Back to Earth!

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(Original Colors) Don't play song yet!
(A little bit of cussing)

~Lance's POV~

Allura just told the team and I that we're going to Earth for awhile. Apparently, we need to find information about technology we have on Earth. Allura hopes that we can use the information we'll gather, but I doubt it; we literally fly in giant lions. I don't know what's better than that.
When I heard the news, I was beyond excited. I'll finally get to see Mamá, Marco, my brother, Luis, my other brother, and Veronica, my sister. But, at the same time, I couldn't help but feel nervous. What if they don't remember me? What if the time frame is different and hundreds of years have passed? What if they don't want to see me?
I didn't really have time to continue thinking about the scenarios, for Allura came on the comms.
"Paladins! We've arrived! I just need coordinates before we enter the atmosphere!" She yelled. I immediately grabbed a bag with my clothes in it- Allura told us to bring enough clothes for about 2 to 3 weeks- and ran to the hanger.
"So!" She started, clapping her hands, "I've decided that for the first 5 to 6 days we would find each of your separate families. We all would go, however. Since Lance is always talking about his family, I've decided we would go see his first!"
Excitement filled my veins, "Yes!" I yelled, "Thank you, thank you! Oh, I'm so excited!"
"Yeah, yeah, we get it.. You have a family," Keith complained.
"Sorry, I'm just so excited! I get to see little Luis and Marco! Oh, I wonder if Veronica has a boyfriend yet. She's a teenager, by the way. If she does, I'm gonna need to give him the talk!" I rambled, pacing around the room with a pep in my step. I was basically bouncing as I walked.
"Okay, Lance, I need to know where to go," Allura reminded, filling in information.
"Oh! Uh, could you just land on Cuba? I'll lead you guys where to go from there." (I don't know where Lance is from besides Cuba. Sorry.)
Allura nodded, and we stared entering Earth's atmosphere.
"So what's your family like?" Pidge asked.
"They're awesome.." I replied, "Luis and Marco are my little brothers; they're twins. When we left, they were going into the 5th grade. They get into way too much trouble. Before I left for the Garrison, I always had to pick them up from school early because they got suspended."
  "Veronica is my younger sister. When we left she was 14. She's shy.. really shy.. She used to get bullied pretty badly, but when I figured out I.. Oh god, I totally beat those kids up," I chuckled lightly, "The bullies always put her down, so she's too scared to try new things. She's so talented, but she's too insecure to show the world her talents. Before I left for the Garrison she told me she wasn't getting bullied anymore, so I left. She was the most heartbroken; we've always been close.."
  I stopped for a minute, "Then there's Mamá! She's the strongest woman I know.. My father ditched us when the twins were little, so Mamá had to provide for us alone. She worked two jobs, but, somehow, still managed to spend enough time with us.. The only reason I got into the Garrison was because I got a scholarship, actually. Mamá always made me work hard so that I could get in. If I failed a paper, I had to redo it. Actually, if I got below an 85 I had to redo it.."
  "I also have a lot of cousins, but we don't exactly have time for that.." I chuckled again.
"Wow.. You're family sounds awesome!" Shiro yelled.
  "They are; I've already met them," Hunk gloated with his hands on his hips.
"They are.." I repeated, my voice filled with admiration.
"Okay, we're landing!" Allura announced. As soon as I felt the castle stop moving, I ran to the entrance. When I got outside, I saw sand stretching for miles. The vast blue sea. I looked up and was faced with the light blue sky, littered with only a few white, fluffy clouds. The beachside looked familiar, and it only took me a minute to realize we were in my home town.
I started running as soon as my team stepped off the castle.
"Lance! Wait!" Shiro yelled.
"We're in my hometown!" I screamed, running to my house. As I was running, many people I used to know looked at me, looked away, and did a double take. A couple of people yelled 'Lance?!' so I simply waved at them; I really want to see my family. I also saw one of my ex girlfriends with one of my ex boyfriends, which was interesting. The both looked shocked to see me as well.
It only took me a minute to find my house. It didn't change. I eagerly ran to the door, knocked, and waited.
Veronica opened the door. She didn't change; she had long, straight, brown hair that went down to her waist, smooth, tan skin, bright blue eyes- like mine- and a little button nose. Her hight was the same; the top of her head went to the middle of my chest.
  "Ho- Lance?!" She screamed.
"Hola!" I exclaimed, waving awkwardly. Her eyes filled with tears as she covered her mouth with one hand. She immediately jumped on to me, hugging my neck tightly. Her body started to shake as I wrapped my arms around her.
"Hey, it's okay.." I whispered. Her legs wrapped around my waist, so I started walking around on the porch.
"Y-You jerk! I thought you were dead!" She cried into my shoulder. My team was standing about 5 feet away awkwardly.
"Sorry, Ronnie.." I apologized, calling her by her nickname.
Two more figures appeared in the doorway. Luis and Marco were standing there, taller than I remember. They used to be down to my mid stomach, but now they're up to the start of my neck. Their appearances have changed too. Marco used to have blue eyes, but they now look gray. Luis' eyes are a forest green color, but before they were a mixture between blue and green. They both had tan, smooth skin, but now they have bumpy skin. They're going through puberty.. poor kids.. They used to have the same hair cut.. my haircut, but they've both grown it out; Marco's hair went down to his shoulders; Luis' hair was down to his jaw. They both still have the same facial features, though. Big eyes- only the color changed- and the same small button nose Veronica has.
"L-Lance..?" Marco asked, his voice shaky.
"Hey, Mar!" I exclaimed, also calling him by the nickname I gave him. Both of them ran forward, and they both jumped on my back. I started stumbling, loosing my footing.
"Guys, I can't hold you all at once," I laughed. Hesitantly, they all got down. Veronica was still crying, but I noticed some bruises on her face. I lightly put my hand on her cheek.
"Who hurt you?!" I yelled, my voice filled with worry, concern, and a little anger. She looked down. Realization struck me, "Wait.. Ronnie, you said they stopped.. Did they hurt you again?" I asked softly, bending down slightly. More tears streamed down her face.
"Mamá is at the school.. She's talking to the principle about it.." Luis told me softly, putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Ronnie.. I would have stayed if you told me.."
"I-I know.. That's exactly why I told you they s-stopped. I-I don't want t-to be the o-one to stop you f-from accomplishing your d-dreams.." She replied.
"Dang it.." I mumbled to myself, "Ronnie, get on my back."
"W-What? Why?" She asked, wiping her tears.
I smiled at her softly, "Remember when you were smaller? I always gave you piggy back rides to cheer you up.."
She smiled, climbed on my back, and wrapped her arms around my neck loosely.
I started humming softly, something I always did to sooth her. Her arms tightened as I started to rock us back and forth. I felt her bury her head in my shoulder. Soon, my shirt was damp from tears. Marco and Luis started humming the same little tune. I forgot my team was there until I looked over in their direction. All of them- except Hunk- looked shocked. I guess they didn't expect me to be the protective older brother?
"Hey guys. Wanna meet my team?" I asked softly.
"Team?" Marco asked.
"Mhm. You know how I was announced missing or dead, I don't know, awhile ago?" They nodded, "I actually went to space and started traveling with these guys. We've been saving the universe from an alien empire!"
"Heck yeah!" Luis yelled, running over to my team. I let out a soft laugh as I followed, still holding Veronica. The twins always know when to act serious and when to be playful.
"Hey guys!" I yelled to my teammates, "Wanna meet my siblings?"
Luis and Marco stared at all of them admiringly, "Wait!" Marco exclaimed, "Why is she so short? She couldn't possibly be a teenager!" The twins both had to look down a tad to see Pidge.
"Marco!" I scolded, "That's rude!"
"Excuse me, I'm older than you are!" Pidge yelled back, crossing her arms, "Also, a thing called genetics made me this short. Oh wait, do you know what genetics even are?" She teased.
Marco cracked his knuckles, "I think you're trying to call me stupid.. I'm not stupid!" He yelled, furious. Luis was at his side in an instant, ready to back him up. My team stepped backwards, shocked.
  "Okay, okay, chill out!" I yelled, running in front of Marco and Luis right before they were going to pounce her, "Are you guys still getting in trouble?" I asked, finally setting Veronica down, crossing my arms.
"Yup!" Luis replied, throwing an arm around Marco.
I put my head in my hands, "What am I gonna do with you two?" I asked myself, looking up, and ruffling their hair. A small smile found its way onto my lips as they swatted my hands away.
"Nothing! Now introduce us!" Luis replied.
"Okay!" I looked at my team, "Introduce yourselves please."
"I'm Pidge," Pidge went first, waving, "I'm the tech guru."
"I'm Hunk, the engineer of the team! But you guys already know me," Hunk went next.
"Hunk! I didn't recognize you!" Veronica cut in softly. She stopped crying by now.
"I'm Princess Allura of Altea," Allura bowed.
"I'm Shiro," Shiro nodded his head.
"And I'm Keith.." Keith finished.
Marco and Luis turned to me, "Are you dating him? He seems like your type," Marco asked, Luis nodding.
I felt my cheeks flush. I mean, I kind of like him.. Before I could answer, a car pulled into the driveway. I immediately turned towards it. Mamá stepped out, rubbing her temples. She looked the same: long, wavy, brown hair thrown into a bun, tan skin with a few wrinkles, and she looked about the same hight- just below my neck. Her and the twins are about the same hight now, but the twins are a tad taller. She turned towards all of us, a confused look on her face. When she saw me, she covered her mouth with one hand, pinched her arm with the other, and tears started forming in her eyes.
I walked hurriedly over to the car, "Hola, Mamá.." I said awkwardly.
"Lance..? They said you were dead.." She replied, astonished.
"No, I'm not dead," I chuckled, rubbing my neck awkwardly. She held out her arms with a teary smile. I immediately hugged her, burying my head on top of her own.
"You're not staying.. are you?" Mamá asked after a minute.
I shook my head no, "I'm sorry, Mamá.. but my team and I just stopped by.. I think we're only staying for about a day.."
I let go of her and looked her in the face, "I'm still your guardian.. I'll only allow you to go if you promise me you'll come back. That you'll be okay.." She compromised.
I nodded, "Of corse, Mamá.."
"Now introduce me to your friends!" She exclaimed, walking over to them. I nodded again, wiped my eyes, and followed her.
"Hola Mamá! How'd the meeting go?" Marco asked, giving her a quick peck on the cheek.
"The kids are getting suspended," She responded, hugging Veronica. Veronica let out a sigh of relief.
"Gracias, Mamá.."
"De nada. If they didn't suspend them, I'm sure Lance would have done something!" She joked, patting Veronica on the shoulder.
I threw an arm around Veronica, "Oh, who said I'm not going to anyway?" I asked, my voice deadly serious, "I'm not gonna allow them to just get suspended. They obviously didn't learn their lesson last time, I guess.."
"Lance!" Veronica yelled, punching me in the ribs. Even though she was trying to act mad, she couldn't stop herself from smiling.
"Hey!" I whined, removing my arm, "Not nice!"
"Lance, introduce us all!" Mamá yelled.
"Right, right! Guys, this is Veronica, my younger sister." I walked over to Marco and put a hand on his shoulder, "This is Marco, one of my younger brothers." I put a hand on Luis' shoulder, "This is Luis, my other younger brother and Marco's twin." I walked up to Mamá and put both hands on both of her shoulders, "And this is Mamá!"
"Hello!" Hunk, Pidge, and Allura greeted at the same time.
"Hunk! You've grown!" Mamá exclaimed, giving Hunk a quick hug. Hunk smiled at her.
"So you guys already know Hunk. This is Pidge, the tech-y person," I walked up to Pidge and put an elbow on her head. She smacked me as I walked over to Allura, "This is Princess Allura of Altea." I went up to Shiro, "This is Shiro, the leader." Finally, I went to Keith, "And this is Keith!"
"I think Lance and Keith are dating. He's totally Lance's type!" The twins yelled at the same time. They looked at each other, laughed, and high fived.
"No, we're not dating!" I yelled, my cheeks flushed, "Speaking of dating.. Do any of you guys have a boyfriend or girlfriend?" I asked, walking back over to my siblings with my hands on my hips, "Because, if you do, I gotta give them the talk."
"Veronica has a boyfriend!" Marco yelled.
"Marco, shut up!" She yelled back, "We aren't dating!"
"Do you like him?" I asked, bending down, and looking at her.
"Does he like you?" I asked.
"Doubt it. He has a girlfriend."
"Oh thank gosh," I stood back up straight, put a hand over my heart, and let out a sigh, "I didn't want to have to talk to a boy."
"Then why did you bring it up?" Marco asked.
"I gotta protect you guys!" I replied, throwing my arms in the air, "Especially from significant others! Getting hurt from a boyfriend or girlfriend is terrible, especially if you really like them."
"Yeah, you would know. It seems like your boyfriends or girlfriends always cheat on you," Luis replied with crossed arms.
"That's not important to this conversation," I replied, pointing a finger at him.
  "It kinda is, though," Marco smirked. Before I could say anything else, Mamá asked the team a question.
"Would you all like to come in for lunch?" Mamá asked.
"Wait, what time is it?" I asked.
"Around 11:30," Veronica replied, grabbing my hand, and dragging me towards the house while running.
"Ronnie! Slow down, we have time!"
"I want you to play the guitar for me!" She yelled, running faster.
"I haven't practiced in forever. My calluses are gone!" I replied.
"You'll be fine," she yelled, dragging me in my room. My room hasn't changed, thankfully. My guitar was in the right corner. I picked it up, and plucked each string separately.
"It's already tuned?" I asked.
"I tune it every day," Veronica replied shyly, "I've been learning using your guitar."
"Mm," I hummed, sitting down. I patted the floor next to me. She sat down with a smile on her face, "Any requests?"
"Nope; just play anything you remember!"
I nodded, placed my fingers on my left hand over the frets, positioned my right hand next to the strings, and began to play.

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