20. Deal!

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"So are you giving up already ? " Masi asked and I heard Angel sigh.

"Of course not Mumma, I just have a better plan. " Angel's words made my eyes widened.

She's planning? But what else was I expecting? After whatever I've done to her, this is what I really deserve.

"What is it Sanyukta? " Masi asked and I took a deep breath.

"Wait a minute Masi, Randhir I've changed, you can come in." Her words shocked me, she knew I was outside?

I opened the door and entered the room to find Masi looking at me with wide eyes. Then I looked at Angel to find her looking at me with an emotionless face.

I took a step towards her and she took a deep breath.

"You knew I was outside and still you? " I asked and she rolled her eyes.

"Do you really think I'm scared of you? And isn't it obvious that I won't just sit quietly? " She asked raising her eyebrows causing me to take a deep breath.

I was about to tell her that her plannings are of no use but stopped when I looked at her hand.

She was tightly holding the hem of her kurti and this showed that though she was acting brave, she was damn nervous. Then I looked at her other hand to find her crossing her fingers.

She was lying!

She doesn't have any plan or something, she's lying but why? Then I looked at her face again to find her looking at Masi with fright. She, then, closed her eyes taking a deep breath before opening them again and looking at me with bravery.

She is doing all this to save Masi! She must have seen me and just to save Masi, she's trying to take all the blame on herself.

Sighing I looked at Masi to find her looking down with fear. My Angel is doing all of this for this woman who can't think of anything but her own safety!

Taking deep breaths, I went close to Angel and she looked away.

"Get out. " I commanded looking at Masi, who's eyes widened at my tone.

"Do you want me to throw you out myself? " I asked with a straight face and she ran away in no time.

Then I looked at Angel who was frowning at me.

With a smile on my face, I cupped her cheek and she flinched but my grip was strong enough.

Leaning a bit more towards her, I heard her gulp.

"Stop taking risks for those who don't deserve it. " I whispered huskily near her ears and she shifted uncomfortably.

I stood apart from her and she looked at me with stone expressions. I walked towards the washroom after patting her cheek, leaving her standing there with her thoughts.

Sanyukta's pov.

"Stop taking risks for those who don't deserve it. " I was beyond  shocked when I heard him saying this, so he got to know that I was pretending to save Mumma. But now what? What will he do to Mumma?

He patted my cheek before heading towards the washroom and I held my hair in frustration.

"Damn! " I exclaimed and sat on the bed. I'm sure he won't leave Mumma, I'll have to do something, really soon or he won't leave her.

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