Chapter 58

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"Don." Meryl cried as she began to stir. "Margaret. Bradley."

Tom was sitting on the floor in the Gummer's entryway holding his late wife's best friend; waiting for help. "We're going to find them, Mer."

"It wasn't a dream." Meryl cried as she came to. "It really happened? She really got to them?"

Tom nodded; trying to hold back his anger and fear. "We're going to get them back as soon as possible. I've called Larry and filled him in. He and Liz and Lily are on their way. I guess Hen and Suzie already dropped Lily off."

"I don't want the kids to know yet." Meryl cried. "My dread all day was real. I just told myself I was overreacting. I kept telling myself she couldn't get to them. I left without kissing him and the babies good-bye. I left without telling all of them how much I love them. Oh my God, Tom. He protects all of us at all costs; and I didn't do the same for him. I left without telling him that I loved him."

Tom's heart was hurting for his friends. "He knows, M; believe me, he knows."

"I hope, I hope he and the..." Meryl was cut off by her phone beeping. "DON!"

Tom could tell by the look on her face that it wasn't Don. "Mer, who is it? Who is from."

"HER." Meryl said barely above a whisper as she went through picture after picture. Rebecca nursing her babies, a picture of Don tied to the bed in only his boxers; and videos. "It's our Salisbury house."

Tom shook his head. "There is no way, M. There is no way she got there already."

"It's our bedroom." Meryl felt sick. "She is nursing MY babies. She has MY husband tied to the bed." Meryl zoomed in on the picture. "Look at all the blood and wounds on his body. The bruises. You can see the fear in his eyes; not to mention anger. You can see how he is straining against the restraints and trying to get to them."

Tom couldn't believe this was happening. "Don didn't leave the room even 45 minutes ago, M. They couldn't have made it to Salisbury already. Not even Mason's Island. They have to be somewhere somewhat close."

"Oh my God, there's a video of Don." Meryl could barely talk. She played the video and saw her husband straining against the restraints, calling out for her, telling Rebecca he wouldn't kiss her, screaming no, him asking about their babies and worst of all him crying. "Oh baby; we're going to find you. We're going to find all of you." She then heard Rebecca's voice say she finally got what was hers.

Tom watched Meryl walk to the coat tree and put on her coat. "M, where are you going?"

"Where the fuck do you think I'm going?" Meryl yelled as Liz and Larry ran in with Lily. "The bitch isn't answering this number; I'm going to go get my husband and babies."

Liz handed Lily to Larry as she went over to Meryl. "We're going to get them back, honey; the police are on the way. Just be patient."

"Patient? You want me to be patient while this psycho has my husband and our babies?" Meryl was hysterical as she showed Larry her phone. "Look at what she's fucking doing to them, Larry! Don is terrified. You can tell she's shoving her breast in my babies' mouths and they are SCREAMING. Now, get the fuck out of my way as I go get my husband and my babies. Don't you dare fucking tell me to stay here. Don wouldn't; and there's no way in hell I'm going to. I'm going to go get them back." At just that time the police rushed in and Larry who was still holding Lily and Liz filled them in; not seeing who ran in next as they went into another room. Meryl couldn't believe it. It couldn't be. How? "DI?!"

"I know where he is." Di said holding a toddler in her arms. "We don't have time to talk. I know I have a lot to fill you all in on. Just trust me."

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