Chapter 49

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The next afternoon, Don and Meryl were already in a routine with staying at Brad and Jane's house; they also found that it was better for the babies. Don was afraid things would be harder for her and the babies at the house than at the hotel; but the babies had more room to play and be babies. He and Meryl had more room for their things as well. Meryl was enjoying being able to cook for her and Don. They kept the same schedule with visiting Brad and Jane at the hospital in the mornings and afternoons; and they were able to keep the babies on their schedules. When the babies were resting Don and Meryl were getting things ready for Brad to come home, with the help of specialty companies, and they were cooking and getting ready for Christmas. While the babies were sleeping, Don had been on the phone with Brad's physical and occupational therapists; and then he went to see where his wife was. She wasn't with the babies, in the pool, in the kitchen or in the rooms they were setting up for Brad's therapies. He was starting to worry with his dream still playing in the back of his mind. He breathed a sigh of relief when he finally found her asleep on the sofa in the corner of the kitchen where his mother had set up a lounging area. His relief turned to worry when he saw the tense look on her face and wet crumpled up kleenexes on the sofa beside her. As he got closer he saw that she was holding something in her hand, as he moved even closer he realized it was a letter. At first he wondered if he should read it, but she was his wife and if something upset her like that he needed to know what it was. He carefully took the letter from her, sat down on the coffee table in front if where she was laying and began to read. He had barely started reading the letter and he was already shaking with anger, barely able to take his eyes off his wife to read the letter; she must have been beside herself.

Dear Mer,
I hop you get this letter; I hop this is the ight adress. Your mariage is in trouble. Don is in sever danger. Even if Don doesn't actually cheat on you, she is goin to make it lok and sound lik he did; and Don might even leave you for her if he doesn't then she wil probably even kil hem. You're precious babies, my namesake, aren't even safe. You not safe. Take my seriously. You're marriage is about to go up in flams.

You're sister,


Don shook his head as his whole body shook with anger. He looked on the floor beside the couch Meryl was sleeping on and found the envelope made out to Meryl Gummer; and he noticed there wasn't a return address on it. He was going to get to the bottom of this, but first he needed to make sure everyone was safe. He grabbed a throw blanket from the back of the couch, placed it over his wife and kissed her lips. "I love you, baby; I'll be right back." He stood there for a few moments to make sure she stayed asleep; and once he realized she did he ran to every door in the house and made sure all the locks were locked. After he was satisfied that all the doors were locked, he set the alarm and then ran up to where the babies were sleeping. "Thank God." He sighed as he kissed their sleeping faces. He and Meryl brought 2 extra bassinets the day before so they could have bassinets upstairs and downstairs; he grabbed the babies and made his way back downstairs. Before going back to Meryl he went into the den where the bassinets were, carefully laid the babies in them, grateful they didn't wake up; and then he pushed the bassinets with the babies in them into the kitchen where Meryl was still sleeping. Once he placed the bassinets in the corner of the room, still in a place where he could see them, he knelt down beside her and placed tender kisses all over her face. "Baby, wake up, love. It's Don. Wake up, Darl."

"No." Meryl cried as she was starting to wake up. "Don't leave me, Don."

Don wanted to charge the jail that Rebecca was in and strangle her for putting these thoughts into his wife's head. Don needed to make sure she felt safe and loved; and so he continued to softly to softly kiss her lips over and over while he stroked her hair. "Come on, baby, wake up; I'm right here."

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