Chapter 70

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"Hi." Diane woke up from a morning nap and smiled at her husband who was holding her and a sleeping Rosaleen. "She doing okay?"

Tom leaned over and gently kissed his wife's lips, several times, as he winked at her. "She's doing fine. They came and reported on her monitor when you were sleeping and said the medicine is working so far."

"Oh, thank God." Diane choked as she leaned down and kissed her sleeping daughter's head. "Why didn't you wake me up for that? You could have woken me up and I wouldn't have minded."

Tom placed a finger on his wife's lips. "I know I could have, but they were just reporting. If we were discussing her care then of course I would have woken you up. You have been a single parent for 15 months with her; you aren't anymore, sweetheart. I figured I would just tell you when you woke up because I know how desperately your body needs rest and healing."

"You've been a single parent as well; and you aren't anymore." Di said happily. "Have I told you how happy I am to be back with you and our family?"

Tom didn't even stop the tears that appeared in his own eyes; tears he knew mirrored the ones in his wife's eyes. "You don't have to tell me, honey; because I know. I know we have a lot to overcome; but I have never been happier or more at peace. Well, I will be when we find out where those fuckers are."

"I feel the same way. I know I have a lot to get through; we have a lot to get through." Di said as Tom nodded. "Seeing you and all of our babies makes me realize I can get through anything."

Tom wiped away her tears. "WE can get through anything; we're back and can tackle all this together."

"All I've ever wanted." Di whispered as she rubbed her forehead against her husband's; breathing in his scent that she missed so much. "How are the kids? Have you spoken to them?"

Tom nodded as Diane took a sleeping Rosaleen in her arms; and he was able to wrap his arms around both of them. "I talked to them; and they are coming by later today. They're cleaning the townhouse and are enjoying clothes shopping for this one."

"Oh boy, I'm sure they are." Di chuckled with a kiss to her daughter's head. "Did you give them a limit? They might max out the cards."

Tom shrugged. "I don't care; she's worth it. Besides, why have we worked so hard all of our lives if we can't use it for this new start?"

"You're a smart man, Thomas." Diane said as she kissed her husband's cheek as there was a knock at the door. "You expecting anyone?"

"No, I have no idea." Tom said as he made sure his wife was decent before turning his attention to the door. "Yeah? Come on in."

Larry smiled as he walked in. "Hey guys. Am I coming at a bad time?"

"I just woke up; so this is a good time." Di said as Tom helped her to sit up with Rosaleen. "Are Don and Meryl doing okay? We've been texting some."

Larry nodded as he sat down in the chair next to the bed that Tom pointed towards. "I just came from them. They are healing. Neither of them have any diseases thank God. While Don was severely assaulted, he wasn't legally or clinically raped."

"Doesn't matter." Di shook her head. "I saw what she was capable of."

Tom nodded. "We both saw the pictures; it will take them awhile to heal from this."

"And they're making strides." Larry smiled. "They're the Gummers."

Di knew exactly what he meant as she had a smile on her face. "They always will be; thank goodness. How are they physically? The babies?"

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