Nightmare Disaster

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Another Shance XD (Original Colors)

~Lance's POV~

  Shiro and I have been dating for about 3 years, so, by now, I often find myself laying in my bed at night, Shiro by my side- he usually never stays, however. Honestly, when we started dating, I never expected him to be a cuddler. But he sure is!
  I was laying in bed, about to fall asleep, when Shiro walked in. He looked exhausted.
  "Hey.. Is something bothering you, Babe?" I asked him, getting up, and walking towards him. I can't remember the last time I saw him this tired.
  "Hm..? No. Sorry.." He apologized, running his robotic hand through his white tuff of hair, "I just wanted to cuddle.. Last night I couldn't sleep, so that probably explains why I look like.. this."
  I smiled, "Come on," I chuckled, laying back down in bed. He smiled weakly and slid in next to me. His arms wrapped around my waist tightly, and he buried his head in the crook of my neck. I chuckled, loosely wrapped my arms around his neck, and buried my face in his shoulder.
"Go to sleep; I don't mind.." I whispered to Shiro. Normally, he hates to sleep in the same bed as me. He's scared he's going have a nightmare, think I'm somebody trying to hurt him, and he ends up hurting me accidentally. But I trust him enough. Plus, if that does happen, it wouldn't be his fault; he's not in his right mind after a nightmare.
He nodded sluggishly, "Night.. Kitten.."
"H-Hey! Why is that my nickname?" I stuttered, extremely flustered.
"'Cause.. Kittens are cute.. You're cute," He responded. I could practically hear his smirk.
"F-Fine.. Then I'll call you.. Kashi! 'Cause your real name is Takashi!"
"Cute.. I like it," Shiro chuckled, "Night. I love you, Kitten."
I tightened my grip around him slightly, "I love you too, Kashi.."

It wasn't long before Shiro and I fell asleep. We were sleeping for a couple hours, probably about 4, when I awoke from Shiro trashing in his sleep, muttering. I immediately shot up. Tears were running down his sweat covered face; his body was thrashing like he was trying to get away from somebody and/or something; and he was mumbling, "No.. get away.." over and over again.
"Kashi!" I exclaimed, nudging him slightly. He didn't stir a bit.
"Kashi, it's okay; you're safe!" I yelled desperately, trying to wake him up. Suddenly, he shot up, his Galra arm activated. Beads of sweat started to form on my forehead. This situation was, honestly, terrifying me.
Lightly, I set a hand on his back, and he turned towards me. His eyes were a fierce, fiery gray. Shivers ran down my spine. His eyes weren't the kind, loving eyes of my beloved boyfriend..
Shiro grabbed my right wrist with his robotic arm. The smell of burning flesh filled the room as I screamed, trying to draw back my hand. His grip tightened slightly, causing tears to well up in my eyes. It hurt so bad. His arm was scorching hot, burning the skin off my wrist. Another scream was forced out of my mouth as tears started to stream down my face. That seemed to snap him out of it, though. His eyes softened as he shook his head slightly.
His gaze was confused, but the minute he realized I was crying, his eyes filled with terror. He looked down, as did I, and saw my wrist. His hand was still clutching it; his arm still activated. He let out of a noise of terror, drawing his hand back.
  The skin on my wrist was, somehow, peeling, almost melting, off. Blood ran down my forearm, dripping onto my bed sheets. In some places, you could see a little bit of my muscle. I, for sure, had 3rd degree burns. The sight of my wrist made me gag. I covered my mouth with my left hand, tears still streaming down my face. You could still smell burning flesh in the air.
"Oh my god.." Shiro whispered, tears forming in his eyes, "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to, Lance; I'm so sorry! Oh my god!" He scrambled out of my bed, ran to my bathroom, and came out a minute later with a first-aid kit, a big cup full of water, and towels.
He lightly grabbed my arm, but I couldn't help but flinch. I was still terrified. His eyes filled with guilt, regret, sadness, and some tears started to trickle down his face, but he still grabbed the towels, put them under my wrist, and, very gently, submerged my wrist into the water cup. The minute the tiniest bit of skin touched the water, I cried out in pain.
"I'm so sorry, Lance.. I'm so sorry; I didn't mean to.." Shiro cried, more tears running down his face. Quickly, while still trying to be as gentle as possible, he pushed the rest of my wrist in the water. It was ice cold, so I thought it would be nice, but it hurt. A scream of pain tried to force it's way out of my mouth, but I bit my lip; my teammates were sleeping, and they already heard me scream twice. If they heard another one, they would've come checked on me.
I started to whimper, for some reason, trying to pull my wrist out, but Shiro kept it in place, "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.." He repeated, his voice shaky.
I, eventually, replied, "It's f-fine, Kashi.. You weren't in your r-right mind." I wiped my tears with my left hand, refusing to let any more fall. If he saw me cry, it would make him feel worse.
"I-I.." He stuttered, more tears streaming down his face, "We need t-to get you to a h-healing pod!"
  "Do you t-think Coran is up?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.
  "H-He always i-is.." Shiro replied, letting go of my forearm, and picking me up bridal style. Tears were still streaming down his face.
  "Kashi, w-what's wrong?" I asked as he ran to the medical bay.
  "I h-hurt you.. You're gonna have a s-scar.." He replied sadly.
  I gently put my left hand on his cheek, wiping some of his tears, "Not your fault," I whispered, "You weren't in your right mind, Kashi.."
  "So?!" He cried, "I'm your b-boyfriend; I'm supposed to p-protect you, not h-hurt you!"
  "Kashi-" I started, but Shiro ran into the medical bay.
  "Coran!" He yelled, looking for him.
  Coran came around the corner, wiping his hands on his pants.
  "What is it? I was cleaning the healing pods."
  "I-I accidentally hurt L-Lance.." Shiro responded, still crying. I waved to Coran with my left hand.
  He looked confused for a minute, but he eventually saw my right wrist. He gasped and ran to the computers, preparing a healing pod.
  "Did you grab him with your arm activated?!" Coran exclaimed, activating a pod.
  "I-I didn't mean to.." Shiro cried, "I was having a n-nightmare, and.."
"Put him in a pod," Coran instructed, "He should be out by the time everybody else wakes up."
Shiro nodded, walked over to the pod, and put me in. I smiled at him, but that just made more tears stream down his face. He must feel so guilty..
"Okay; I'm activating the pod!" Coran announced.
I nodded, my wrist still in extreme pain. A second later, I was fading into unconsciousness.

When I awoke, I was falling. Strong, big arms wrapped around me right before I hit the floor. I looked up to see my boyfriend, looking extremely tired, distraught, with red, puffy eyes.
"Hey, Kashi!" I exclaimed, standing up. He smiled at me sadly.
"Okay!" Coran yelled from behind Shiro, "I'm going to have to wrap your wrist. Then you'll be good to go!"
I nodded, holding my wrist out. It only took Coran a minute.
  "Okay. I'm going to leave you two alone now," Coran announced after he finished, walking off.
  "Did you sleep?" I asked, looking at my boyfriend worriedly.
  "No.." He mumbled awkwardly, a guilty look on his face.
  I lightly put my hand on his cheek, "Kashi, stop feeling guilty. It wasn't your fault. I'm fine."
"Does it still hurt..?" He asked, tears forming in his, already red, eyes.
"No," I lied. I don't want him to feel worse about it; he didn't mean to.
"Are you okay?" I asked, removing my hand from his cheek.
"Of corse.." He responded awkwardly.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a quick peck on the lips, "Stop feeling guilty," I ordered, "It wasn't your fault."
He smiled at me sadly again, slowly wrapping his arms around my waist. It was like he was scared to touch me. Scared that he was going to hurt me if he did.
"What time is it?" I asked, pecking his lips again.
"Breakfast is in 10 minutes," He replied, his arms finally completely around my waist.
"You should take a break from training. You need sleep," I suggested.
"I'll be fine. We could just do a bounding exercise again."
  I nodded and pecked his lips for a third time.
  He still had a guilty look in his eyes; he was being extra gentle, "Kashi, stop feeling guilty. None of this was your fault."
  He let go of my waist, "But I still hurt you.." He said, avoiding eye contact.
  "Remember the time I accidentally shot you during training last year?" I asked. He nodded.
  "I hurt you too. Now stop blaming yourself," I said, letting go of him, "If anything, we're even now."
  He was about to say something, but I cut him off, "No. Not your fault."
  He hesitantly nodded. I grabbed his hand and started to walk to the dinning hall, "Let's go eat! I'm starving."
  He chuckled, squeezing my hand, "I love you, Kitten.."
  I kissed his cheek, "Love you too, Kashi."

That was bad. Sorry. XD
Word Count: 1686

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