I lost the baby..

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I like writing prank chapters XD I'm currently writing a mini series in celebration for 2K reads, so I guess this is kinda like a filler chapter? XD Modern AU (Klance)

~Keith's POV~

  I was laying in bed with Lance, my husband of 4 years. Laura, our 2 year old daughter, was laying between us. Lance's head was on my chest; my arm was wrapped around his shoulders; and Laura was laid out on top of us.
  "Hey, babe," I said, nudging Lance. He opened his eyes sleepily, nuzzling his head closer to my chest.
  "Can I take Laura out for a Daddy-Daughter day?" I asked, smiling. I had a plan.
  "Why can't it be a Daddy-Papa-Daughter  day?" He asked, slightly whining.
  I chuckled, "I want to spend quality time with her."
  "I wanna come," He whined again. Laura looked up and stared at us.
  "Hi Princess," I said in a high pitched voice. I already told Laura of the plan, so I just trust  that she wouldn't tell Lance.
  "Hi Daddy," She said, rubbing her eyes with her tiny hands.
  "Laura, do you want Papa to come with you guys today?" Lance asked, playing with one of her hands.
  "No," She responded, looking at me. This little girl is evil.. I love it.
  Lance frowned- like a genuine frown- "Oh, okay.." He responded disappointedly, "Well.. Have fun, I guess."
  He moved his head off my chest. I smiled, kissed his forehead, picked up Laura, and got up, "I'll go get Laura ready. You can stay in bed."
  He nodded, turning away from us. Laura looked at me, realizing that we upset Lance, but I just kissed her temple. I walked into the kitchen, put Laura down in her high chair, and got a small bowl of Cheerios for Laura.
  "Daddy, Papa is sad," Laura pointed out, eating her cereal.
  "I know, Princess," I responded, "The plan is working."
  "I go to Uncle Shiro's house now?" She asked, basically inhaling her food.
  "Laura, slow down! You're going to choke," I laughed, "Yes, we're going to Uncle Shiro's."
  Laura threw her arms up, resulting in her accidentally knocking her bowl off her high chair. She looked at me, smiling, "Oopsie.. Sorry, Daddy.."
  I laughed, leaned down, and started to pick up the cereal. A couple minutes later, I picked Laura back up, brought her to her room, helped her change, and get ready.
  I walked into the living room, "Stay here, okay? I gotta go get ready," I said, putting her on the couch. She nodded, smiling.
  I walked back into Lance and I's room. He was still facing the wall.
  "Lance?" I asked, walking up to the bed, and kissing him on top of his head.
  "Mhm?" He hummed.
  "Are you mad?" I asked.
  I chuckled, "A one word answer is never a good sign."
  "I'm fine."
  I frowned, "Why're you mad?"
  He turned around to face me, "I said I'm fine."
  I chuckled, walking into our bathroom, "Okay!"
  It took me about 15 minutes to shower, change, brush my teeth, dry my hair, and put on deodorant. When I walked back out of the bathroom, Lance was sitting up in our bed, watching tv. I walked up to him, kissed his cheek, and grabbed our keys off his nightstand.
  "I'm leaving. Love yoooou!" I said, walking out the door.
  "Love you too!" He yelled back.
  I walked into the living room. When I looked at the couch, Laura wasn't there... And the front door was open.
  "Laura..?" I called, walking out the door a little.
  I got no response.
  Panic filled my veins, "Laura?!" I yelled, walking back into the house, and looking in the living room.
  "Keith? What's going on?" Lance asked, walking into the living room.
  "Okay, don't freak out-" I started.
  "You can't say don't freak out before you say somethi- Why is the front door open? Where's Laura?!" Lance yelled, also looking around the room.
  "I left her on the couch! Now she's gone!" I yelled, tears prickling my eyes. I was going to prank Lance and say that I lost her, but I actually did loose her!
  "You lost our daughter?!" He yelled, throwing pillows everywhere.
  "I.. Oh my god!" I yelled, frantically looking around the room, out the door, and in the bushes out in the front of our house.
  Tears started to trickle down my face as I walked back into the house. When I walked back in, Lance was putting the pillows back, smirking.
  "Why're you smiling?! I lost Laura!" I yelled.
  He turned to me, "No. You didn't."
  "What?" I asked.
  He walked back into our room. A minute later, he walked back out, holding Laura.
  "What?!" I yelled, rushing up to her, "Did you tell him our plan?!"
  She laughed, smiling, "Yes."
  I wiped my tears, running a hand through my hair, "You're evil.."
  "Sorry, Daddy," She said, still smiling. She wasn't sorry.
  "You guys are mean," I said, walking into our room.
  "You were gonna do it to me!" Lance yelled, laughing.
  I turned, stuck my tongue out at them, and closed the door.
  A couple minutes later, Lance and Laura walked in, both of them holding 2 pints of chocolate ice cream.
  "We brought you ice cream as an apology," Lance laughed, setting both pints on my nightstand, along with spoons.
  I smiled, picking Laura up, "Movies, cuddles, and ice cream?" I asked, poking her nose. She smiled, nodding.
  "Which one of us is sharing?" Lance asked, handing me a pint and a spoon. He walked around the bed, got in, and took the lid off his pint.
  "I get my own," I laughed, setting Laura between us, "Y'all are sharing."
  Lance shrugged, "Fair enough."
  "Wait.. Where did you even hide?" I asked Laura, poking her cheek.
  "Papa put me in the closet!" She yelled.
  I laughed, kissed Laura's forehead, and Lance's cheek, "I love you."
  "I love you toooo!" Laura yelled, taking the ice cream from Lance.
  Lance chuckled, "I love you too."

That was just a short filler chapter. I wrote this in one sitting, so it's probably really bad XD I usually take a break 4-10 times while writing a chapter, but I didn't take a single break so.. XD sorry that it sucks! Thank y'all for 2K reads! I'll try to get the mini series out as soon as I can~
Word Count: 1077

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