Bad Day

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Yet another Klance! Yeah I have no idea why the title is still 'Voltron One-Shots' when all I make is Klance one-shots XD

~3rd Person~

Team Voltron just finished training for the day. Most of it went well, but Keith didn't do as well as he wanted to. Keith wants to be the best, he won't accept anything else, and today was defiantly not his best.
Keith walked into the control room and saw Lance laying on the couch with his eyes closed. Keith walked over to Lance and laid on top of him and sighed.
"Hey Keith, are you okay?" Lance asked the smaller paladin while playing with his long hair and hugging his waist.
Keith sighed, "I didn't do well in training today. I want to be better, I try really hard, but I'm not improving. I guess I'm just.. frustrated."
Lance sat up, still holding Keith, and looked him in the eyes, "Keith, you did amazing in training today. Honestly, you're probably the best paladin on this team. When you're that good, it's hard to improve," Lance said and laid back down.
"Shiro is better than me. You're better than me. I'm not the best paladin," Keith said sadly while laying on Lance's chest.
Lance snorted, "Keith, I'm like the worst paladin. You're good at flying, using a sword, being a leader, and a lot more. Shiro can fly, he has a robotic arm, and he's a good leader. You're way better than him. All I can do is shoot a gun. You're way better than me. You don't need to feel pressure to become better when you're already amazing. I'm not saying to stop training, I'm just saying to stop being so hard on your beautiful self."
Keith smiled, "Thank you Lance. I really needed a pep-talk. I love you."
  "I love you too, Mullet. Now rest, you must be tired after all the training you do." Lance replied with a chuckle.
  Keith chuckled, too, and nodded. Lance tightened his grip on his boyfriend, kissed the top of his head, and started rubbing his back. Keith soon fell asleep, followed shortly by Lance.
  Pidge and Allura were trying not to squeal at the adorable couple and Hunk was close to tears at the beautiful sight. (I'm not ashamed XD)

Sorry for the short chapter

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Sorry for the short chapter.. again.. I don't know who made this beautiful masterpiece, sorry.. I think this was really cute, so I hope you enjoyed!!
Words: 414

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