I came out to my mom! (Not an update)

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  Hi guys! Today is father's day, as most of you know (I'm assuming XD), so my family and I went out for dinner. We decided to go to a place where somebody cooks in front of you, which was super cool! Anyway, my mom and I went to the bathroom right after the food was done so that I could give my insulin- I'm a type 1 diabetic, by the way. While I was in the bathroom, I asked my mom.
  "Would you be surprised if one of your kids came out as gay?" I asked without thinking.
  There was silence for a minute, "Uh, I guess. But I wouldn't be upset. You can't change who you are."
  There was some more silence, "I like a girl.."
  More silence, "You do?"
  "Mhm.." I responded nervously.
  I said her name (I'm not going to say it).
  "So you're.. bisexual?" She asked.
  "Yeah, I think," I replied slowly.
  "Isn't she.. straight though?"
  "I'm pretty sure, which makes me really sad. I really, really like her.." I replied in a sad voice.
  There was some more awkward silence, "That felt good to get off my chest," I chuckled awkwardly, "I've already told Ashley and one of my bisexual friends, by the way."
  "That's cool..." She said awkwardly.
  And after that we went back to the rest of my family. XD

  Oh, by the way, thanks for 1,000 reads! I never would have imagined that one of my stories would get that many reads since I'm such a bad writer. XD In celebration, I'm writing a really, really long one-shot, so be prepared! I don't know how long it's gonna be, but so far it's around 4,000 words (I apologize in advance XD) so I hope you'll like it when it comes out! Oh, and I'm trying to make it super fluffy. :3
  Word Count: 313

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