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(Original Colors) This is based off of one of my other one shots!

~Lance's POV~

  "Paladins, please come to the training deck; we're doing a new exercise!"Allura called through the comms. I was already doing my eye make-up to cover up the bags under my eyes, so I figured I wouldn't be too late. When I was done, I ran to the training deck. I arrived only a little after Keith, I saw him walk in, but yet, they were all glaring at me.
  "Glad you decided to show," Keith grumbled, crossing his arms.
  "You-" I started, but Shiro cut me off.
  "Lance, no one needs your smart remarks. Just get here on time for once."
  I hung my head and nodded.
  Allura suddenly spoke up, "Okay! Today, we're looking back on our worst memories. Tomorrow will be happiest memories!" She called, "First is Keith, then Shiro, Hunk, Pidge, and, finally, Lance. Let's begin!" She clapped her hands.
  "Uh-" I started, trying to protest. I don't want them to see my worst memory! But before I could say two words, I was cut off once again.
  "Lance, we're doing it!" Allura snapped. I, again, hung my head and nodded.

Time skip to Lance's turn!

  I sat in a chair. A headset was placed on my head, and, before I knew it, I was transferred to my past..
"Sophia!" A 15 year old me called, running up the stairs. I got no answer, so I knocked on her door.
  "Sophie..?" I asked, growing concerned. Again, I got no reply. I opened the door slowly.
  When I opened the door, I saw Sophia, my twin sister, laying on the floor, crimson blood dripping from her tan wrists. An orange pill bottle was empty, laying next to her. I immediately ran to my sister.
  "SOPHIA!" I yelled, dropping next to her, "Sophia, open your eyes! Please!" I yelled, checking her pulse. She was barely alive. Tears started streaming down my face.
  "MAMÁ, CALL 911!" I yelled. I heard hurried footsteps climbing the wooden stairs, followed by a loud scream from my mother. She immediately dialed 911.
  "Lance.." Sophia whispered quietly.
  "Sophia! Don't worry, you'll be okay!" I cried.
  "No.. Lance, I don't want to be okay.." She whispered in a broken voice. More tears streamed down my face.
  "No.. no, Sophia, I need you! You're my best friend! Please, please, no!" I cried, clutching onto her shirt.
  "I hope you don't hate me.." She weakly chuckled.
  "No, I could never hate you! Please, no!" I cried.
  She weakly raised her head, "I love you, Lance.." She whispered.
  "I love you too! Please, no, don't leave me! I need you!"
  "You'll be fine; you're a strong kid.." She whispered, putting her head down. She started to close her eyes, but I yelled.
  "NO! Sophia, don't close your eyes!"
  "I love you.. Don't blame yourself, please.. Live a full, happy life for me, Lance.." She whispered. Her eyes started closing. I tried everything to keep her awake, alive, but she fell limp in my arms.
  "SOPHIA!" My agonizing scream echoed in the house. Paramedics rushed into the room, but it was too late. My beloved twin sister was already dead..
  I was sobbing in front of something. A grave. Sophia's grave..
  "Sophie.." I cried, "Why..?!" I sobbed. But I knew I would get no answer. I knew I would never know why she killed herself at such a young age..
  "I m-miss you.." I sobbed before getting up. I left her favorite flowers, periwinkles, and hesitantly left.

Sophia McClain
You will be missed..

  I was pulled back into reality. Tears were streaming down my face, sobs racked through my body. My hands found their way to my hair.
  "Sophia.." I cried, pulling my legs up to my chest. I heard other people crying, sobbing even. But they don't know what it was like..
  "Dang it!" I cried loudly, slamming my head into my knees, "Why didn't she come to me?! Why didn't I notice she wasn't okay?! I'm supposed to be her twin brother!" I sobbed, hitting my own thighs, arms, head, anything, really; I could already feel small bruises forming, "I couldn't save her!" I suddenly got up and ran out of the room; I don't want to see the team.
  "Lance!" Hunk yelled, but I kept running. Multiple people were running after me, but I didn't care. I ran to my room, left the door open, and threw my pillow across the room. Underneath was a picture of Sophia and I together, smiling, laughing. That was a day before she died.
  My knees gave out under me. I fell on the floor and sat on my legs. I hugged the picture to my chest as more sobs filled the air.
  Somebody put their hand on my back. They began to rub circles in hopes of calming me down, but it didn't work.
  "Hey, it's okay, Buddy.." Hunk cooed. But it's not okay! Nothing is okay!
  "Lance, please calm down!" Pidge cried. She was sitting next to me.
  "Dang it!" I cried, "I tried to forget! I tried so hard to forget! I don't want her death implanted in my mind; I want the happy memories! But now all I can see is her dead body.." I sobbed.
  "Wait.." Keith suddenly said, "It's only been two years.. we've been in space for about 2 years.. Oh my gosh, he didn't have time to grieve!" Keith exclaimed.
  "Obviously!" Pidge yelled before turning her attention back to me, "U-Uh.. Do you wanna talk about it?" She asked.
  "You don't have to, Buddy!" Hunk quickly added.
  "What's there to talk about..?" I asked quietly, wiping my tears with my sleeve, which didn't help; more tears streamed down my face.
"The good memories you had with her..?" Pidge answered, questioning herself.
I shook my head no; I don't want to talk.
  I let out a sad chuckle, "She would be so disappointed in me.. She told me to live a long, happy life, but I can't.. I can't.." I said to myself, tears still running down my cheeks.
  "W-What?!" Hunk yelled, "Buddy, she wouldn't be disappointed in you!"
  "Who wouldn't be disappointed in me? I'm a disappointment. Useless. Worthless. I'm the reason she's dead; I couldn't save her.. She told me not to blame myself, but I could have done something.. Anything.." I responded, letting my confident mask shatter.
  "What..?" Pidge asked in a shocked voice.
  "Get out," I suddenly demanded, realizing what I said.
  "La-" Hunk started, but I cut him off.
  "Get out!! ..Please.. just leave me alone.." I yelled at first, but my voice quickly lowered.
  Hunk and Pidge still didn't get up, "Please.." I begged. My voice cracked. I was about to have a breakdown. Well, even more of a breakdown. I'm already sobbing, crying. I've always held in all my emotions, and that hasn't changed since we came to space; in fact, I hold in my emotions more. Breakdowns are bound to happen.
  "Lance, I'm sorry, but you're not in your right mind to be left alone.." Hunk apologized, using my name.
  "I'm fine.." I mumbled, pushing down the tears that were rising.
  "You say that, but, based on your actions, we can't really believe you," Pidge butted in.
  I forgot Shiro and Keith were even in the room, but I remembered when they both sat behind me. I was facing my bed, still hugging the picture of Sophia and I to my chest.
  After a minute, Pidge spoke up, "C-Can I see the picture of her?" She asked slowly.
  Hesitantly, I let her see the picture. I heard her gasp, "She looks just like you.."
  "Not really.. She was beautiful; I'm.. not.." I replied, my voice shaky. I seriously want them to leave; more and more tears kept rising, and, at this point, it was hard to keep them inside.
  "What do you mean?" Keith asked, "You're good looking."
  I scoffed, "Sure.." I mumbled, hoping that if I was quiet they would leave.
  "Can I have the picture back?" I asked. Pidge nodded, and handed me the picture. I stared at it.
  "She looks just like Mamá.." I whispered. Sophia had long, brown, wavy hair; tan, almost toffee, colored flawless skin; green-blue beautiful eyes; and a small, cute, little button nose. She really was beautiful.
  "Really?" Pidge asked. I nodded.
  A few stray tears escaped my eyes, "Can you leave now?" I asked, my voice shaking terribly. Can't I just cry alone?
  "Nope!" Hunk replied, patting me on the back, "Not until we know you're okay."
  "Why now?" I asked a little louder. They've never cared before, so why now?
  "..What do you mean?" Shiro asked.
  I raised my head, "Why now?! You've always been okay with putting me down, so why do you care if I'm okay?! Is it 'cause you know I'm messed up? Or is because you know I'm broken from my own sister's suicide?!" More tears escaped my eyes. I couldn't stop them anymore.
  Rivers upon rivers of tears were streaming down my cheeks. I put my head down again. My breath quickened; it's not easy to breathe when you're crying this much. Because of my quickened breath, I started to hiccup. Hiccups turned into small sobs; small sobs turned me into a sobbing mess.
  "Hey, hey!" Hunk desperately called, "It's okay!"
  "I-IT'S N-NOT OKAY!" I sobbed, "SHE'S
D-DEAD!" I practically yelled.
  I felt more than one pair of arms wrap around me. I dug my head into Hunk's shoulder, and I just sat there, sobbing into his shirt. Somebody was rubbing circles on my back, another on my arm. 
  "It'll all be okay.." Hunk soothed.
  I didn't respond; my voice wasn't strong enough. I simply sat there in my team's embrace, sobbing into Hunk's shoulder.

Word Count: 1654

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