Chapter 5

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It was the morning of Thanksgiving and Meryl smiled as she felt a very familiar pair of lips kissing her neck kissing her awake; the only pair of lips she ever wanted to kiss her awake. "Mmmm...I've missed this."

"Me too." Don whispered sleepily into her ear. "They slept almost the whole night."

Meryl smiled as she turned onto her side to stroke his cheek. "Did any of our others ever sleep through the night this early?"

"Not." Don kissed her lips. "A." Kiss. "One."

Meryl didn't know the last time they woke up like this; but all she could think about was the many people who would be descending on their apartment later that day. "I can't tell you how much I love this."

"Mmmmm...." Don moaned into her mouth as she placed long and lingering kissed on his lips. "Me too, baby."

Meryl closed her eyes as his lips trailed from her lips to her cheek to her chin to her neck. "But I need to get up."

"Uh uh." Don whispered as his lips trailed to her bare shoulder revealed by her tank top. "Louisa cleaned." Don lifted the bottom of her tank top up her torso to reveal her nursing bra covered breasts and ran his lips across her valleys. "Food taken care of." Don pulled the cup of her bra down to run his tongue across her nipple. "Don't move."

Meryl closed her eyes savoring his lips on her skin; wondering if Don knew just exactly what he was doing to her. "If you only knew what you did to me."

"Same as you do to me." He whispered. He knew he needed to stop since they couldn't make love; but he couldn't seem to tear his lips away from her perfect and warm flesh. "It's Thanksgiving; I'm grateful that you're still here for me to kiss."

The emotion and want behind his words was almost more than Meryl could take. She lifted his head to hers. "I'm still here because of you. I'm damn grateful you're still here to kiss me."

"Have to one up me by saying damn?" Don winked as she laughed. "I'm here because of you." At just that moment they heard Brady waking up; and Don placed one last kiss on her breasts before covering her back up. "He doesn't like it when I give you attention."

"He better get used to it." Meryl said with one last kiss to his lips before she got out of bed to go get their ALMOST 7 week old son. "Because here pretty soon I'm hoping to get lots of Daddy's attention."

Don was taking deep breaths to try to lose the erection he built up while kissing her body. "Oh, you will be getting it." Don winked as he sat up and held out his arms. "You can give him to me so you can get Mags."

"Go see your daddy, handsome boy." Meryl kissed Brady's cheek as she handed him over to his father.

Don smiled as he held Brady close; and that seemed to calm him down for now while Meryl got Mags and then got back in bed next to him. "As much as I love and miss what we were doing just a minute ago..."

"I have missed and really love what we are doing now." Meryl sighed happily as she leaned her head on Don's shoulder. "But I should probably get up..."

Don wrapped his free arm around Meryl and kissed her head. "The older they get the more these moments will be few and far in between. It's still early. Stay."

"You are a smart man, Gummer." Meryl closed her eyes feeling safe and at peace. "I'm not going to argue with that."


Later after spending some time in bed cuddling, and Meryl nursed; Don told her to go jump in the shower and he would be on baby duty. Brady quickly fell asleep for his morning nap while Mags didn't fall asleep like her brother. After laying Brady on the bed beside him, since Don was still on crutches and not able to walk with them, he laid out his bad leg and turned his other leg inward so he could put a pillow in his lap and place Mags on it. Enjoying playing with her; and just having some one on one time with his little girl. He and Meryl both tried to have one on time every day with each of the babies. "Daddy's littlest girl is sure smiley this morning; aren't you? Do you not want to sleep because you slept through the night?" Don cooed at Mags. "Today is going to be a big day. You will get to see how your mommy and Uncle Third argue over how the turkey should be carved. Your daddy, uncle, brother and cousins will be yelling at the TV when the football game is on." Don continued to talk to her; and laughed as she tried to furrow her brows. "Don't you worry, Daddy will be teaching you and your brother all about football just like I did with your sisters and other brother. Growing up with two brothers your mommy knew all about football by the time I rolled in." Don looked towards the nightstand when he heard their home phone start ringing; without looking at the called ID he answered. "Gummers."

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