I Wish You Liked Boys..

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So this is where Lance is gay, not bi, and he likes Keith, but he thinks Keith is straight. (Original Colors)

~Keith's POV~

  I was walking back from the training room when I heard a.. guitar?
  "Wha.." I said to myself quietly before following the sound. After a minute, I found myself in front of Lance's room. I saw the rest of the team come around the corner looking confused as well.
  Hunk shot me a confused glance, so I just shrugged. Pidge put a finger to her lips and creaked the door open. Lance was facing away from the door, tuning a guitar with red blotches all over his face.
  "Was.. he crying?" I whispered to Hunk. The sound of Lance's untuned guitar covered up my voice. Hunk looked shocked, but nodded.
  Lance then strummed the guitar once, making sure it was in tune, cleared his throat, and began to play:


  After he finished, I was staring at him through the cracked door in shock. 'He said other guys at one point.. is he gay?!' I thought excitedly. Then, I heard laughing.
  "Guys, I know you're there.." Lance said in a sad voice while wiping the corner of his eyes with one of his sleeves.
  "Why're you crying..?" Hunk asked slowly.
  He laughed again, "Because I've fallen for a straight guy. Again. I have amazing luck, don't I?"
  "You're gay?!" Pidge squealed.
  "Uh.. yes.. I hope that doesn't bother any of you?"
  "I CAN SHIP YOU WITH KEITH NOW!!" She yelled before jumping up and down. I turned red at this comment, and, from the looks of it, Lance did too.
  "Wait, who do you like? Is it someone on the team? Maybe they aren't straight!" Hunk yelled hopefully.
  "Pfffttt.. he hates me. Even if he was gay, why would he want to be with me?" Lance asked himself while putting his guitar back in the corner of the room.
  Shiro suddenly piped up, "When did you learn how to play the guitar?"
  Lance faced us, still with red blotches covering his face, "Uh.. 2nd grade? I can't really remember. Papa taught me and my siblings all at once. I always bragged to my siblings 'cause-"
  Then, Pidge interrupted, "Wait! You said the person you like hates you, but obviously they don't! If they did, we wouldn't be able to form Voltron! Maybe they like you too, well if they're on team Voltron; you never said."
  Lance looked down nervously, "They're on team Voltron.. but seriously, I don't think they like me. I'm 99% sure they're straight."
  "Who is it?!" She squealed again.
  "Like I would tell you!" Lance squeaked back with his face turning even redder.
  "Wait.. so the flirting with Allura. It was all fake?" I asked.
  "Yeah.." He said, rubbing his neck awkwardly, "it was to cover up the fact that I'm gay. After our first encounter, I went up to her in the hallway and talked to her about it. She said she would act annoyed whenever I 'flirted'-" he said with air quotations- "with her, even though she knows it's fake. It was a good plan, in my opinion."
  "Well it sure did work," I retorted back in a harsh voice, but I didn't mean for it to come out that harsh.
  I turned around, "Let's go eat lunch, I'm starving.." I said while putting my hands in my pockets.
  I then heard Lance mumble something under his breath, "See? He hates me.. why would he like you, Lance?"
  I stopped so suddenly Shiro, who was walking behind me, slammed into my back.
  "What'd you say?!" I yelled, turning myself to face him. Lance paled and started to stutter, which was pretty cute,
  "W-What? I d-didn't say a-anything!"
  "No, seriously! What did you say?" I asked again, this time quieter.
  "What?" Pidge asked.
  "He said something!" I yelled, pointing at Lance.
  "W-Whaaaaat? Nooooo! L-Let's go eat lunch!" He yelled back, and then he started running down the hall.
  "What did you think he said?" Shiro asked after we couldn't see Lance.
  "I heard, 'See? He hates me... why would he like you Lance?' He just said his crush hates him, but I don't hate him! Do you think he likes me?" I said in a fast voice.
  "Uh-" Shiro started, but Pidge interrupted him.
  "YES! I THINK HE DOES! Honestly, how stupid are you?! Have you ever seen how he looks at you? He most likely makes up a rivalry to try and hide his feelings!"
  "Oh.." I responded after a minute. I didn't know what to say.
  "Do you like him?" Hunk asked before continuing, "Because I swear if you hurt my best friend.."
  "Yes!" I yelled. I cleared my throat and responded more calmly, "Yes, I do like Lance.."
  "YESSSS! Go tell him! He still thinks your straight!" Pidge yelled.
  "Okay! Give us like 10 minutes in the dinning hall. Alone!" I yelled before running after Lance.

  I saw him in the dinning hall, so I ran in.
  "Hey, where's everyone else? What took so long?" He asked me.
  "Uh.. we were talking. Speaking of talking, we gotta talk.." I transitioned awkwardly.
  "Um.. is it about what I said in the hall? I understand if you don't like me back! Im pretty sure you're straight, so.." he laughed awkwardly.
  "No!" I yelled, "I do like you! Honestly, what gave you the thought that I'm straight?"
  "Uh.. Wait, you do?! You like-" he pointed at himself- "me?"
  "Yes, I do.."
  His face turned red, "Are you sure?"
  "Yes! Why do you think I don't?"
  "This could be a prank! The first straight guy I fell for figured out, so he pranked me by saying he liked me back while his friend was recording. They posted it online and the entire school saw!"
  "That's.. cruel.." I spoke slowly, anger building up in my chest. I could feel my face start to turn red from rage.
  "Why the heck would they do that?!" I finally broke.
  "Uh.." He was clearly startled by my sudden outburst, "Cause we were teenagers? I don't know. All I know is that I was completely and utterly heartbroken," he laughed in spite of himself.
  "Lance, I really do like you.." I spoke after a minute.
  "I, obviously, like you back.. so what does this make us?" Lance asked.
  "Would.. you like to be my boyfriend?" I asked nervously. Lance squealed and jumped towards me.
  "Yes!" He yelled, wrapping his arms around my neck and hugging me. I wrapped my arms back around his waist.
  After a minute of our hug, Lance pulled away with a red face. We were staring into each other's eyes, like in those cheesy romance movies, when he started to lean forward. His eyes were focused on my lips. We were centimeters apart when we heard rustling. He's shot backwards, clearly startled. I sighed loudly.
  "Pidge! I told you 10 minutes!!" I yelled, clearly annoyed. Lance laughed, but he was annoyed. You could tell from the way he laughed. It was one of those laughs where it's like you're laughing to be polite, even though you currently hate the person you're laughing at.
  "Go away!" I yelled. I heard her laugh, the same laugh as Lance's, and the door closed. Lance looked back at me. We, again, were staring into each other's eyes. He suddenly kissed me.
  I could get used to this..

That was bad. Sorry XD
Word Count: 1255

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