19. Better Plan

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Second update of this week❤

Thank me later 😉

Thank you so very much for this ❤

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Thank you so very much for this ❤

Randhir's pov.

I took her upstairs with me and by the time we reached our room, she was already asleep.

I carefully made her lie on the bed and covered her with the quilt. A smile came on my lips seeing her snuggling in the covers like a baby and at the same time I was envious of the quilt, she was so comfortably snuggling into it, I must be the only one she should be snuggling with, and nothing else.

Keeping my thoughts aside, I pecked her forehead and she stirred in her sleep.

"I'll be back, Angel. " I whispered in her ears and kissed her earlobe. She stirred again and a giggle escaped her mouth causing a smile to come on my lips. I still remember how she used to get ticklish whenever I kissed or blew air near her earlobe, that's her weak spot.

Smiling at her, I turned to leave but then a thought crossed my mind, she's sleeping with all the jewellery and heavy dress, she'll get uncomfortable. How can I be so stupid? I immediately looked at her to find her rubbing her neck near the necklace. She was uncomfortable.

I sat on the bed and removed all her jewellery one by one. Slowly, I completed my job and unpinned her hair, letting them fall freely.

She stirred again and I got up immediately. Thankfully she didn't wake up and I came out of the room in search of a female staff who can change her clothes. I could have done it myself but I need her concern first, I can't touch her like that without her concern.

Suddenly an idea came in my mind, causing me to smirk.

I went back to the room and took out my gun from the drawer. Holding it in my hand, I came out and headed towards Masi's room.

After knocking twice, she opened the door and jumped a bit in shock, seeing me. But her eyes widened when she saw the gun in my hand and I had to try harder to resist myself from smirking.

"Masi. " I called and she gulped.

"Actually, I need some help. " I said playing with the gun and she gulped again causing me to smirk.

"Wha-what is it? " She asked, her eyes never leaving the gun.

"Angel is asleep in those clothes and I thought she'll get uncomfortable, so I want you to change her clothes, will you? " I asked pointing the gun at her and her eyes widened.

"W-why not? But why are you pointing this at me? " She asked pointing at the gun.

"Oh, it wasn't intentional, I was just playing with it. " I lied faking a smile and she gulped before running towards my room.

This is getting funnier. I smirked at myself and left towards the living area, calling Sanket.

"Sir. " He reported.

"Where is Swara, I hope she's fine. " I asked sitting on the couch.

"Yes Sir, she's fine and she's staying in a hotel, without coming in notice of her own father. I think she ran away from there without informing him. " He estimated and I exhaled deeply.

I've seriously created a mess.

" If that's the case, then get her here. She'll come to Delhi with us. " I told him and he chipped an "Okay Sir. " before I disconnected the call.

If Swara has came without informing then my responsibilities are double, because she came to meet me. And what a welcome you've given her Randhir, amazing!

I'll have to make up for everything, I'll have to take care of her now.

Sighing I got up from the couch and headed towards my room as even I was tired. With all the things going on, my head was already a mess. I am happy, actually happiest but at the same time I am scared, knowing what he is capable of scares me. What if he actually tries to hurt her again? And what if I'm not able to protect her?

No this can never happen, I'll always protect her and now that she's my wife, nobody can dare to harm her. And keeping Swara with us can help, if I'll have his daughter, he'll never be able to even touch my wife. I know this is wrong, I shouldn't use Swara like this but then again, when it comes to my Angel, I don't really care what is right and what's wrong. What matters to me is her safety and if I can kill my own child for her, then what are these people.

The painful memory flashed in front of my eyes again and I took a deep breath.

I felt my eyes getting moist but I can't get weak, not at this critical situation. I need to be strong, I need strength and she's my strength my love, my peace, my solace, my life, my world, my every damn thing. She's the only one who matters to me and I can go to any length to protect her, even if it means hurting my other loved ones.

I can never let anything happen to her, I won't let anything happen to her, she'll be safe and sound, in my arms, forever. I'll not even let his shadow come near her. I'll protect her with my everything, even if that means caging her for her own good, I'll do everything.

On reaching the room, I was about to knock when I heard muffled voices. Leaning more to the door, I tried to listen clearly and heard Masi speaking.

"Don't worry Sanyukta, we still have tonight. We'll find a loophole and we'll escape. " Masi assured causing my jaw to clench. She seriously thinks she can take my Angel away from me?

"I don't know Mumma, I don't know. He's very powerful, even if we succeed in escaping, he'll eventually find us. Though he won't harm me but he won't spare you. " That's like my girl, she clearly knows the facts and unlike Masi, she is really smart.

"We can't lose hope already Sanyukta, we'll have to try and I don't care what happens to me, I just want you safe and happy. I want you free and I'm ready to risk my everything for your freedom. " I saw red at her words, she is trying to exasperate Angel against me, it's your last day Masi, good bye.

I was about to enter the room but stopped when Angel started speaking.

"I'm just being practical Mumma, he practically owns the country and even outside the country, he has people at his service. Mumma, he is not the Randhir Singh Shekhawat, we knew ten years back, who was just a Mafia, this one is literally a King of this country and you know it.

There's a difference between bravery and stupidity Mumma and what you are thinking is stupidity, not bravery. " She explained calmly and I took deep breaths to calm myself.

"So are you giving up already ? " Masi asked and I heard Angel sigh.

"Of course not Mumma, I just have a better plan. " Angel's words made my eyes widened.


Angel here has a plan, any guesses what is it?

Isn't it said that wounded tigers and tigress are more dangerous?

Don't forget she's an ex police officer after all, how can she give up this easily?

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I hope you liked the chapter.


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