  The flashback suddenly ended, but I was screaming in Spanish when I finally came back to my senses. I also realized I was backed into the corner, my head between my knees, and my arms covering my head. I looked like I was in a bad weather drill from school.
  "Buddy, he can't hurt you! He's not here, you're okay!" Hunk yelled desperately.
  I continued screaming anyway. Tears we streaming down my face, making red blotches appear, I was shaking, I was pale, and I still couldn't breathe correctly. Eventually, I passed out.

~Hunk's POV~

  I was desperately trying to calm Lance down, but this panic attack was the worst one I've ever seen. He kept screaming, "Papa, I'm sorry. Don't hurt me, please!" But I couldn't help him. Eventually, he passed out. As soon as he went limp and stopped screaming, I rushed forward and picked him up.
  "I'm taking him to his room. I'll explain everything later."
  After I sat him down in his bed, I walked back into the training room. When I arrived, everyone was staring at me with tears in their eyes. Shiro and Allura looked guilty, Pidge looked terrified, and Keith looked.. sad.
  "What.. happened to him?" Keith asked.
  "He had a severe panic attack with some flashbacks."
  "What was he screaming?" Pidge asked tearfully.
  I took a deep breath, "Papa, I'm sorry. Don't hurt me, please.."
  "He.. doesn't have a happy family, does he?" Keith asked sadly.
  I shook my head, "His father mentally and physically abused him. Lance would take everything for his siblings and mother, too.."
  "Will he be alright?" Allura asked, her voice laced with guilt and concern.
  "I hope.."
  The team and I walked into Lance's room, and when we did, he was thrashing around in his bed, crying, sweating, and mumbling something. I ran over and put my arm on his shoulder.
  "Shh, Buddy, it's okay..." I whispered while shaking him. Lance shot up and looked around, his eyes filled with fear and tears. He then spotted the team and gasped.
  "Crap! Crap! Crap!!" He screamed, shooting out of bed. He then started pacing the room, tugging his hair.
  "Lance, stop! You'll hurt yourself!" I yelled, not wanting to touch him just in case. He took his hands out of his hair, but he continued to pace.
  "Buddy, What is it?" I asked him.
  "They know.."
  "..huh?" I responded, clearly confused.
  "They know how much of a screw up I am! How many problems I have! They know!!" He yelled.
  "Lance, you aren't a screw up.." Keith said sadly.
  "Yes I am!" He yelled and started to pull his hair again.
  I grabbed his wrist. I saw a little blood start to drip down his head, "Buddy, you're making yourself bleed.."
  "I don't care."
  "...Lance... why didn't you tell me how bad all of it had gotten?"
  "Do you really want to know? Fine! I haven't slept, before just now, for 3 days! I'm drowning in an ocean of my own thoughts! Flashbacks of my father keep tormenting me! I can't get a break, dang it! I'm completely out of medicine. Antidepressants, gone. Anxiety medication, gone. Insomnia medication, gone. All of it's gone! I can't think, dang it! Why?! Why.." Lance screamed with rivers streaming down his face. I teared up at the sight, so I hugged him.
  "We can try and get more medicine?" I said, but it sounded more like a question than a statement.
  "I just want it to end! I can't take it anymore!!" He screamed and started struggling in my grip. I only held him tighter. I honestly forgot the rest of the team was watching us. I think Lance forgot, too.
  "Let us help you, Lance.."
  "I can't be fixed. I'm broken! Can't you see that? I'm beyond repair!"
  "You only are if you believe that, Lance." Keith suddenly said, stepping forward. The rest of the team stepped forward and started hugging Lance and I. He only started sobbing harder into my chest.
  "We'll help you.." Keith said.

That was honestly the worst fan fiction I've ever written, I think. Sorry, I'm tired XD
Word count: 1408

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