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It's raining today, so I was like, "LET'S WRITE A LANCE ONE-SHOT WOOOO!" XD (Original colors) This isn't gonna be that good, I'm really tired. Whateverrrr  :3

~Lance's POV~

  I've always loved the rain. The smell right before a storm. Water running down my face. Jumping in puddles with my siblings. I love it all. In space, however, it doesn't rain. I miss rain.
  Today, Team Voltron and I were on a planet. We stepped out of our lions, and it started.. raining.
  "Ugh! It's raining. Guys, we should take cover," Keith grumbled.
  "Yeah, we don't want anyone catching a cold," Shiro agreed.
  "My stuff will get ruined!" Pidge screamed.
  "Aww.. nobody will be out," Hunk complained.
  I, however, was extremely happy. My team started walking, but I wasn't following. Keith, my boyfriend, turned around.
  "Lance? Are you coming?" He asked me impatiently. I was looking at the sky, letting rain cover my helmet. But that wasn't enough, no. I took off my helmet with the biggest smile I've had in awhile.
  "Lance! You're gonna catch a cold!" My boyfriend exclaimed.
  "The rain.. oh how I've missed the rain.."
  The rest of the team started to walk again, but Keith walked up to me, put my helmet back on my head, grabbed my hand, and started walking.
  "I know how much you love the rain, Babe, but we seriously need to find somewhere to keep warm," Keith told me sadly.
  "The rain.. don't you just find it beautiful? The smell refreshing? The water running down your face satisfying? And then the memories, they're the best part of rain. Little family members jumping in puddles. Laughing with your family. Do you think the team would jump in puddles with me?" I rambled.
  Keith chuckled, "I doubt they would. If Pidge stays away from her technology too long she'll go insane. Shiro doesn't want anyone to get sick. Maybe Hunk would? I don't know if I would jump in puddles."
  "I love the rain.." Honestly, I was just rambling like I was out of my mind.
  "We get it Lance, you love rain!" Pidge screamed.
  "Do you not?" I asked sadly.
  "No! It ruins my technology," She grumbled.
  "Hunk? Do you like rain?" I asked him desperately. Someone else has to like rain. Why am I getting so worked up over something like this?
  "I guess. I don't really have any feelings towards rain," He responded.
  "Shiro?" I asked desperately again.
  "Nope. Just causes sickness," He grumbled.
  "Oh. Well now I feel stupid," I laughed. Keith didn't say anything, but I know he hates it when I say things like that. He hates it when I put myself down. I think he's scared that my depression would get worse, which doesn't really make sense in my mind.
  Shiro eventually found a cave, "We'll stay in here tonight," he stated. Everybody nodded and started to do different things. Shiro started collecting as much dry wood as he could; Hunk started setting up sleeping bags; Pidge immediately put her electronics in the cave and dried them off; Keith put all of our items in certain places; and I just stood at the edge of the cave, watching the rain.
  "Lance, make yourself useful for once and do something," Pidge growled (I'm totally making Pidge a jerk XD).
  "Don't say that to him," Keith growled back, his protective side showing. Pidge just rolled her eyes and continued tending to her electronics. After a minute, Keith walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and put his chin on my shoulder.
  "What'cha thinking about, Babe?"
  "Nothing, really. Just watching the rain," I replied in a soft voice.
  "Are you okay?" He asked me after a minute, "You're acting kind of strange."
  "I just miss Earth more than ever now. It's nothing, don't worry about me," I said, turning my head to face towards his. He nodded and looked out to the rain.
  "It is beautiful, I have to admit," He chuckled. I smiled and nodded.
  "Guys! I prepared some space goo!" Hunk yelled after a minute of silence.
  "Thanks, Hunk!" Pidge called and got some goo. Keith stopped hugging me, grabbed my hand, and walked over to get food.
  After everyone got some food, we started to eat (duh XD).
  "So what do we even need to do here?" Keith asked Shiro.
  "We're going to meet the aliens who live on this planet and try to get them to join the alliance."
  "Oh. Why couldn't we just wait in our lions then?" Hunk asked.
  "I didn't think of that," Shiro laughed.
  "Of corse you didn't," Pidge teased. We all continued to eat in silence.
  After dinner, Shiro told us all to get in our sleeping bags. Mine was next to Keith's, which was next to Shiro's. On the other side of me, there was Hunk. Then after Hunk there was Pidge; I was in the middle.
  "Night guys," Hunk yawned.
  "Night~" Pidge replied.
  "G'night, Babe," Keith whispered and kissed my cheek.
  "Night, Keith," I replied and kissed his cheek back.
  After an hour, everyone but me was asleep. I got up, put jeans on, my blue and white long sleeve shirt, and my green jacket. I desperately needed to see the rain.
  After I got my clothes on, I stepped outside into the rain. Drops of water ran down my cheeks. My brown hair, which was starting to grow out a little, stuck to my forehead. I held out my hand and let water pool up. My eyes started to tear up.
'Oh how I've missed this..'
  After a couple minutes of standing there, my hot, salty tears started to mix with the cold rain.

  Then it started to thunder

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  Then it started to thunder. I didn't care, though; I continued to stand in the rain, crying.
  I heard my team shuffle inside the cave, followed my Keith start to yell, "Lance?! Where did you go??" I heard the worry in his voice. I didn't say anything. It's hard for me to talk when I cry.
  Keith looked outside the cave, "Lance? What are you doing?! You're gonna get sick!"
  I just stood there, tears streaming down my face faster. I'm so homesick. What is my family doing? Do they think I'm dead? How are they? Are the little ones doing good in school? I wish I knew. I wish I could just go back to Earth, even if it was just for an hour, to see them.
  "Lance, come inside," Shiro demanded.
  "Shiro.. give him time," Keith said in a sad voice.
  "Do you guys ever wonder about Earth? About your family? Do they miss us? I want to see everyone again. I miss Earth.." I asked in a wavering voice.
  "Babe.. I think it's time to come back in the cave now," Keith responded after a minute. I nodded and started walking back. I didn't realize how soaked my clothes were until I came back inside the cave. Or how cold I was.
  "Here," Keith handed me a towel and my pajamas, "you should dry off."
  I nodded and walked behind a rock, which is what we changed behind earlier. Even though I wasn't in the rain anymore, I was still crying.
  I dried off and put my PJs back on, which is just some soft blue pants and a black long sleeve shirt. I walked back out from behind the boulder.
"Sorry, guys.. didn't mean to cause a commotion," I apologized with my head down.
  "It's fine, Lance. Just please tell us next time," Keith responded. I looked up, tears still streaming down my face.
  "What's wrong?" Keith asked me worriedly, rushing forward and wiping my tears.
  "I don't even know anymore," I chuckled. Keith sighed and wrapped his arms around me tightly.
  "Guys, get a room. Geez," Pidge grumbled, rubbing her eyes, "it's too early for all your mushy crap, even if it is adorable."
  "Shut it, gremlin," Keith growled, facing her.
  "Let's go back to bed. It's still really early," Shiro said after a minute. Hunk never woke up, so he was fine. Pidge and Shiro got back in their sleeping bags. Keith grabbed my hand and pulled me in his sleeping bag with him. He wrapped his arms around my torso.
  "Night, Babe," Keith said, kissing my nose.
  "..Night, Keef," I replied, wrapping my arms around Keith's waist and burying my face in Keith's chest. Keith played with my hair for awhile until we finally fell asleep.

Sorry. Idk what that was (wait no I do, it was crap XD) I hope you liked it though.
Word Count: 1438

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