Worst Nightmare

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(Original Colors)

~Lance's POV~

  The team and I just got captured by the Galra. It's all my fault. I didn't sleep too much last night; I wasn't focused. It's all my fault!
  My team was chained to the wall. They all were all injured: Pidge had a couple broken ribs, Keith had a huge gash in his arm, Shiro had a weird alien injury, and Hunk had several bruises, gashes, and scrapes all over his body. I was in the best condition, only having a couple scratches and bruises. But I was strapped down on a metal table; Hagar was pacing in front of me.
  "Hm.. what should I do to you, Blue Paladin? Oh! I know! I'll break you from the inside out. I'll show your worst nightmares, your deepest fears. You will live all of them in your dreams. I will torture you right in front of your team. Sounds fun, does it not?" She said in a menacing voice.
  "Don't-" Shiro started, but I interrupted him.
  "Show me your best, you over sized grape!" I yelled with a smile. My team stared at me in horror.
  "Lance, this is-" Keith started, but Hagar interrupted him.
  "Very well, Blue Paladin. I'll show you, and your team, your worst nightmares. If you can handle that, which I doubt you can, I'll move on to something else. I will break you, no matter how long or what I have to do. Be careful what you wish for, Blue Paladin," She sneered.
  I smiled at her, "It's nothing I can't handle." Everyone, including Hagar, stared at me in astonishment. I'm asking for torture, basically.
  Hagar shot a blast of lighting at me. It was unbelievably painful, but I bit my lip to refrain me from making any noises. Before I knew it, I was in a different setting.
  Shiro was looming over me, "You disappointment! We don't need you! Nobody needs you!" He yelled at me. Then, the setting changed to Pidge's messy room. She was working on something on her computer, and I was talking about Earth. Suddenly, she turned around and started yelling.
  "SHUT UP! You're so annoying! Go bother somebody else who might actually care! Oh wait, nobody cares about your sorry arse!"
  The setting changed again. I was in the kitchen with Hunk. He was baking, and I was sitting there quietly.
  "Lance, get out! You're so distracting! Worthless! All you do is mess up! I don't know why I ever called you my friend!" Hunk yelled. That one hurt.
  "W-What..? How.. How could you say that?!" I asked.
  "What do you mean?! You're so annoying, of corse I hate being your friend! Why would you think otherwise?" He yelled again. I felt tears well up in my eyes, but I walked out without another word.
  For the final time, the setting changed. Keith and I were training; he was sitting on top of me, pinning me down.
  "Just face it, Mullet, you totally cheated!" I joked.
  "Shut up!" He yelled in a terrifying voice. I know that we fight, but he never gets this mad, "Stop blaming me for your screw-ups! You'll be the death of us all!"
  I was at a loss of words, but I didn't have time to say anything even if I wanted to. I was pulled from the nightmare; only to be faced with the shocked faces of my team and Hagar.
  "How are you not crying? Screaming?" She asked herself. I smiled at her.
  "Lady, you're gonna have to do better then that if you want to break me. I live with that everyday, I'm used to it. You know, some people actually face their worst nightmares daily. People in abusive relationships; I've been in one. People who have terrible parents; I've faced that. You're gonna have to give it your all to break me in the slightest," I said in a calm voice. I was smiling, but everyone else was staring at me with shocked expressions.
  "Shall we move on to the next trial?" I asked, "I don't have all day, you know."
  Hagar regained her composure, "Torture next, then.."
  She stretched out her long fingers. Bright, blue lightning was released. The lightning hit me square in the chest, and it kept coming. It was, once again, unbearably painful. But I refuse to give her the satisfaction of my screams. Of my pain. I bit my lip so hard blood started to draw, but I didn't make a sound. Sure, I was moving quite a bit, but I wasn't making a noise.
  After awhile, I could tell her energy was draining. The pain was getting worse every second, but right before I was about to scream she stopped. I gasped loudly. My voice was shaky, but I still spoke.
  "Is that all you got?" I asked with a pained smile. Once again, everyone stared at me in horror. I looked down, and I saw that the area where she was hitting was burned black. There would be a scar.
  "H-How..?" She asked herself.
  "Like I said, you won't break me," I said in a shaky, but low, threatening voice. I'm done with the jokes.
  "Bring them to the cells. Don't put them together! Patch the other ones up, but leave the Blue Paladin. Don't feed him. Don't give him water. Do nothing with him," Hagar said to two guards who were on standby.
  One of the guards started to undo my straps, Hagar was walking out of the room, so I yelled, "Ta Ta, grape! Until next time!" The guard elbowed my gut. I shut up. The guards grabbed my friends and I, and they lead us to our separate cells. Once they were gone, my team immediately started to ask questions.
  "Lance, are you okay?!" Hunk asked worriedly.
  "What do you mean you were in an abusive relationship?!" Pidge asked.
  "Terrible parents? What does that mean?!" Keith asked loudly.
  "What do you mean you live your nightmare every day?!" Shiro yelled.
  "Woah, woah, guys.." I said in a weak voice. I could let the mask down; Hagar wouldn't hear or see, "I'm fine.. Pidge, I was dating this guy and he would hit me. Sexually assault me. Keith, my parents physically and mentally abused me. Shiro, do you really not notice how you treat me?" I answered in a weaker voice. My strength was draining. I could feel I would pass out soon if I didn't sleep.
  "Your boyfriend would hit you?!" Pidge yelled.
  "Yup. If I did something wrong, he would hit me. If I talked to other guys, he would hit me. Hunk, remember that one time I came to school with bruises all over my face? Remember how I said I fell? I didn't. He did that to me after he saw me talking to you," I replied. My team looked at each other worriedly across the cells.
  "What would your parents do..?" Keith asked slowly.
  "Call me vulgar names. Get drunk and beat me up."
  "What do you mean do you not notice how we treat you?" Shiro asked.
  ".. You guys are always calling me annoying, screw-up, worthless, useless.." I answered quietly. After I answered, I saw my team's faces go from confused, to realization, to extreme guilt.
  "Lance.." Shiro said.
  "I'm fine. We're fine. Everything if fine. Don't worry about it," I said before he could continue, "Now, if you don't mind me, I'm going to sleep.." I laid my head down on the cold, hard floor. My back was facing my team, but I still knew they were staring at me. I could feel their glances burning into my back. After awhile of trying to fall asleep, my tired eyes finally started to drop. Before I knew it, I was out cold.
  I awoke the next morning in a confused state. A raspy voice was yelling at me to get up. After a minute, I realized it was Hagar. I sat up and put on a fake smile. My entire body was aching from immense pain.
  "Mornin' Grape!" I yelled. She sneered at me before ordering a guard to get me and bring me to the same room as yesterday. The same guard as yesterday snatched me from my cell and started to walk me down the hall of cells. I saw my team send me worried glances, but I smiled at them reassuringly.
  After many turns throughout the halls, we finally reached the room I was in yesterday. Only today, there were tools. Surgery tools..
  Panic and fear flooded through my veins, but I didn't let my fake smile falter. They will not get the satisfaction of seeing my pain or fear.
  "I see you've noticed the tools, Blue Paladin.." Hagar said in a menacing voice, "I decided since you're the right leg of Voltron that I would take your right leg! How ironic, am I right?" Hagar said. Before I could give her a smart remark, she was ordering the guard to strap me in while she got the tools ready.
  The guard strapped me down, and Hagar loomed over me, "I expect screams today, Blue Paladin. I'm sure I won't be disappointed.." she said before grabbing a weird tool. Before I knew it, I was in an incredible amount of pain. I couldn't help but scream. My screams of pain echoed down the hallways. I hope my friends don't hear..
  Before long, I passed out from the unbearable pain..

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