Random Little Ideas (Short One Shots Combinded Into One!)

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These are multiple little one shots that I didn't know how to make long enough combined into one!

  Modern AU
  Keith was holding the door open for his boyfriend, Lance, before saying, "Ladies first," with a sly smirk.
  Lance ran threw the door, "HECK YEAH! I'M A QUEEN, KEITH!" He yelled. Keith stared at his boyfriend in shock, "What?" Lance asked.
  Keith simply shook his head, laughed, and walked threw the door.


(Original Colors)

  Lance and Keith were walking to the dinning room, hand and hand, when they heard Pidge scream, "GAY!" While running past them. The boyfriends looked at each other in confusion.
  "What was that?" Keith asked.
  "No clue. But she wasn't wrong. We're pretty gay!" Lance yelled. Keith started laughing at his boyfriend.
  "WE ARE THE GAYEST GAYS THERE ARE!" Keith yelled, making Lance laugh.
  Pidge yelled from the dinning room, "YOU TELL 'EM, KEITH!"


(Original Colors)

  Lance and Keith were cuddling on Lance's bed in a comfortable silence. Keith's head was on top of Lance's chest, and Lance had an arm wrapped tightly around his boyfriend's waist. Lance broke the silence by suddenly saying, "I love you, Keeeeiiith!"
  Keith snuggled his head closer to Lance's chest, "I love you too, Lance."


That was that. Sorry XD BUT OKAY! So season 6 is supposed to come out on June 15th (I'm pretty sure). THAT'S PRIDE MONTH! If Lance and/or Keith don't come out of the closet, I will be VERY upset! XD I'm just kidding.. kind of.. I'M EXPECTING KLANCE TO SAIL    
Word Count: 260

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