49. Will & Mary!

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11 more chapters are left after this.

What will I do after it ends?

I'm still not ready to let go of this!!


"Thank you Wifey. " I thanked her after she made me wear my clothes after the sponge bath.

"The pleasure was all mine. " She said with a wink leaving me amused. This is so not her but I'm loving it.

"Let's go to the garden, fresh air will help in your healing." She said and I gave her a nod.

I was able to walk properly now but was still restricted from using my left hand.

We reached the garden and sat on the swing together, with she resting her head on my shoulder.

"Angel. " I called her after some moments of silence and she hummed in response.

"Are you sure you are okay? I mean whatever you got to know yesterday, I know how bad that was, I know you were badly hurt but today... " I trailed off and she looked at me.

"Today I realized that I have you with me, the person who can even take a bullet for me, the person who loves me more than anyone ever can, the person who is my husband and my whole world.

Randhir we have suffered way too much because of others but not anymore. Now, it's just you who matters to me and I know I'm the only one who has ever mattered to you. I love you Randhir, only you and I won't let anyone or anything come between us now, never. " She said cupping my face and I felt a different kind of happiness. The kind, I've never ever felt before, blissful.

Looking at her eyes in this moment, I got all the peace, love and solace again, which she had once brought in my life and then took away with herself. Her eyes had a shine of truth and love, some kind of intensity that made me believe that now, it was only me for and nobody else mattered.

"I love you too Angel, you are that ray of light which removes all the darkness from my life and I promise to keep this ray protected and cherished, always. " I pecked her forehead and she smiled.

"And Baby, get well soon, I want to go to our honeymoon. " She expressed her wish causing me to grin.

"Really? " I asked and she nodded. Too much of happiness in just a few minutes, this is what she does to me.

"Now you see how fast I recover. " I told her and she chuckled.

"I want the same. " She said pecking my nose.

"Where do you want to go? " I asked and she thought for a while before answering .

"Paris. " She answered causing me to smile.

"Good choice, anyways I wanted to introduce you to William and Mary. " I told her and she frowned.

"William and Mary? "She asked and I gave her a nod.

"Yeah, William is a great friend and even better businessman and Mary is his wife." I told her.

"Why didn't you ever tell me about them?" She asked causing me to smile.

"I met Will nine years back, so never got the chance to tell you. Angel, we've stood up for each other in roughest phases of life, he is a good man and I really respect him. But more than anything, I'm extremely fond of them. They are around our age only and a lovely couple. And especially Mary, she reminds me of Caty all the time. A great friend who can scold you like an elder sister and also look up to you like the younger one. " I told her and she looked really happy.

"Now I really can't wait to meet them, just get well super soon. " She said causing me to chuckle.

"Tell me more about them. " She asked causing me to smile.

"Will makes sure that no one from there comes in between my business and I do the same, he's someone I can trust with my everything, even you because we have been for each other when no one else was there. Actually nine years back, I had went to Paris for a meeting and the hotel in which I was staying was hijacked.

Mary was there and the hijackers wanted to get her, since they were Will's enemies. She was pregnant and in need of help, so I saved her even when I didn't know that she was Will's wife.

When he got to know about it, he thanked me and since he loves Mary more than anything in this world, he became really grateful. And that's how we became friends. After that, he was always there whenever I needed him and vice versa. This empire that I've built has his contribution too and the same goes with his empire. " I told her everything and she smiled.

"Wow that's really nice." She said causing me to grin.

"And you know what, when three years back Alexander was born, I was there in Paris with Mary while Will was in New York for some work. The birth of Alexander is just another interesting story in itself. It was raining heavily and Mary went in labor, I can't tell you how scared I was, the doctor came very late and then the great Alexander Adrian Knight was born." I told her fondly and her eyes were moist.

"You saw a baby coming to life. " She whispered and I embraced her exhaling deeply.

"He's turning three years old next month, we can go then. Anyways Mary was inviting me. She'll be glad to meet you. " I told her pecking her forehead.

"We shall attend the birthday celebration. I just can't wait to meet them now. " She said and I gave her a nod.

"Is Mary really beautiful? " Angel asked after some minutes.

"Yeah, she's gorgeous and Adria used to look exactly like her. " I told her, playing with her hair.

"Adria? " She asked looking at me.

"Their first child, she was a beautiful kid but passed away at the age of four. Mary was traumatized, it took her two years to get out of that trauma, when Alexander came in her womb. " I told her and she looked down.

"I can understand her pain. " She whispered and I felt my heart aching.

"And I wasn't with you when you were suffering. " I mumbled and she looked at me.

"Why do you have to blame yourself for everything? It was hard, but I'm okay now. " She said hugging me.

"You had to go through so much all alone. " I said kissing the forehead.

"Can we not talk about the past anymore Randhir? Please, I want to forget all of it and move on and also. " She didn't complete her sentence.

"And also? " I asked and she looked at me in the eyes.

"And also, I want to be a mother soon. " She expressed her wish and I felt tears forming in my eyes.

"I want to be a father too and this time, I won't let anything happen to my child. " I told him and hugged me tightly.

"We won't let anything happen to our child. " She said and I kissed her forehead.


Abhi hugs hi,  tabyat kharab h na bechare ki.

Ek baar thik hone do, fir dekhna😂😂😂

Also, thank you once again for being a constant support, we've won because of our efforts ❤

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Khush hoon yaar bht aaj!


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