Chapter 39

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A few days later Don and Meryl were still sleeping in their hospital suite when Don stirred awake once he saw the sun beaming in through the curtains. "Darl?"

"Hmmmm?" Meryl mumbled as she buried her face into his chest. "Yeah, baby."

Don kissed the top of her head. "Did we fall asleep after your nursed earlier this morning?"

"I guess we did." Meryl looked over at the clock on her bedside table. "Don, it's 9am."

Don couldn't help but laugh. "I think we both needed the rest. Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm feeling kind of groggy." Meryl said as he laughed. "But yeah baby; I feel fine. How's my guy?"

Don smiled at her. "I feel rested. I hate hospitals, M."

"I do too, baby." Meryl sighed; she knew the days at the hospital were getting to him. "Hey, remember that date night we talked about?"

Don looked down at her with a smile. "I sure do. My clothes for it came in yesterday."

"Mine too." Meryl smiled; thinking that a night out was exactly what he needed, it was what she needed as well. "It is Friday night. Julie told me that anytime we want to go out they are ready to babysit. They are almost begging."

Don laughed with a nod. "I know they are. I say we should resurrect Friday date night tonight."

"I say that sounds like an amazing idea." Meryl hoped it would give him a little break from everything that was happening at Indiana University Hospital. "However, if things change for some reason and we can't go out then that is fine too, sweetheart."

Don shook his head; Brad was getting stronger everyday and was even working on feeding himself, with the help of others. "Dad's getting stronger; it's just going to be a long road."

"And we'll be with him." Meryl kissed his lips. "I'll be with you as you continue to be the amazing, present and strong son you are."

Don stroked her cheekbones. "I know at first I wanted to shelter the three of you from this city and all of this; but I can't imagine going through any of this without you. Being here without you. Being without you three for so damn long."

"That's because it won't happen." Meryl promised him. "Not ever. So, you make reservations for tonight and I'll talk to Julie?"

Don pulled her closer to him. "I say that sounds like an amazing plan."

"Maybe we should get up and..." Meryl stopped what she was saying when his cell phone rang. "Answer it."

Don winked at her as he reached for his phone then his face fell. "It's mom. She knows we're coming up later. Why would she be calling?"

"Maybe she needs us to bring her something." Meryl said calmly; but on the inside she was really worried. Jane had told Meryl how important she knew time with her and the babies out of the hospital was for Don; and she knew she would only call if something was wrong. "I'm right here; answer it, Don Man."

Don nodded as he laced his fingers through hers while quickly answering the phone. "Hey, Ma. Meryl and I were just getting around. Sorry, we fell asleep after Meryl fed the babies earlier this morning."

"Sweetheart, everything is fine. I'm sorry to call and worry you; and normally you not being here wouldn't be a bad thing-you and Meryl have a good schedule down." Jane said standing outside of Brad's room; they had moved him from ICU the day before. "The doctor came by and said some decisions would need to be made about your dad's continuing care now that he has stepped down into a regular room. We are going to have a family care meeting at 10:30. Do you think you could be here by then?"

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