26. Good Night!

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Stirring a bit due to the major headache I was having, I opened my eyes and found a blur figure sitting in front of me.

Rubbing my eyes for clear vision, I realized it was Swara and she was sleeping, leaning on the headboard.

Frowning, I looked here and there to myself in my bedroom of Mohini's place. Mohini, shit!

I sat up with a jerk and hurriedly got out of the bed.

"Sanyukta. " Swara's voice made me look at her. She stood up and approached towards me.

"Are you okay? " She asked cupping my shoulders.

"Mohini? " I asked praying what I saw, to be a silly dream of mine and nothing else.

She looked down and I got my answer. Gulping, I ran outside the room and upon reaching the living room, found Mumma sitting on the couch with Swati sleeping, keeping her head on her lap.

My heart clenched looking at my little lifeline, she just lost her mother and somewhere, I was responsible. She's sleeping peacefully right now but what will happen when she'll wake up and ask about her mother? What are we going to tell her?

I felt my heart getting heavier with each passing second and tears began forming in my eyes.

"Ma. " I whispered and Mumma looked at me with tears. My vision was blurring due to tears but I forwarded my steps towards them.

Kneeling in front of Mumma, I caressed Swati's hair before pecking her forehead.

"Sanyukta, Mohini. " Mumma's voice broke and tears escaped my eyes.

Wiping them all, I looked at Mumma before gathering some strength to speak.

"Where's everyone? " I asked trying not to break down.

"Police Station. It was a planned murder. " Mumma stated what I already knew. Of course it was planned, but not for Mohini. It was all for me and she became a victim. She took my death.

"I want to go there. " I told her and she wiped her tears.

"I don't know Sanyukta, he asked me not to let you out. " Mumma's words made me frown.

"He? Randhir? " I asked and she nodded.

What was I even expecting? Of course he won't let me go out after this accident, knowing really well that it was planned against me. But I need to go, my family needs me, I can't just sit here and wait for them to come back.

"I need to go Mumma, I can't just sit here." I told her and she shook her head.

"The security is really tight Sanyukta, you're not even allowed to peek outside, forget about stepping out. And I support him in this, I can't lose you too. " Mumma said getting up with Swati in her arms.

"I'm going to lie her down on her bed, you just stay here." Mumma commanded before leaving causing me to frown.

I was getting uneasy, I can't leave them when they need me the most, I need to be there with them.

I decided to run away before Mumma comes out but my wrist was caught by Swara.

"Leave me Swara. " I warned her breathing heavily. I need to go.

"Sankeetttt. " She yelled and he came bursting through the door, followed by a dozen guards.

"What is it Ma'am? " He asked looking at her and she signalled towards me.

"Sorry to say this ma'am but please don't compel us to tie you up. " His words made me narrow my eyes.

"My sister died and I can't even go out to see her for the last time? " I yelled and he looked down.

"We're sorry ma'am, but we're just following the orders. " He said looking down causing me to fume in anger.

"Where is your Boss? Call him right away. " I yelled and he looked at two guards before they went out and came back in less than a minute with four women.

Seeing the rope in their hands, I understood what they were here for.

"Don't you dare. " I warned but they came forward and pushed me to the couch.

"He'll kill you when he'll get to know that you tied me. " I threatened but they paid no heed to my words.

Despite of all my wriggling, they tied me up tightly and left.

"How dare you? Let him come back I'll  tell him what you have done to me." I threatened to Sanket.

"We're really sorry ma'am but we're just following the orders that were given to us. He knew you won't sit quietly so he ordered us to tie you up if you yell too much. "Sanket's words shocked me. Randhir asked them to tie me up? Really?

"He can go to any length to protect you Sanyukta. If he can kill his own blood for you, he can do anything." Swara said causing me to frown. Even she knows the real reason behind Randhir doing all of that. And what does she means by he killed our baby for me?

"What do you mean? " I asked and she looked down before I heard the door open.

Relief was what I felt when I saw Swadhinta entering the house. But looking at her devastated face and red eyes, I felt her pain.

"You woke up. " She said coming close to me.

"I wanted to come to the police station but they are not letting me out. Help me Swady, I want to be there with all of you." I told her and she looked at Swara.

"He's asked you to prepare. " Swady told Swara who nodded in response.

"Swady help me. " I asked but she didn't even look at me. What is happening?

"Where's aunty? " Swady asked Swara causing me to frown.

"In her room, with Swati." Swara replied and Swady gave her a nod before looking at me with a straight face.

"Lock her there." My eyes widened when I heard Swady's command.

Swara immediately left to Mumma's room without any questions.

"What are you doing Swady? " I asked gulping and she kneeled in front of me.

"That shouldn't be your concern right now. Your concern should be your sleep. " I frowned at her tone and words. Is she high on something?

"Are you drunk or something? " I asked and she chuckled without humor.

"I think you need more sleep Sanyukta. " Swady said before taking out a handkerchief from her pocket along with a small bottle.

"What is it? " I asked gulping and she applied the thing which was on the bottle, on the handkerchief.

"Any guesses? " She sounded like a scary psychopath.

"What are you doing Swady? " I asked horrified and looked at Sanket for some help but he was busy in a phone call. What the hell is happening?

"Good night Sanyukta. " Swady said before covering my nose with the hanky.

I tried not to inhale the chloroform but it was getting really hard and despite of my wriggling, she was rigid.

"Sleep well. " Swady said before I started feeling really dizzy.

I pretended that I passed out to make her take that thing off me and soon she took it off.

"She has passed out and I'm bringing her. Yeah, we'll be there in no time. " I heard her speaking before I actually lost my consciousness.


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We're gearing up for some really exciting things now, I can't control my excitement!

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