It's Just a Prank! (Part 2)

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Last time, it was Keith pranking Lance. This time, I'm gonna make Lance prank Keith and scare the crap outta him :3 hope you enjoy!!

~3rd Person~

  Lance was standing in the middle of the room talking to Keith's camera.
  "Hey guys. This is Lance, Keith's boyfriend. Last time he uploaded, he pranked me. I want revenge. He scared the living daylights out of me, so I'm gonna do the same to him," Lance grinned before continuing, "I'm going to get my friend, Allura, to put make-up on me to make it look like I got beat up. Now, you might not know this, but Keith is extremely over-protective towards the people he cares about, especially me. I'm not gonna lie, I've been in a few fights. Each time after I got into a fight, Keith would scold me then go beat up the guy who beat me up. I really wanna see his reaction when Allura distorts my entire face with make-up," Lance finished.
  Then, a girl with dark, smooth skin and white, long, beautiful hair walked in the room with a make-up bag. Lance put the camera where Keith usually puts it and filmed Allura applying the make-up.
  By the time she was done, Lance had a deep gash down the side of his right cheek, a dark purple bruise over his left eye, scratches all over his chin, a small gash above his right eyebrow, and bruises all over his arms, legs, and some on his face. Lance then hugged and thanked Allura.
  After Allura left, Lance called Keith while fake crying. After a few rings, Keith finally picked up, "Hey Babe!" He started, "Is everything okay? You never call me when I'm driving home unless it's an emergency," he asked while chuckling.
  "K-Keith.." Lance started, fake crying but smiling at the same time.
  "Babe?! Are you crying?! What happened?!" Keith asked frantically.
  "I-I was walking home when... t-these guys came up to me... they started b-beating me up.. I look r-really b-bad.." he fake cried.
  "WHAT?! Oh my lord, Lance are you okay?! I'll be home soon. Do you remember what they look like? Were they driving a car? If so, do you remember the plate number? I swear to god, I'll beat whoever laid a finger on you!"
  "Keith.. I'm in pain.." Lance fake cried, once again.
  "Oh god, Babe. I'll be home soon, okay? Just hang on. We'll find whoever did this to you," Keith replied.
  "Okay.. just hurry.." Lance said and hung up. As soon as he hung up, Keith tried to call him again, but Lance just turned his phone off.
  "Okay," he started talking to the camera, "that went really well. He's super worried! Aww that's cute!!" Lance exclaimed before clearing his throat, "Okay. Let's wait for Keith to get home!!"
  After about 10 minutes of Lance waiting, he heard a car pull in to his driveway followed by a car door slamming closed. Lance quickly started to fake cry, and then heard Keith yell.
  "Lance?! Baby, where are you?!"
  "I-In our r-room.." Lance called back. No more then 5 seconds later Keith was in the room gasping.
  "Oh my god!! Oh my god, that's bad! Oh my god," Keith continued and ran to his "crying" boyfriend.
  "Who did this to you?!" Keith yelled.
  "I-I don't know.. I was just walking home from the store and these guys jumped out from an alley wearing black masks. They.. started k-kicking and punching me.. one of them even had a knife, but I kicked one of them and ran.." Lance finished while "crying."
  Keith embraced Lance in a protective manner, "I swear to god I'll kill them," Keith mumbled before speaking a little louder, "let's go get you cleaned up, kay?"
  "N-No, I should be fine.."
  "Nuh-uh. Those are gonna get infected- and before you say anything, no, you're not bothering me," Keith replied softly but firmly.
  "Hang on, let me start by myself. You just got home from work. Lay down for a bit. I'm sorry for worrying you, Babe," Lance replied and got up before Keith could reply. He then walked out of the room, and Keith just sighed. Keith then got on his phone and leaned against the backboard of their bed.
  10 minutes later Lance walked in with nothing wrong with his face. He smiled before speaking, "Hey Babe."
  "Hey. Rea- what.. happened? Wait," Keith stopped and looked at his camera, only to be faced with a green flashing light. Keith groaned loudly and put his phone over his eyes, "Babe.. you have no idea how worried I was.. not cool, Babe.."
  "Hey, I had to get revenge after your little prank," Lance replied happily before sitting on the bed next to his boyfriend.
  "What even was on your face?" Keith asked.
  "Allura came over and did all that with make-up," Lance replied while smiling.
"Sorry, Babe," Lance said and hugged Keith's torso, "I love yoooouuuuu!!"
  "Yeah, yeah.." Keith responded while patting Lance's head. You could tell Keith was beyond annoyed, worried, and angry at the same time.
  "You didn't say it back.." Lance said sadly while sitting up.
  "I love you too, Lance," Keith said before smiling, "you don't even understand how worried I was.. I thought something actually happened to you. And, to be quite frank, I was ready to beat someone's butt. Please, don't do that again, Babe," Keith finished.
  Lance frowned and hugged Keith's torso tightly again, "I'm sorry. Hey, now you kinda, almost feel what I felt. Only I wasn't worried. I was terrified, anxious, and falling into a pit of depression. I say yours was worse," Lance finished, sticking his tongue out at his boyfriend.
  "Truce?" Keith asked.
  Keith then sat up fast, grabbed Lance's face, and kissed him. Then, the video ended.

Hope you liked that! I think that was super cute!
Word Count: 1002

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