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This is an AU where Lance was drafted into the military. Lance and Keith are dating, and they don't get to see each other for almost a year. This is the reunion :3

~Keith's POV~

  Today is the day. The day that Lance is finally coming home. I haven't seen him for 11 months and 26 days. God knows what happened to him.. But at least I know he's still alive. If he died, they would have sent a letter or called me. 
  I was at the airport with Shiro, my adoptive brother, Allura, Lance's half sister, Hunk, Lance's best friend, Pidge, my best friend, and Coran, Allura and Lance's uncle.
  "I can't wait to finally see him!" I yelled excitedly. Then, a frown made its way onto my face, "But.. what if he was injured? What if he's traumatized and I can't help him? What if he found someone else? What if he was injured, traumatized, and found someone else all at the same time?! Oh God.." I started pacing around the airport until Shiro grabbed my shoulder.
  "I'm sure he's fine, Keith. If anything life threatening happened they would have contacted you."
  I nodded hesitantly. Then, the airport started to fill with men and women in uniform. I was looking around on my tip-toes, Shiro was looking over everyone, since he's tall, and Hunk was also looking over everyone.
  Then, Shiro yelled, "LANCE!!" I immediately looked in the direction he was looking, and I saw my boyfriend's nervous face. Lance was walking kind of slow.. maybe it's just the nerves.. He spotted us and his face brightened.
  I saw him start to move faster, but it was still slow.. what happened to him? I started to run towards him, not caring about other people. The group was following me. We all reached Lance, and I immediately wrapped my arms around his waist tightly.
  "Oh my god, Lance.. I missed you so much.." I whispered to him. My friends weren't making any noises, so I looked back at them. They all looked.. shocked? I looked back to Lance, and he looked at me lovingly, but pain and nervousness was visible in his ocean blue eyes.
  "Lance.. what is it?" I asked him worriedly.
  "L-Look at my right leg.." He whispered. His voice had gotten deeper and it sounded hoarse, like he was screaming or yelling a lot.
  I looked down and tears filled my eyes. His right leg wasn't there.. in its place was a metal prosthetic. I shot my gaze back towards his face.
  "What happened?! Are you okay?! They said they would contact me if something happened!" I asked. Lance started to cry. Tears rolled down his caramel cheeks at a fast pace. Why is he crying?! I wiped his fallen tears, only for them to be quickly replaced, "Hey.. why are you crying?" I asked him softly.
  "I-I'm sorry.. I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore.." He said with his hoarse voice. I stared at him with my mouth agape.
  "W-What do you mean?! Of corse I want to be with you still! I'm just worried, Babe.." I replied. At this point I too was crying. He looked at me, shock written all over his face. I wrapped my arms around his waist tightly, and he put his arms loosely around my neck. He buried his head into my shoulder and cried.
  "Shh.. it's okay, Babe.. I love you so, so much.. it's okay, we're together now.." I whispered repeatedly into his ear. After a minute, he calmed down. He wiped his own tears and mumbled an apology.
  Lance then looked over my shoulder to our friends, "Hey.. Guys.." He awkwardly said. Hunk shot forward and engulfed Lance and I into a hug.
  "I missed you, Buddy!" He yelled. The rest of the group walked forward and hugged Hunk, Lance, and I. I was still tightly holding onto Lance's slim waist.
  "H-Hey, guys.. sorry to cut this short, but I really wanna get home.." Lance said after a minute. The group reluctantly let go of us. I stopped hugging his waist and grabbed his hand tightly. I don't want to get separated in this airport. Or ever again, really.
  "Let's go get your luggage, then," I said softly and smiled at him. He nodded and we made our way to the luggage drop off. After a moment, I found his bag, picked it up, grabbed Lance's hand again, and we started walking out of the airport.
  "So, Uh.. What all happened while I was gone?" Lance asked me as we made our way to our car.
  I chuckled, "Not much. I started working a little more.. uh.. the house is probably a mess.. yeah," I replied. He softly laughed at the house is a mess part.
  "I missed you, Lance.." I said once we got into the car.
  "I missed you too, Keith.. I'm sorry, I would have written to you more, but we've been really busy.."
  "Don't worry about it, Babe.. When we get home, can we.. talk about what happened to your leg?" I asked slowly. He nodded nervously.  After that, we drove home in a comfortable silence.   
  About 45 minutes later we made it home. Lance stepped out of the car and stared at the house as I got his bag. I walked up beside him and put an arm around his shoulders.
  "Does it feel weird to be back?" I asked.
  He nodded his head and turned to look at me, "Uh.. let's go in.."
  We walked into the house and he just stood at the door, staring at the furniture with a smile on his face.
  "I'm home.. I'm really home.." He muttered to himself.
  I sat his bag next to the couch, which was a couple of feet away from the door, walked back up to him, and hugged him again, "You're home.."
  Lance, once again, buried his face into my shoulder. I rubbed soothing circles onto his back, "Babe, did something happen while you were over there..?" I asked him, my voice overflowing with concern and worry.
  He chuckled, "Besides my leg getting blown off? No.. not really.."
  "Do.. you wanna talk about how it happened or do you need to wait?"
  He took a deep breath, "I think I can talk about it now.." I nodded and led him over to the couch. We sat down next to each other in silence for a few minutes before he finally spoke up.
  "I.. was saving a little girl. We were clearing out a town that was about to be bombed. I noticed a little girl who had fallen behind, so I went back to get her. When I did; however, I heard a noise. A bomb was falling from the sky about a mile away. I picked up the girl and ran, but we were caught in the explosion. She's fine since I was the one facing the explosion. I didn't actually get hit by the explosion, though. After the explosion, concrete was flying everywhere. A big chunk hit my right leg, and the doctor had to amputate it. It was to badly damaged to be saved. The little girl is okay though.. " Lance looked down before continuing, "She looked just like Allura did when she was little.. I couldn't just leave behind a little Allura.. And guess what? Her name was even Laura.." Lance finished.
  I put my hand on his cheek, "Oh, Lance.."
  "I'm sorry.."
  "Why?" I asked him, confused.
  "I basically hurt myself.."
  I engulfed Lance in a tight hug, "Don't apologize, Lance.. You saved a girl's life. You're a hero. I love you.."
  Lance hugged me back, "I love you too.."
  After a minute, I asked jokingly, "So you didn't find someone else, right?"
  He chuckled, "Nope. I love you and you only."

Woo.. that was bad XD I hope you liked it though! Thank you for over 250 reads! I never thought over 15 people would read my story, so seeing that 250 have is shocking! Byeee, have a good day! (I totally wanna come up with a little nickname, but idk what it would be XD)
Word Count: 1375

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