Chapter 64

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While Don and Meryl were trying to process everything; Diane and Tom were giving their statements to the police. Tom couldn't believe how his wife was captured for 2 years, had a baby; and he had no idea. Diane could tell that he felt guilty, especially since he had dated her captor, but she told him there was no way he could have known. She told him that of course he dated, he should have; but it was still difficult for her. They both agreed that all that really mattered was how much they still loved each other; and that their whole family was back together. While Rosie and Diane were having tests run, Tom called their older children Everett and Annalise telling them the whole thing; he told them everything their mother had gone through and to try and not bombard her with questions. Everett and Annalise said that they would get up to the hospital as quickly as they could; and Tom reminded them not to say anything to the Gummers yet until Don and Meryl had an opportunity to tell them what was going on, and they promised. Tom also asked them to stop by their apartment to bring clothes for Diane as he didn't get rid of anything; it was just too hard. Once they got Diane and Rosie settled into a room until their tests results came back, Diane happily welcomed Tom as well as Charlotte and Charlie into her bed. She smiled at how 3 of their 5 kids were asleep as she leaned against Tom. "I can't believe how big they are; and that Charlotte has started her period."

"Thank goodness for Meryl." Tom said making Diane laugh. "Though I quickly caught on."

Diane turned her head and pressed it into Tom's. "I can't begin to tell you how much I've missed all of you; how much I've missed my life."

"I can't begin to tell you how much i've missed you." Tom choked as he kissed her lips. "Your stuff is still where it was 2 years ago. I still have all of your items. I mean I know I foolishly dated that psycho but in my heart I NEVER moved on."

Diane nodded as she wiped away his tears. "I know, honey; besides you just now started dating."

"Stupid fucking set up." Tom hissed.

Diane really wanted to move on. "It's over now; and we can focus on getting our family back to where it was, and with little Rosie."

"I cannot wait." Tom beamed. "We just need to make sure you two are alright."

Diane nodded. "I have a feeling they'll want to keep us for a few days."

"Then we stay." Tom said strongly. "You have been held captive for 2 years; you had a baby without any medical help. We have to make sure you two are okay."

Diane was about to agree until his phone beeped. "The kids?"

"No; it's Meryl." Tom said as he told her the text. "She says to tell you she loves you; and she's so glad you're back. Also, she is so grateful to you for taking her to where Don and the babies were. She and Don had their stomachs pumped because of the drugs she injected them with, they have crap in their lungs because of the smoke but will be okay. They'll be in New York Presbyterian for several days."

Diane was so relieved they were all okay. "Margaret and Bradley?"

"Oh my God." Tom exclaimed when he read more. "Because she forced them to nurse they have traces of cocaine in their system; and are having an allergic reaction. She said they are nursing well and they'll be watched too. She said the kids and Don's family don't know anything yet; and they're still trying to process anything." Tom looked up from his phone to look earnestly into her eyes. "You saved them, Di."

Di shook her head. "She's my sister, they're family; I am just so glad we got there when we did and found them. I'll text her later. Can I use your phone? I don't have one."

"You never have to ask." Tom said strongly. "What's mine is yours; it always has been."

Diane leaned back against him as they watched their 3 youngest children sleeping. "Should we wake them up?"

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