Chapter 61

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It felt like forever since Don had talked to Larry; and Meryl was still asleep. He kept looking at her vitals and everything looked okay; but he was still worried. He needed someone to fill in some holes. How in the hell did his wife know where he was; and what in the hell was she thinking walking into the cave of a psycho without any back up? He bent down and kissed her sleeping lips; his wife, his hero. He lost count of how many times she saved his life; he needed to know what happened. He needed to see their babies. He wanted to kill that fucking bitch when he saw her nurse his and MERYL'S babies; his heart broke as the babies were screaming. He kept yelling at her that she wasn't their mother and never would be. No matter how hard he tried to break the restraints and get his babies away from her he couldn't. He hoped Meryl knew how hard he tried. How every time she tried to touch him intimately, or kiss him, that he fought with everything he had. He was brought out of his thoughts when the door opened and Larry peeked his head in. "I have two little people who want to see their daddy; and another one who wants to see her Grandpa Don and Grandma Meryl."

"She's still sleeping; but come in, please." Don choked as he sat up as a nurse pushed Brady and Mags in bassinets. He saw their arms were bandaged. "What happened? Are they okay?"

Liz walked over to Don and hugged him tight. "They will be; they need to have IVs, but they unhooked them for now so we could move them."

"Give Grandpa Don a kiss, Lily girl." Larry said holding their granddaughter up to Don's face.

Don cried as he saw their granddaughter. "There's Grandpa's Lily Pad; Grandpa Don and Grandma Meryl love you so much."

"And now." Liz lifted Brady and Mags out of their bassinets as Larry took Lily from Don, and she gave the babies to Don. "These two are ready to see their daddy."

Don cried as he held them close, kissing all over them. "Daddy is so sorry, angels; I'm so sorry. I tried to get you away from that mean lady but I couldn't. It's going to be okay, Daddy promises you. I love you both so so so much." Don looked at the babies as they smiled up at him. "Oh, I've been needing to see those smiles for so long." Don looked his babies over and then looked at Liz and Larry. "What's wrong with them? It looks like they're breaking out. They weren't like this before. What in the hell did that fucking psychotic bitch do to our babies?"

"Don, there is going to be alot to tell you." Larry said. "And a lot I need you to tell us."

Don nodded. "First, I want to know what's going on with my wife and our babies."

"While you and Meryl were getting checked out, I took the babies to get checked out." Liz explained. "They have no broken bones. Their lungs and heart sound good because they were out of the building before the fire. They are having an allergic reaction to something in Rebecca's breast milk."

Don could already feel himself getting madder and madder. "I tried to stop her; I tried with everything in me. MERYL is the ONLY ONE who should EVER feed them like that. Oh God, if she can't still nurse them that is going to kill her; and it will be all my fault. I tried so hard to get them from her."

"It is NOT your fault, Don; and Meryl would NEVER blame you." Larry calmed his best friend.

Liz couldn't help but think that this was how Meryl was all those years ago after her rape. "She NEVER would. Don, this won't be easy to hear; but they have traces of Cocaine in their bloodstreams because of Rebecca."

"WHAT?!" Don hissed. "I want her fucking head, Larry; and I want it NOW."

Larry nodded as Liz took Lily from him. "We are working on it; buddy, believe me. We know she has been plotting this; and so the doctors think that she took some sort of hormone to produce milk."

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