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This isn't exactly Langst, but Lance does have depression in this one-shot. Btw, this is the original colors (Lance is blue, Keith is red, Shiro is black, Pidge is green, and Hunk is yellow :3)

~3rd Person~

  Lance has been acting weird lately, but no has noticed. Not even Coran, who says Lance is like his son. Only Hunk knows Lance has depression, but he never thought to ask Lance if he had antidepressants in space. That changed one day when Hunk was looking in a drawer to look for something, and he saw pills.

~Lance's POV~

  I don't want to do anything today. I can't remember the last time I smiled. A real smile. That's because I ran out of my stupid antidepressants. What's the point in getting out of bed? I don't want to do anything every. Single. Day. I'm sick of it, but what can I do? Nothing.
  I was sitting at the table while Hunk was looking for some ingredients to make a new recipe. He suddenly stopped and turned to me.
  "Hey Lance, are you still taking your pills," he asked. Everyone else had to be in the room, so they immediately looked at me with confused gazes.
  I started fidgeting with my thumbs, "Uhhh... I may or may not have taken them in months since I ran out.." I confused, ashamed. He dropped everything after processing what I said and walked over to me like a father.
  He put his hands on his hips, "Come here, Lance. We should talk."
  I gulped, got up, and followed him. When we got out of the room, Hunk started to speak, "Lance, let me see your arms," He demanded.
  "W-What?! Why?! I'm fine!!" I responded. I'm really not fine, but I can't show him my arms. I've cut a few times, the most recent time was yesterday.
  "Lance," he warned.
  "No!" I exclaimed before continuing, "can we please just go back to the others?"
  "Not until you show me your arms. Lance, Buddy, I'm worried. I know what you do when you don't have your antidepressants. When you feel your lowest. Do I need to remind you how I figured out?" He warned once again. Geez, Hunk is acting like such a father!
  "No, you don't need to remind me. But I won't show you my arms. I don't like my scars, and last time you saw them you had an anxiety attack," I tried to reason.
  "I don't care if I have an anxiety attack, Lance! I need to see! I need to know if you're... do it again," He replied.
  I was about to give in, but then Shiro walked out of the dinning hall, "Hey guys, everything okay?" He asked worriedly.
  I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, "Everything's peachy! We were just about to go back in! Come on guys," I yelled and walked back in.
  "What was that about?" Keith asked.
  "It's nothing, Mullet," I responded and sat down.
  "I'm not letting that go, Lance," Hunk said angrily before going back to looking for ingredients.
  "What pills was he talking about, Lance?" Pidge asked me.
  "Nothing!" I exclaimed a little to quickly. Crap. Pidge raised an eyebrow and nodded, but she totally didn't believe me.
  "Well I'm gonna go to my room. Bye guys!" I yelled and started running before Hunk could say anything.
  When I got to my room, I let my confident mask down. No one would see, anyway. I sat on my bed and stared at my hands.
Wow Lance, you can't do anything right. You made Hunk worry, you worthless piece of crap.
I can do things right!
Like what? You say you're the sharpshooter, but you really aren't. Remember the time you almost shot Pidge? Totally a sharpshooter. Just give in, Lance. Cut. Just once.
If I do it, it won't be just once. What if Hunk figures out? He will never trust me again!
He never trusted you. Do it!!!
  I couldn't handle the voices. Why can't they just leave me alone?!? I put my hands through my hair and started tugging, like I was trying to pull the voices out of my head. I can't cut. I can't! I want to so badly, though.
  I eventually gave in to the voice. I went to the bathroom, got my razor, and cut. I said just once, but of corse that didn't happen. When I finally realized what I was doing, I had more than 10 cuts on each arm and leg. I dropped the razor and started cleaning myself up.
Wow I can't believe you did that! Everyone will be so disappointed in you! You're worthless!
You told me to do it!!
You're too weak to resist.
  After I cleaned up, I started sobbing. Worthless. Useless. Screw-Up. The thoughts filled my head as I felt a panic attack coming. Not now! Come on! Then, to make matters worse, I heard a knock on the door followed my a voice.
  "Buddy, we have to continue our conversation. I'm coming in. You better be dressed!" Hunk called through the door. It's a good thing I cleaned up and had bandages on, but I was still having a panic attack. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the razor. I picked it up, but then the door opened, and Hunk gasped before knocking it out of my hand.
  "Lance what are you doing?! Oh my god, you said you didn't do it anymore," Hunk yelled loudly.
  "Hunk, no! It's not what it looks like!! I didn't do it," I replied just as loudly, but this wasn't really helping my panic attack. I was hyperventilating, and when Hunk finally noticed I was having a panic attack, the other paladins, Allura, and Coran were in the room.
  "Crap, Lance," Hunk yelled before kneeling next to me, "breath! In... out... in... out..." Hunk tried to put a hand on my back, but I moved before he did. I'm just a burden.
  "I'm.. fine.." I said while still hyperventilating, "don't worry.. about good.. ol' Lance.." I put my hand on my chest and felt my heartbeat.
  I don't know why, but feeling any heartbeat helps me calm down. I continued to feel to my heartbeat while my team just stared at me.
  When I finally calmed down, Hunk asked me, "So why is there a bloody razor that isn't dry! And why are you having a panic attack? Buddy, you can talk to me!"
  I looked at him without the confident mask. My team looked at me and they looked shocked. My face was broken. My eyes were filled with pain, despair, sadness, anxiety, and fear.
  "I don't want to be a burden. I'm already annoying, so why should you have to deal with my panic attacks? Why should you have to deal with my problems when we should be worrying about the universe?" I asked with a serious tone.
  "L-Lance... You're not annoying, nor are you a burden! We're your team, your family. If you have a problem, you can come to us!" Pidge yelled before Hunk could.
  I faced her and stared.
They're lying. They just pity you. No one likes you. 
  I got up and walked out without another word.

~Keith's POV~
  "What was that?!" I yelled after Lance left.
  Hunk sighed and looked at all of us. Pidge looked heartbroken. Shiro looked guilty. I looked mad. Coran and Allura were confused. Hunk looked like he was in physical pain.
  "I should probably tell you guys. He won't, so I will. You know how earlier I asked about his pills? Well, he has depression. I figured out when we were in the Garrison. He didn't tell me, though. He did, but I made him," he paused before continuing, "I figured out something was wrong with him when I walked into the bathroom one day. He was sitting on the floor with his wrists bleeding, a knife sitting next to him covered in blood, and he was sobbing, shaking, and hyperventilating. I cleaned him up, calmed him down, and demanded answers. He told me he had frequent panic attacks, severe depression, and severe anxiety. I had to promise not to tell anyone or else he would deny it," Hunk finished and stared at us.
  I was staring at Hunk with a shocked expression and my mouth open. I turned to look at everyone else. Pidge was crying and hugging Shiro. Shiro had his arm around Pidge in a protective manner with tears in his eyes. Allura and Coran looked sad but confused.
  "Guys, we left him alone!" I screamed after a minute. Shiro and Hunk ran out of the room to find him.
  I was staring at the door, waiting. I was snapped out of my daze when I heard Shiro and Hunk yelling something. We all ran out of the room towards their voices. When we found them, we saw a horrifying sight.

Lance was on the ground, pale, and unconscious..

~3rd Person~

  Hunk was staring at his best friend in shock, so Shiro and Keith worked together to pick Lance up. After they picked him up, they ran to the healing pods as fast as they could.
  "Put him in a suit!" Coran yelled while working on the pod to turn it on.
  Shiro and Keith took of his clothes and saw scars all over his body. Both of their eyes teared, but they had to work quickly. They put the suit on Lance as fast as they could, and Shiro then put Lance in a pod.
  "How long is he gonna be in there? Will he be alright?!" Pidge asked.
  "He should be fine, though he lost a lot of blood. He'll get out in one Earth day," Coran responded worriedly.
  Hunk sat down and put his head in his hands, "If only I noticed he was acting different, he wouldn't be like this! If only I noticed.." Hunk trailed off.
  "This isn't just your fault, Hunk. All of us weren't paying enough attention," Shiro responded.
  Each team member took turns watching over Lance in the pod. After a day, the pod finally opened and Lance fell out.

~Lance's POV~

  When I awoke, I was falling. The team must have put the in a healing pod.
Wow, Lance. You're such a burden!!
  I looked up and saw Keith looking down on me with teary eyes. He helped me stand up straight, and when I finally stood up, he hugged me tightly.
  "Oh my God, Lance.. you had scars everywhere.. why? Why didn't you come to one of us?" Keith asked in a demanding manner. I looked around, and the rest of the team was looking at me with pity in their eyes. Pity. I hate pity!
  I lightly pushed Keith off me, "I'm fine. Guys don't worry about me," I said. I didn't even worry about acting all confident. They already saw the real me. I bet Hunk already told them about all my problems. What's the point in faking it?
  "You're not fine, Lance! Please, just talk to us!" Keith yelled.
  "When did you start caring? When did any of you flipping care about me? I try to make you feel better by telling jokes, but you always just groan and push me away! None of you care, and I don't blame you. I don't even care about myself," I lashed out. My team was trying to figure out the right words to say, but I just cut them off, "Don't even try to deny it. You all hate me. Just leave me alone," I said sadly and walked out.
  As I was walking out of the room, someone grabbed onto my hand. I turned around and saw Shiro. Shiro? Why would he care? All he ever does is praise Keith.
  "Lance, we don't hate you. We care about you. Please, let us help you.."
  I pulled my hand back and started crying. I'm so weak. Can't even go five flipping minutes without crying, can I? I felt arms wrap around me. Then another pair. Then another. And soon enough, my entire team was hugging me.
  "I don't matter. Why are you helping me? It's pointless. I'm worthless. Useless. Disposable. You could just get another blue paladin, you don't need me."
  They all tightened their arms, "We do need you. Lance you aren't worthless, useless, and you sure aren't disposable. We love you," Keith said.
  I didn't respond. I just fell asleep. I'm tired, dang it.

That was that. Hope y'all liked it. I'm not really proud of it, but whatever. Sorry if I got anything wrong or this offended anyone. Anyhow. Byeeee~
Word count: 2132

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