Chapter 3

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While Don had the procedure the next morning, Meryl loaded up the babies into the stroller and decided to walk down to the private cafe' to get her and Don something for breakfast; after giving her husband a kiss of course. She wasn't a diva. She didn't expect special treatment; but she did want to just be treated like a normal person. Which was why she was glad Don was able to be in a private suite; and that there was a private cafe' she could go to. As she said in the past, her art was for sale but her life wasn't. Don and the kids didn't ask for her celebrity and fame; and so she did everything she could to protect them from it. As she was walking she tried to keep her head down as much as possible, even throwing blankets over the babies carriers; not wanting anyone to take a picture of them. It was this part of celebrity she hated; but if it allowed her to be there for her husband and their children then she would have done ANYTHING!


Once Meryl took the babies on a little stroll and got her and Don some breakfasts and snacks; she took the blankets off the babies once she got back to the private floor her husband was on, and took her hat off. "There; isn't that better?" Meryl asked her babies once she took the blankets off their carriers. "Hopefully we can go in and see how Daddy is."

"Meryl." Dr. Abbott said walking out of Don's room. "There you are."

Meryl's heart sank momentarily; thinking something was wrong since that's how things had been going lately. "Is he okay? Did the procedure go alright?"

"Very routine; which is what you want when dealing with that part of the male anatomy." Dr. Abbott smiled making her laugh. "He's pretty sore."

Meryl reached into the stroller and pulled out a bag of ice. "That is why I brought this."

"Good idea." Dr. Abbott laughed. "We gave him something for the pain; not only from the procedure but for his head and leg."

Meryl nodded knowing his head and leg were both still bothering him in addition to what he had just gone through. "When will he have his next scans?"

"I want to wait until tomorrow since we just did scans yesterday." Dr. Abbott pulled out. "He just needs to rest today."

Meryl was relieved that he was doing alright. "That's what he'll do. He can pick up and hold the babies still?"

"Yes." Dr. Abbott said. "Since he won't be walking with them anyways. Go on in."


Meryl couldn't help but laugh when she walked into her husband's hospital room and saw him laying there in his boxers, a t-shirt and an ice pack between his legs. "Now there's a sight."

"Hey, Darl." Don said somewhat weakly. "How are 3 of my favorite people?"

Meryl put the brake on the stroller and went over to him; cupping his cheek and tenderly kissing his lips. "We came to check on you. You're pretty white, Don Man."

"If you just had holes placed you know where you might be a little pale too." Don said and then she gave him a look. "Not a smart thing to say to a woman who had 6 babies."

Meryl laughed as she moved the ice away. "I believe I promised something."

"What are you..." Don sighed as she opened the slit of his boxers and extremely carefully exposed him. He looked over at the stroller and noticed she faced the babies away from them. Don didn't mean to, but he moaned when her limps came in contact with his manhood. Gently kissing the affected area. He had no idea the last she had her lips on him, THERE. "Oh, fuck."

Meryl was placing gentle kisses all over him. "Is that okay?"

"Mmmmm...." Don mumbled as he wrapped his fingers through her hair. "Don't stop."

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