Chapter 18

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"Hello? Meryl said again as she looked at Don and shrugged.

Don got his phone out and went to the recording app. "Put it on speaker."

"Hello?" Meryl said again. "Is anyone there?"

The person on the other end had a very muffled voice; and it sounded like they were very far away. All Don and Meryl could hear was the word 'danger.' Meryl began to freak out. "Who is this? Who is in danger? Who is the threat?" Meryl could hear more noise; but couldn't make anything out. "Hello? Hello? Talk to me! Who in the hell is this?"

"Hang up, Darl." Don shook his head; extremely pissed off. He wanted nothing more than to take the phone from her and yell at whoever it was for scaring his wife; but he knew he wouldn't get anywhere if he did that and it would probably upset Meryl more. "You're not going to get anywhere."

Meryl turned to Don with tears in her eyes. "Don, you're in danger."

"Baby, they didn't say I was in danger." Don tried to calm her down. "I'm calling Larry; and I'm sure as hell not letting anyone get near you or the babies."

Meryl shook her head as she started crying harder. "You heard Tom; she's going to come after you. Oh my God, I couldn't take it if she did to you what Mann did to me. I can't let you be raped."

"Sweetheart." Don sighed as he stroked her hair. "I can't be raped; it can't happen."

Meryl shook her head as the tears streamed down her face. "It can if she knocks you out and ties you up like I was; or drugs you like Teresa did. I can't let you go through that. I can't let our babies get hurt."

"She can't get to me, or you, or the babies, or the rest of our family because we are NOT leaving this room." Don was trying to remain calm while he was freaking out on the inside; much more worried about his family than himself. "We will call Larry and get to the bottom of it; I will be damned if I let anyone try to ruin our family after ALL that has happened. Not now. Not ever."

Meryl was reeling; not really hearing what her husband was saying. "Guards, we'll get guards and post them outside of the room. Wherever you and the babies go, they can follow you and the babies when you three are out in public. I can always go stay somewhere...."

"Okay, that's enough." Don shook his head. "I am not going to have this psychotic bitch try to scare you away from me and the babies; no way in hell. She can't get to us, sweetheart..."

Meryl started shaking as she broke down in hysterical sobs. "I can't bear to think about you being beaten and drugged and raped like I was; I can't bear the thought of our poor defenseless babies..."

"Sweetheart." Don sighed as he took the baby from her, after placing the one he was holding, in the bassinets next to him. He then turned back to her and cupped her face in his hands. "She canNOT get to us. No one knows where we are, baby. We are not going to let that happen. I am going to call Larry, we will have him talk to Tom, and they will go after her. Even if she doesn't do anything; she has threatened us and that should at least put her behind bars."

Meryl buried her head in her hands and cried; and then looked up at him. "I never wanted this, Don. If my being an actress has..."

"No, stop." Don wiped away her tears. "I don't care if you were the most famous person in the world, which you pretty much are;  that does NOT mean it is okay for this to happen. You are a private citizen and are being threatened, our babies are being threatened. It is NOT okay; and we will make sure it doesn't happen."

Meryl ran her fingers through his hair as she looked over at their babies. "I just want to enjoy life with you and our family; I am so tired of this bullshit."

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