50. Proof Of Love!

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Half century!!!!

3 weeks later.

Randhir Singh Shekhawat

"I missed you too. " I told her pecking her nose as she snaked her arms around my neck.

"But I am sure I missed you more. " She said pouting and I kissed her pout.

"No Mrs. Shekhawat, you are wrong, I have missed you more. " I told her and she shook her head.

" I did. " She said and I shook my head.

"No, I did. " I told her and narrowed her eyes before raising an eyebrow.

"Proof? " She asked causing me to frown.

"What proof? " I asked in confusion and she took a step back.

"Do you have any proof that you missed me more than I did? " She asked crossing her arms causing me to chuckle.

"Do you have a proof?" I asked smiling in amusement and she nodded slowly.

"What?" I asked in confusion and she looked nervous.

"Come with me. " She said holding my hand and led me towards our room.

"Sir water. " Before we could reach the stairs, a maid came with a glass of water.

"How dare you? " Sanyukta asked through her teeth causing me to frown.

"How many times do I have to tell you, not to interrupt when we are spending time together? Do you think I can't make him drink water? " She yelled and the maid looked really scared.

"Leave. " I told her and she dashed away while Sanyukta looked at me.

"I was talking Randhir. " She said with narrowed eyes.

"You were yelling and that too for no reason. " I told her softly cupping her face but she took a step back.

"Are you choosing her over me? " She asked causing me to frown.

"What? What are you saying Angel? " I asked in disbelief and she looked here and there, nodding.

"Yes, you are choosing her over me, you are choosing a maid over me! Great! And here I was waiting for you so eagerly to show you my gift. Amazing. Thank you Randhir! " She said with tears in her eyes and ran upstairs towards our room, leaving me confused.

I ran after her and before she could close the door of our room, I stopped her got in, closing the door behind me.

She turned away from me and I held her hand, which she jerked away sobbing.

"Angel, why are you crying? " I asked panicking and made her turn towards me.

"Oh! What happened? " I asked and she looked at me with glossy eyes.

"What happened? Seriously Randhir? You are asking me this? You chose a maid over me and you are asking me what happened? " She yelled crying and I held her arms.

She tried to wriggle but my grip was firm and soon she understood this and stopped wriggling.

"I couldn't even choose my baby over you Sanyukta Randhir Singh Shekhawat, how can you even think that I will choose a maid over you? " I asked maintaining an eye contact with her and she looked stunned.

"She was just offering me water which I had asked her to get before you came and you began yelling at her. I was just trying to calm you down, that's why I asked her to leave, not because I chose her over you, Woman! No one and I mean it, no one in this world can make me choose them over you because you are f**king everything to me. " I told her and she looked down calming a bit.

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