34. Pretending!

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Randhir Singh Shekhawat.

I lied, I lied to her again and instead of accepting my fault, I made her feel guilty. She knows me better than anyone in this world and still I lie to her all the time.

The male staff was engaged in gambling and drinking but that was not the only reason why I fired them. I know this is wrong but I don't know why I get so jealous and possessive whenever any guy talks to her. I don't know why I'm so insecure when I know she's mine, forever.

I fear I might lose her once again.

I just can't lose her, I cannot. She's my oxygen and I can't bear losing her again, this time I won't be able to survive.

I was extremely jealous when I saw her laughing on something that butler said, and that moment I decided that I won't let her see him again. And not only him, but any guy. I can't share her, never ever.

But the worst part is, I even lied about it. I told her that this wasn't the reason just so that she doesn't gets mad. I can't see her like that too.

But now I'll have to do something to make up for it and I'm ready to do just anything to make her feel like the happiest woman alive and get rid of this guilt.

"Sir, we have begun with the arrangements, everything will be ready by 9 pm. " Sanket informed and I gave him a nod.

"Where's Swara? " He took his phone out when I asked him about Swara and showed me the screen.

Swara could be seen talking to her friend in a restaurant.

"Good job Sanket, but I think you should go there yourself, they'll look after the arrangements. " I told him and he nodded.

"Yes Sir. " He said before leaving and I sighed before making a call for the main work.


Sanyukta Randhir Singh Shekhawat.

"Ma'am, this is for you. " I saw a maid coming towards me with a big box in her hand. Gift paper was nicely wrapped around it and it looked extremely beautiful.

"What's this? " I asked her, taking the box in my hand and she smiled.

"Sir has sent this gift for you ma'am. " She said with a smile and I exhaled deeply before nodding and she left the room.

"Close the door behind. " I instructed and she followed.

I opened the box and saw a cloth. After taking it out, my eyes widened at it's beauty.


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Mr. Perfect's gift.

I was stunned by the beauty of the gown and it was really hard to take my eyes off it.

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