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Helloooooooooooo!!!!!!!  We meet again!

So how many of you are excited for the Last (Literally)  book of His Angel Trilogy?

To be honest I'm jumping from here and there right now with excitement.

So there are certain things I want to clear before we start :

* PLAGIARISM, that is,  copying someone's work is a CRIME so DO NOT COPY MY WORK.
And if you ever see my work anywhere else that wattpad please do let me know because I post no where but wattpad. Please.

* This book contains some excessive emotions and mature content,  actually a lot of it. This will have bad language and curses are commonly used by protagonists and antagonists, so if you're not comfortable with that,  DON'T READ instead of reporting coz that's very childish.

* My protagonists are not perfect, they have flaws,  a lot of them actually and trust me, that's the way I want them to be and I'm glad they are like this so I'm not changing their personality for anybody.

* Some things may seem unfair or unusual in the beginning but have faith,  you know me 😉

*This is not a sweet story completely but my stories always have cuteness in them,  that's my problem so if you are not into a little bit of cuteness, then this one is not for you.

*Now for those who've come this far,  I love you and I promise to make this journey a memorable one.

*Also,  I love it when my readers interact with me,  so I just hope you do it. It's kinda give and take you know, I'll give you updates and you'll be voting and commenting. Isn't it fair??



He killed her,  with his own bare hands or he thought so, but is he alive? He is but just as a living corpse. After all, what is this Devil without his Angel?

Staying imprisoned for 10 years helped a lot in making him forget that he had a heart but can this stone of a heart stop itself from melting after seeing her actually again in real?

The world stopped and he felt his heart beat race,  he knew he killed her but then why was he sensing her presence? And when those beautiful chocolatey brown eyes locked with his,  he knew that no matter what it takes but he was going to get her back.

But will she ever forgive him for what he did? Will she even consider giving him a chance?

Isn't it said that if two people are meant to be together, eventually they'll find their way back? 

So after everything they did to each other, are there actually any chances of them getting back together?

Both aimed for each other's heart and broke it into million pieces. Both betrayed each other and made a history of love and hate.

They experienced love and hate in extreme, pushing all the limits.

Now with equal scores on both the sides, this is a fresh start with a few complications and some major twists and turns.

Won't it be interesting to see how Mr. Beast gets successful in making his Angel, HIS FOREVER?


Randhir's pov.

I felt the air surrounding me change. I was feeling something, I was feeling her. But how is that even possible ?

Everything around me stopped and I felt the stone inside beat faster. She isn't here, then why am I experiencing the things I used to experience when she was around?

Immense love and hatred,  all at the same time. I needed her but she wasn't here,   then why am I feeling this way? Why am I sensing her presence. 

I took a deep breath and turned back. The world actually stopped when those chocolatey brown eyes locked with mine. Was I dreaming? Like I always do, because I felt numb and she can't be real.

Her eyes were wide open and she looked as flabbergasted as I was. All the memories of us started flashing in front of my eyes, our first meet, the time we spent in shed,  she getting me arrested, Parth's death. This made me tighten my jaws.

Kidnapping her,  New year's night,  her confessing her love,  the plannings, execution and finally me shooting her with my own hands. I flinched at the memory and hit the table. I saw her taking a step back.

"No" She whispered shaking her head.

So she isn't a dream.


So this is it for the prologue.

I hope you guys are excited.

Don't forget to vote comment and share your views on this.


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