Chapter 30

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Meryl looked at the babies fast asleep in the stroller. She really hated to wake them up considering she had no idea what the day would bring; and they did nurse when they were landing so she figured it would be best just to let them sleep. With everything that happened, she really wanted to pick them up and love on them; but left them where they were. She ran her fingers through her hair as she closed her eyes. She felt like this was the first chance she really had to sit and absorb everything. Yes, she had been on a plane sitting for hours; but she was too concerned about Don to really stop and think. She thought about how amazing it had been for Don to FINALLY have a father; and she just couldn't believe that would be taken away from him, from them. Tears leaked from her eyes when she couldn't help but think about what losing Brad would do to her husband. The pain that was present in Don's eyes since she had to break the news to him was almost more than she could take. She was brought out of her thoughts when her phone signaled a text. Her heart sank when she saw it was from Jane. Honey, he hasn't said it and I'm sure he doesn't want you to worry about him; but I really think Don needs you. It's bad back here. Tubes, machines, ventilator. Brad isn't breathing on his own. Don needs you. As soon as Meryl read that her husband needed her, she was grabbing their things; and started to push the stroller out of the room. She responded to her mother-in-law quickly that she was on her way. She took a deep breath as she headed towards Brad's room. She knew the babies weren't allowed back there; but she didn't give a shit at the moment. If anyone tried to stop her then they would deal with the wrath of a worried wife; and protective mother. "Come on my little surprises, Daddy needs us."


As Meryl walked as fast as she could towards Brad's room she worried when she saw her mother-in-law standing in the doorway; like she was waiting for her. Jane immediately pulled Meryl into a hug. "Thank you for coming."

"We wouldn't be anywhere else." Meryl was desperately searching for her husband but she couldn't find him. "How is Brad?"

Jane pulled away as she shook her head. "They're running tests to see how extensive the damage is. They have him in a medically induced coma to give his body a chance to rest. At this point he can't breathe on his own. The next 24 hours will be touch and go."

"Oh, Jane." Meryl choked. "I'm so incredibly sorry. My husband?"

Jane took a deep breath. "He's broken, Meryl. I don't think I was helping; you're the only who could. I'll take the babies; I know where the waiting room is."

"Are you sure?" Meryl asked. "You're okay being out of the room?"

Jane nodded. "Time with my grandchildren is what I need."

"Thank you; just let me know if they get hungry; and I will call you the minute anything changes." Meryl said as she watched Jane push the stroller towards the waiting room; then Meryl's breath left her when she fully walked into the room and saw her larger than life husband on the floor in the corner of the room, crying. "Don Man?"

Don looked up at her with such torture in his eyes. "I can't do this, M."

"Yes you can, baby; you are the strongest man I know." Meryl choked as he pulled her into his lap. "I'm so sorry I wasn't here with you."

Don held her stronger. "You were where you needed to be; where are the babies?"

"Your mom needed some time with them; and I needed some time with you." Meryl whispered kissing his head over and over. "I'm so sorry, baby; but he's strong."

That just made Don cry again. "I just got him, Meryl; I can't lose him yet. He was so excited about Brady and Mags, as well as getting to know the other kids; after over 60 years he finally got the family he wanted and now..."

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