Chapter 44

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"What do you mean he's in real danger?" Meryl felt her blood pressure spike. "She's no longer in jail? Why the hell weren't we called?"

Don was also upset. "If my wife and children are in danger..."

"No, no, no..." Larry began. "She is in jail; I was actually there yesterday and talked to her as well as some others."

Meryl looked at Don. "I don't understand. You said she's in jail; but Don is still in danger? What, is she setting up her plan in there?"

"I don't know about that." Larry took a deep breath. "I went out there to interrogate her yesterday with the detective; as well as talk to her inmates. She's fucking crazy; and she's after Don. I would have called you yesterday; but I was waiting until we talked this weekend. She doesn't know you're in Indianapolis. Your kids aren't in danger. I just didn't want to add more to your plate."

Don rubbed Meryl's neck when he could tell she was already beginning to unravel. "You promise the kids aren't in danger?"

"I promise." Larry said. "You know Lizzie and I think of your kids like our own; not to mention we share a grandchild. I would never put them in danger."

Don nodded as Meryl had become quiet. "I know; we're just sort of reeling from this news."

"I know you are." Larry sighed; upset with himself. "I'm sorry, I should have called; but when Mom and Dad told me what happened the night of your birthday I didn't want to pile anything else on top of you with her in jail and everything."

Meryl kissed Mags' head as she continued to hold her; and Don did the same with Brady who he was holding. Meryl looked at her babies and her husband as she spoke. "The babies?"

"She has threatened them in the past which we have proof of." Larry began. "However, through my conversations it doesn't seem that they are the ones she is after."

Meryl looked Don square in the eyes. "My husband is."

"Yeah." Larry knew it wasn't a question; but rather a statement from his best-friend's wife. "She is crazy; certifiably. I am trying to get a psychiatrist to see her so we can label her a flight risk and she won't make bail."

Meryl looked at Don fearfully. "You think she will?"

"Not as long as I am DA she won't." Larry said strongly. "I really didn't want to upset you two with everything going on; I hoped I could take care of it. Meryl, it sounds like your dream was probably spot on."

Meryl had tears streaming down her face. "I was hoping for once my woman's intuition was wrong."

"I should have known it wasn't." Don said showing her apologetic eyes. "It never is."

Meryl stroked Don's cheek. "You're safe; and by God I am going to make sure you stay that way."

"Larry, I'm not second guessing you at all." Don said. "However, why do you say I'm in great danger?"

Larry took a deep breath. "She kept talking about how she was going to take you away from Meryl. How once she slept with you that she would erase any memory of Meryl. How she would use any means she needed to in order to get you into bed. How she would record it and send it to the news stations."

"Oh my God." Meryl cried looking at Don. "She's a female Kevin Mann."

Larry nodded to himself. "I had the same thought."

"How in the hell does she think she will EVER be alone with me?" Don asked as he shifted Brady to his other arm so he could wrap an arm around his wife. "Get me into bed? Hell, fucking Teresa couldn't even get me to be unfaithful to Meryl when she gave me a fucking date rape drug. NOTHING could make me be unfaithful to my wife. She's fucking psychotic and I want her put away forever; NOT because of the threats she made against me but because of saying this she is threatening my wife and my family. NO ONE fucks with Meryl and our children."

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