Chapter 14

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The next two days went well with Don, Meryl, Charlie, Charlotte and the babies. They rested. They played games. They ate. They watched movies. It was a wonderful 2 days filled with love and laughter and relaxation. The kids hadn't asked about their dad; and Don and Meryl didn't bring it up. In private Meryl and Don wondered if he really was going to show up. They were prepared for the fact that he may not show up. It was Tuesday night and there was still no word from their father. Don and Meryl were climbing in bed that night when Meryl looked at Don. "We still haven't heard from Tom."

"Well the blizzard just ended this afternoon." Don pointed out. "Third said the kids' school was still closed."

Meryl raised her eyebrow at him. "Don, when we have left our children in the care of others how often did we check on them when we were out of town? Or hell, just working throughout the day?"

"At least once." Don sighed. "I agree, Darl. It is shitty. What's worse is I don't think they even miss him."

Meryl nodded as she rubbed lotion onto her hands and arms. "Me either; and look at how clingy they are with us."

"This is the first time they have felt like they're part of a family in almost two years." Don said sadly. "I know how that is."

Meryl put the lotion down and cupped his face in her hands. "Not for a long time, though; right?"

"Not since I got the family I always wanted, Darl." Don assured her with a kiss to her lips. "They have been great helpers."

Meryl laughed. "I think we've barely changed a diaper today."

"They sure do love their little cousins." Don smiled. "The feeling is mutual."

Just as Meryl was about to reply her phone rang; and she looked at it. "It's Tom; their apartment line."

"Answer it, baby." Don said gently.

Meryl nodded. "Hi, Tom."

"Hey, Meryl." Tom said. "I'm sorry for calling so late."

Meryl looked at the clock and it was after 10pm. "The kids are already in bed. I don't feel like I should wake them."

"No, don't wake them." Tom said. "I called to talk to you; not them."

Meryl rolled her eyes thinking that of course he didn't call to talk to his children. "What can I do for you?"

"I just got back to Manhattan." Tom said looking through the mail. "Since school is cancelled again tomorrow I will come by in the morning to pick them up."

Meryl looked at Don. "Is this for real, Tom? We need to tell them that you're coming to pick them up so they're not caught off guard; but I am not going to break their hearts when you don't show up as you have broken their heart plenty. Besides, it seems like Don and I are the only adults they can trust and count on at the moment; and I will be damned if I screw that up because of you."

"That's my girl." Don whispered as he winked at her.

Tom sighed. "I deserve that. I really am picking them up. Listen, I so appreciate all you and Don have done for them. I'm ready to get my kids back."

"Come around 10." Merl said as Don nodded. "I'm going to tell the doorman to buzz us when you are here because Don and I would like to see you before the kids do. I understand that they are your children; but they are also our godchildren and we have some concerns. We need to talk."

Tom knew this was coming; and he also knew he deserved it. "I will; thank you for taking care of mine and Di's babies."

"We love them; very much." Meryl choked. "We'll see you in the morning."

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