Chapter 59

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Everything happened so quickly. Soon, Don and Meryl were being rushed into the hospital on stretchers with Liz and Larry pushing Lily in a stroller closely behind; and Di pushing the Gummer babies behind them. Once the EMTs took over they got Don and Meryl stabilized; but they were still unconscious. As soon as the ambulance arrived with everyone rushing in, Dr. Abbott ran out. "Larry, I got your call. What in the hell happened?"

"We're not entirely sure." Larry said running his hands through his hair. "Don has been stalked and threatened lately; as well as the babies. Well, today when Meryl was at the store and Don was at the apartment with Tom, his kids and the babies he was drugged. He and the babies were taken. Meryl somehow found out where they were and she and Di went there."

Dr. Abbott was stunned as he looked at his former patient. "Diane?!"

"Hi, Hal." Diane said weakly. "Long story."

Larry continued. "Once Di and Meryl found them Meryl sent the babies with Di. All I know is the building they were in went up in flames by the time we got there with the police. The firefighters said they saw Don dragging himself and Meryl out of the basement. Meryl was unconscious and Don passed out once the firefighters got to him. Oh, the crazy psycho who took them sent Meryl pictures and videos of her nursing the babies and Don tied to the bed. In the video Don was bleeding and had lacerations and bruises all over his body. The psycho had been threatening that she would have Don no matter what. I had the police stay back at the building to try to piece together the gaps. That's all we know."

"Get the Gummers into testing NOW." Dr. Abbott said to the nurses and orderlies. "COMPLETE PRIVACY OR HEADS WILL ROLL." Dr. Abbott then looked at Larry. "The other kids?"

Liz jumped in. "Everything has happened so quickly that we haven't called anyone."

"I don't think M wanted them called until we knew what was going on." Di said.

Liz nodded. "They are all out at parties; and I don't think she would want to worry them yet. Besides, we have no idea what to tell them."

"Okay, I'll be monitoring them closely." Dr. Abbott said as he went to look at the babies. "They need to be checked out. They're having some sort of break out-allergic reaction."

Di nodded as she continued to move the stroller back and forth. "I can't get them to calm down."

"I can't believe that bitch nursed them." Liz cursed. "That had to crush Meryl. Will she be able to nurse again?"

Dr. Abbott shrugged. "It might take a bit; but she should be able to, if they will take it. I want our pediatrician to check them out."

"Since Larry and I are their godparents, I can take them." Liz said. "I don't have any of the papers with me, though."

Dr. Abbott shook his head."Come on, I'll show you where to go. You don't need papers, I'll approve whatever."

"Can Lil stay with you?" Liz asked looking at their sleeping granddaughter in her stroller. "Hopefully she'll stay asleep."

Larry kissed Liz's cheek. "Of course, just make sure they're okay."

"I will." Liz choked as she began to follow Dr. Abbott with the babies. "Call me with any updates."

Larry nodded as he looked at Di. "What in the hell happened? How are you here?"

"I know it's a lot to take in, believe me." Di said. "Rebecca had me and I managed to get out when I heard she was breaking out and going for Don. I promise, Larry, I will explain everything. I have 3 children back at Don and Meryl's apartment, as well as a husband whose world has just been rocked. Since I know Don, Meryl and the babies are being taken care of I need to go talk to Tom. I can't imagine all the questions he has and how his mind is reeling. I promise, we will fill you in; but I feel that I owe it to my husband to fill him in first."

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