Chapter 2

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"Here, baby; a fresh blanket." Meryl said walking back into his hospital room. "I also brought in an extra pillow to put under your leg."

Don winked at her as he laid in the double hospital bed while holding their babies. "My favorite nurse of all time."

"I better be." Meryl kissed his lips after she got him all situated. "Can I get you anything else? Are you hungry or thirsty or in pain?"

Don shook his head as he smiled at her. He knew he scared her back at the apartment; and he absolutely hated that. "As much as I want you to crawl in this bed with me and rest..."

"Everyone is waiting for you to get settled to come and see you." Meryl said sitting on this edge of his bed as she ran one hand over the babies' backs; and the other she ran over his head. "I'm kind of selfish though."

Don winked at her. "I'm not going anywhere, sweetheart; you have made sure of it. We should probably get all the Gummers in here now before it's night time and they keep the other patients awake with their shenanigans; though, I am on an extremely private floor. You'd think I was married to Meryl Streep or something."

"You're Donald Gummer; world renowned artist." Meryl flirted back at him. "Your wife, Meryl GUMMER, wanted to make sure you have the best care."

Don wanted to reach out and grab her hand in his; but it was more important to keep the babies where they were. "You always do. Tell me, did you play the Meryl Streep card so I had complete privacy?"

"You know how people are with cell phones these days." Meryl shrugged. "You need to be resting; and I don't want some asshole taking a picture of you just to earn a buck."

Don smiled softly at her. "Always taking care of me; I also don't want anyone snapping a picture of you."

"I should probably go get them." Meryl whispered as she continued to rub their babies' backs. "It's just so calm and peaceful in here after everything."

Don smirked at her. "Maybe we can order in food; something that isn't hospital food and have a nice relaxing night."

"I can't think of anything I would like better." Meryl beamed at him as she kissed his lips. "Okay; I'm going to go get the kids first, and Liz and Larry. Will you be okay with them until I get back? Want me to take them with me?"

Don looked down and smiled at how peaceful their babies were sleeping on his chest. "They're fine; I like this." Don whispered as she bent down and kissed their babies' heads. "Besides, I know you won't be long."

"No, I won't be." She said with a kiss to his lips. "They're just out in the private waiting area; I'll be right back, love."

Don leaned his head back as he held his babies close. He finally let himself process everything that happened since he woke up. He remembered. He actually remembered. He remembered every thought. He remembered every feeling. He remembered every moment. He looked down at their babies; now remembering every moment with them. Remembering the joy and disbelief when they learned Meryl was pregnant. He remembered watching her belly grow. He remembered the absolute paralyzing fear when he thought she died; and then the utter joy and relief when he learned not only did she come back to them but they also had a second baby. He brushed his cheek over both babies' heads wondering how he could have forgotten about them. Don was trying not to focus on that. He squeezed them tighter when he swallowed past the lump in his throat. He kissed his babies on the head again when he heard his wife's soft voice. "Now remember, he had to get new stitches in his leg and lots of them. He also has a mild concussion and headache so he's sensitive to light and noises."

"We're not having a dance party, Mom." Don heard Gracie tease.

Don looked up and smirked. "Your mother likes my dancing."

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