Chapter 77

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After about 45 minutes of letting her husband work out whatever he was going through, Meryl couldn't take anymore. She knew he said he wanted to be alone; but if there was a problem between them then she wanted to get it taken care of. Even though she had no idea what it would be and what caused it; but she didn't know the last time her husband had reacted like that towards her, and he didn't even want her to take the babies so it wasn't like he wanted to take a nap. She closed their MacBook and went back into their bedroom noticing Don's body tensed up whenever she closed the bedroom door behind her; the thought that he would tense up when she walked into the room not only broke her heart, but told her something was really wrong. She noticed he kept his back to her and so she sat on her side of the bed and gently rubbed his back knowing how he liked that; only for him to flinch at her touch. Meryl couldn't take anymore, she walked over to his side of the bed where he was just looking down at their sleeping babies and she lifted his chin. "Baby, what's going on? Something is SEVERELY wrong with us and I have no idea why, or what it is. I need you to talk to me, baby; I can't stand the thought of you tensing up whenever I'm near you. That's not us, Don Man; and I will NEVER let it be."

"I know I'm all battered, that I'm now damaged cause of her and maybe I wasn't at my best in the shower for our first time after everything but I never thought you would turn to someone else." Don looked at her with broken eyes. "Not after the last 34 years; not after the last week! I thought you wanted to marry me again."

Meryl sat there in shock; and she didn't even try to stop the tears from appearing in her eyes and streaming down her face. It broke her heart that not only was he struggling so much because of those bastards; but also that he could think for one minute that she would EVER cheat on him. "Don Man." Meryl cried at her heartbreak, and his. "First of all, what we shared in the shower earlier was absolutely beautiful; the love of my life made such amazing love to me and it meant more to me than I can ever tell you. You are not battered, baby; not at all. You take my breath away more than I could probably ever tell you. YOU, Donald Gummer, are NOT damaged; you didn't allow her to damage you. You could never be damaged." When Meryl thought of him actually thinking that she would cheat on him she broke down anymore. "Baby, how can you EVER think that I would turn to anyone else? You're it for me, Donald Gummer; you have been since the moment you kissed my hand in that little screening room and you always will be."

"Damn it, I'm sorry." Don said as he quickly came to his senses; and hating himself for upsetting her so much. He quickly put the babies in their bassinets and got back in bed so he could take his wife in his arms, holding her close. "I'm sorry, I just feel like my emotions are everywhere and when I heard you in the phone in the bathroom..."

Meryl quickly looked up at him wondering what he could have possibly heard to make him think that. "Of course your emotions are; you've been through HELL. Baby, what did you think you heard? Don Man, I'm NOT; I would never."

"I know, I really do." Don sighed, kicking himself. "I heard you say on the phone to whoever that I wasn't going to know and deserved what was coming. You also said you would do whatever you had to in order to make sure I didn't know what was going on behind closed doors; and that you weren't going to tell me whatever it was."

Meryl sighed as she was calming down. Her heart broke he could possibly think that; but she was also relieved that was all he heard. "Baby, you obviously didn't pick up on the tone of my voice. I don't want to tell you EXACTLY what I was talking about; but I was planning a surprise for you. You deserve the WORLD, that's what I meant by you deserve what's coming-you deserve this surprise and so damn much more. I want you to believe me, I need you to believe me more than anything; but I don't want to give this surprise away. I'm so excited to see the look on your face when the surprise is revealed. I am planning this surprise for you because you mean more to me than anything and I just want you happy."

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