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I just read a Langst one-shot and it inspired me to write my own version! (Original colors)

~Lance's POV~

  The team and I were flying to a Galra base for information.
  "Okay everyone," Shiro stared, "this is a very, extremely important mission. Keith, Lance, you'll protect Pidge while she gets information. Hunk and I'll be outside the base, shooting down ships. No messing up. Lance, you will not screw up. You will not goof around. This can change the war. Okay everyone, good luck!"
  I flew Blue alongside Red and Green while Yellow and Black protected our lions.
  "In and out.. in and out.." I kept repeating to myself.
  "Yeah, genius, that's the whole point of the mission. To be quick," Keith sneered.
  "Right.. Sorry."
  We got into the base eventually. There were 7 Galra and 16 robots, so Keith immediately ran in with his sword. I activated my bayard, which was a gun, and started shooting while Pidge went to the data base.
  After a moment, 6 Galra bodies were laying lifelessly on the floor and 16 robots were along side them.
  "Uh.. guys-"
  "Got it! Let's go!!"
  "Guys! There's a Gal-"
  "Not now, Lance!" Keith yelled at me.
  There's a Galra soldier on the loose, but they won't even let me talk! Keith and Pidge started running, so I had no choose but to follow them. The halls were like mazes, constant turns with little light, so I got lost.
'Uh.. Blue? Could you help me, girl?'
'Of corse, my cub!' And she started giving me directions.
'Cub! Someone is coming, be careful.'
  I nodded, but I then felt pain in my lower abdomen followed by a yell, "I GOT THE BLUE PALADIN!!" I grabbed my bayard and shot the soldier in the head. I tried to move, but I was to weak. My legs gave out and I collapsed.
'Blue.. where's the team?"
'They're waiting impatiently with the rest of the lions, my cub. Stay strong, you'll be fine.'
  I grabbed the hilt of the sword and pulled with all my might, causing me to scream in pain.
'Could.. you send everyone messages for me through their lions, girl?'
'Of corse, my cub..'
'Please, tell Hunk he's like my brother. I love him like he's apart of my own family. Could you ask him to tell my family how I died after they beat the Galra?
  Tell Pidge she better get some sleep. I won't be there to force her into bed at 4-5 am anymore. I love her like a sister.
  I know Shiro never liked me, but tell him I always admired him. I always looked up to Shiro. He's my hero. It was an honor fighting along side with him.
  Oh Keith.. I love him. I love him so much. I love him more than I love myself. Please, tell him to stop training so much. It puts too much strain on the body..
  Coran, Coran the Gorgeous Man, you were like my cool space uncle. Keep up the great work. I love you like my own family, too.
  Allura, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being such a failure to the team.. I'm sorry for flirting with you all the time. I'm sorry I wasn't more like Keith. I'm sorry I was such a bad blue paladin. Please, fly and take care of blue for me. I also love you like a sister..'
  At this point, my consciousness was fading.
  "Lance! Where are you, you screw-up!?" Shiro yelled.
  "Can you do one thing right?! You disappointment!" Keith yelled.
  "Hurry up, Lance! The lions are leaving your sorry arse behind!" Pidge yelled.
  My eyes lids started closing. I smiled. They'll be fine without me.. I thought as my eyes closed, never to be opened again..

~3rd Person~

All the lions started roaring in agony, especially Blue.
  "Hey, what's wrong girl?!" Keith asked. Suddenly, all the paladins minds were filled with what Lance last though.
  "..L-Lance.." Keith stammered before running back into the base with tears streaming down his pale cheeks.
  "LANCE?! Where are you?! LANCE!!" Keith yelled. Then, Keith ran into the hallway with the lifeless blue paladin.
  The red paladin immediately ran up to Lance, "LANCE!!!" He screamed.
  "Keith?! Where are you?! What happened?!" Hunk yelled frantically, "WHERE IS HE?!" Hunk yelled before running into the hallway as well.
  Hunk ran up to Lance. Both of the paladins were screaming, sobbing, when Pidge arrived. She screamed and ran up to Lance, hugging his lifeless body. Shiro arrived last, for he was fearing why his team was so heartbroken. He saw Lance's lifeless body and ran to it.
  "LANCE, PLEASE I'M SORRY! I love you too, dang it! OPEN YOUR EYES!!" Keith yelled, sobbing into Lance's chest.
  "Lance!! Get up! Get up, please!" Pidge cried into her hands.
  "Buddy?! Lance, please, this isn't funny!!" Hunk yelled, crying.
  Shiro was just watching his teammates. He was supposed to protect them. Love them. But he didn't protect Lance. He didn't show Lance the love he needed. Shiro often forgot they were all teenagers, and he was being too hard on him.
  Keith basically bullied the man he loved everyday. He never got to hug Lance (when he was alive), kiss him, grow old with him, say he loved him, raise a family. It was all destroyed. And Lance died thinking Keith, and the rest of the team, hated him.
  Pidge felt so guilty. Lance was like her second brother, he took such good care of her, and what did she do back? Yell at him? Call him names? Bully him? She couldn't show him the love she felt, and he's dead. He's gone.
  Hunk's brother, not biological but honorary, lay dead before him. He didn't get to say he loved him. He didn't get to hug him. And now he's gone..
  Lance died thinking he was hated. Unwanted. Worthless. Useless. But in all reality, he was the glue that held Voltron together. Eventually, Allura took his place as blue paladin, but it was never the same. The team never got over his death, and Voltron failed from the regret. The regret of how the treated their past blue paladin. But Lance would never know that they loved him just as much as he loved them..

Was that good? I hope you liked it!
Word Count: 1063

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