46. The Third Secret Keeper.

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"Wait outside and close the door behind you. " I instructed Sanket and he left the room immediately.

"He told you, didn't he? And that's why you are here to save me from that Monster after all we have the same blood running in our veins." He said looking at me with hope and I resisted the urge of slapping that hope off his face.

"You left my mother, not because you wasn't prepared for me, but because you found a richer woman, that is,  your late wife." After talking to Sanket, I called Maya Ma to enquire about this man before doing anything and the things she told me, just strengthened my determination.

"N-no. " He fumbled and I pulled a chair and sat in front of his tied self.

"All this while Vardhan Suryavanshi was just a  pawn, he did what you instructed him to, you killed Randhir's father, you killed my parents, you killed my sister Mohini and my unborn child and you think I'll come to save you just because we have the same blood? Are you actually stupid or traumatized? " I asked and he gulped.

"I didn't kill your child and killing that girl was not my intention. " He tried to give a justification. Stupid man.

"Yeah, because clearly I was your target. Even today you wanted to kill me, you shot my husband and you still think that I'll save you. How stupid can you be?" I asked and he looked down.

"Randhir could never get himself to harm you just because you are my biological father but this doesn't affects me at all. For me, my father is no more and you, oldie, are just a freaking bastard who began ruining my life even before I was born and will continue to do that if you get another chance. " I spat and he looked horrified.

"Sanyukta I'm your father, you're here because of me. " He said and I shook my head.

"No, I'm here because my husband took the bullet for me, I'm here because my husband protected me ten years back from you, I'm here because my sister sat on my car instead of me, I'm here because my mother decided to keep me even after you left." I told him fuming.

"And now, you've lived enough, you'll have to die. " I told him seriously and his eyes widened.

"No. " he shook his head.

"Yes. Today, I'll do what my husband could never do and I wish he had done this before. " I told him and he shook his head furiously.

"No Sanyukta, please. " He begged and I took out a sharp knife from my bag.

"You'll have to die Mr. King, but since it's your sperm, I'm a product of, I can make your death a bit less painful, only if you tell me what I want to know. " I told him playing with the knife and then looked at him to find him breathing heavily.

"Please don't. " He pleaded and I got up.

"Will you tell me or not? " I asked maintaining a straight face.

"What do you want to know? " He asked with a shaking voice.

"I just have two questions, answer them and I'll make the process of going to hell, less painful for you." I told him and he closed his eyes.

"I know you won't kill me, you can't, you are my daughter. " He said shaking his head causing me to roll my eyes.

"Question number 1, besides Randhir three people know the whole truth, one is Aryan, the other one is you so who's the third one?" I asked and he opened his eyes.

A wicked smile came on his lips causing me to frown.

"He still didn't tell you the whole truth? Crazy man." He chuckled wickedly and I narrowed my eyes at him.

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